NOEL, James Henry
Frostburg, Md. Nov. 13. ~ The funeral of Mr. James H. Noel, who died very suddenly in Hyndman on Tuesday, took place here yesterday at 2 o'clock. The body of the deceased was brought here yesterday morning and taken to the home of his son, Mr. Wm. C. Noel, on Ormand street, at whose home the funeral services were held. The funeral was in charge of the Masons, of which order deceased was a member. Interment was made in the Allegany Cemetery.
Published Friday, November 13, 1908 in THE EVENING TIMES, Cumberland, Maryland on page 6, col. 6.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted December 18 2015
NOEL, James Henry
James H. Noel, whose death has been announced in these columns, was a native of Cornwall, England, but came to his country when sixteen years of age, first settling in Frostburg, later moving to Hyndman. He is survived by a widow and four sons, William of Frostburg; James of Midland; Gladstone, of Chicago; Digory and a daughter, Mary at home.
Published Saturday, November 14, 1908 in THE EVENING TIMES, Cumberland, Maryland on page 15, col. 5.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted December 18 2015
NOEL, John A.
Marlinton - John A. Noel, 66 years old, a Confederate veteran is dead near Dunmore, WV. He was a native of Highland Co, Va. and served on the bodyguard of Jefferson Davis. Surviving him are his widow, who is a daughter of Col. B. F. Jackson, of Rockingham Co., Va; seven sons and one daughter.
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 18, 2010
NOEL, Mrs. Julia Wagner
Death of Mrs. Julia Noel.
Mrs. Julia Noel, wife of James Noel, superintendent of the Hoblitzell fire-clay mines, died at her home at Williams Station Sunday evening, after a lingering illness. The funeral services were held in the Frostburg M. E. church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The pall-bearers were as follows: R. Stephens, Jacob Day, H. W. Ware and Edward Rogers.
Published Tuesday, June 9, 1891 in THE DAILY TIMES, Cumberland, Maryland on page 3, col. 1.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted December 18 2015
NOEL, Mrs. Julia Wagner
Julia, wife of James H. Noel, of Hyndman, Pa., and formally of this place, died at her home Sunday of consumption. The corpse was brought her last evening for interment, and was buried today in the Allegany cemetery. The deceased has a brother and sister who reside here.
Published Friday, June 12, 1891 in THE CIVILIAN, Cumberland, Maryland on page 8, col. 2.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted December 18 2015
NOEL, Mrs. Julia Wagner
Mrs. Julia Noel, wife of James H. Noel, superintendent of the fire clay mines of the Hoblitzell fire brick works, died at her home, Williams' Station, Pa., Sunday evening, June 7, 1891, after a long illness. The funeral and interment took place here Tuesday. Mrs. Noel was the daughter of Mrs. Julia Wagner, of this place. She was a most excellent christian lady.
Published Saturday, June 13, 1891 in the Mining Journal, Frostburg, Maryland on page 3, col. 1.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted December 18 2015
NOEL, Mrs. Mary Beltz, nee Winebrenner
Mary Beltz Noel of 710 6th Ave., died at 8:10 p.m. yesterday, Dec. 26, 1971, in Altoona Hospital. She was born July 18, 1890, in Mount Savage, Md., a daughter of (Henry) Stewart and Mary (Winebrenner) Winebrenner, and was twice married, first to William Beltz, who died in 1924, and then to Frank Noel. Surviving are her husband, three sons, James and Edgar Beltz of Altoona and Charles Beltz of Brookes Mills; 15 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Rullie Krabenhoffer, and a brother, George, of Mount Savage. Friends will be received in the Johnson Funeral Home, Bellwood, today and tomorrow.
The Altoona Mirror, December 27, 1971
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 15, 2022
NOGY, James
Yesterday considerable excitement was created by discovery of a dead body in the North Branch by B&O trainmen. As the river is Maryland property, the authorities of that state took charge, and the following "special" to this paper from Westernport tells all. The body of James Nogy, 55 years old, a Hungarian who had been employed at the mill of the W. Va. Pulp and Paper Co., at Luke, was found in the Potomac River lodged against a barrel, between Keyser and Piedmont, Thursday. Coroner William H. Shaw came up from Cumberland and had the body removed to the Fredlock undertaking establishment. No marks of violence were found. The man had been missing for four weeks. He drew his pay and a certificate of deposit showed he had over $40 in a New York bank, while over $6 was found in his clothes. It is supposed he fell into the river while intoxicated.
Mineral Daily News, May 16, 1913
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted September 11, 2010
NOLAN, Daniel A.
LONACONING “Daniel A. Nolan, 68, died this morning at his home on St. Mary's Terrace after a lingering illness. A lifelong resident of Lonaconing, he was the son of the late Daniel and Catherine (Naughton) Nolan. A former miner, he was a past president of the United Mine Workers Local here. He had been employed at the Kelly-Springfield Tire Company and at one time served as the president of the United Ruber Workers Local No. 26. His last employment was at the Queen City Hotel, Cumberland. He was a member of St. Mary's Church here and the Holy Name Society. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary (Bailey) Nolan; two sons, John Nolan, Frostburg, and Vincent Nolan, this city; four daughters, Mrs. Frank Valentine, Baltimore, and Mrs. John Crowe, Mrs. James Dick, and Mrs. Melvin Merrbach, all of here; a brother, William Nolan, Denver; a sister, Mrs. Ada Coleman, Denver; a granddaughter, Miss Phyllis Valentine, Baltimore, who was raised by Mr. and Mrs. Nolan; nine other grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.”
“The Cumberland Times” Cumberland, Maryland 14 Feb 1949
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAN, Dennis
Bureau Evening Times. Lonaconing, Jan. 6
Mr. Dennis Nolan, whose illness was noted in yesterday's Times, died yesterday morning at 3 a.m. Mr. Nolan was 17 years old. The deceased had been ill for some time suffering from pneumonia, typhoid fever, and an abscess on the brain, which caused his death. He was a member of the F. M. T A B. Society, and was noted for his exemplary life. The sympathy of the community is extended to his bereaved parents and relatives.
Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., January 6, 1905 - pg 2, col 2
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted April 21, 2011
NOLAN, Dennis
"Crushed Under Fall of Coal- Dennis Nolan Meets With a Fatal Accident- CAUSE OF FALL A MYSTERY- Place of Working Considered Perfectly Safe-
Bureau of the Evening Times. Lonaconing, Md., Sept. 20. The life was crushed out of Dennis Nolan, and his father, brother and cousin escaped death by a hand's breadth in Ocean No. 1 mine yesterday afternoon. The four Nolans - experienced miners all - were working in a cross cut, pillaring. Dennis and his brother Martin were working side by side, their father and cousin, Daniel Nolan, of Lonaconing, were only a few steps away, when as quickly as a flash of lightening the roof and the breast came away, burying Dennis under at least two tons of coals and rock. How his brother Martin escaped, no one knows, nor can he, himself, explain it. Dennis was killed instantly, and no on can tell how it happened, for the roof was thoroughly well propped and the miners say that such an accident has never happened before within their experience. The roof and breast coal came away together. Dennis Nolan was born in Lonaconing 28 years ago, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nolan. The family moved from Lonaconing to Midland about four years ago. The oldest son of the family is Father Joseph Nolan, of Frostburg. Deceased is survived by his parents and two brothers and five sisters: Mrs. Michael Burns, Mrs. ? McDermott, Annie, Ellen and Loretta Nolan, all of Midland. Miss Annie is a school teacher and Ellen and Loretta are mere children. The unfortunate young man was a member in good standing of the temperance society attached to St. Joseph's Church, and was also a member of the A.O.H. "Denny", as he was called by his friends, was an expert coal miner, as are the three men who worked with him, and they left nothing undone to make their place perfectly secure and they firmly believe that an accident was impossible in that place. The unexpected happened, however, and Dennis Nolan, one of the soberest, industrious and respected young men of Midland was sent into eternal presence of his father...(unreadable)...Daniel Nolan, of Lonaconing: "...worked in a place that as that did when I went...this morning. It was my first day in that place, and I can't understand how that coal came away." Mr. Nolan's body was brought home by his three "buttys" and a heartbreaking sight it was, the gray-haired father bringing home his dead boy, and the brother going ahead to "break the news" to the poor mother. If Daniel and Michael Nolan had not stepped out of the "breast" they, undoubtedly, would have been killed also."
"The Cumberland Times" Cumberland, Maryland 20 Sep 1907
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 19, 2009
NOLAN, Dennis
"The Funeral Of Dennis Nolan-
Dennis Nolan, who was killed in Ocean Mine yesterday, will be buried from St. Joseph's Church, Midland, at 9:30 O'clock tomorrow morning. Interment in St. Mary's Catholic cemetery, Lonaconing."
"The Cumberland Times" Cumberland, Maryland 20 Sep 1907
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 19, 2009
NOLAN, Dennis
"Funeral of Dennis Nolan-It was a long procession that followed the remains of Dennis Nolan to their last resting place in St. Mary's cemetery, Lonaconing, this morning. A requiem mass was sung by the brother of the deceased, Rev. Joseph Nolan, of Frostburg, assisted by the choir of St. Michael's church, Frostburg, and Division 5, Ancient Order of Hibernians, and the Father Matthew Temperance Society of Midland, turned out with full ranks and there was a long string of carriages. The funeral took the C & P train arriving in Lonaconing at 11:15. Carriages and a hearse were in waiting at the depot and the funeral procession proceeded to St. Mary's cemetery where all that was mortal of Dennis Nolan was laid beside his brother, James, who died ten years ago. Those who attended the funeral from here were: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nolan, Mrs. Downey, Mrs. John Marley, Martin and Peter Nolan, Mary Nolan, Mrs. Margaret Donahoe, Mrs. Henry Devlin, John A. Martin and wife, Daniel Nolan and many others."
"Evening Times" Cumberland, Maryland, Sat 21 Sep 1907
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAND, Donald Clark, Jr.
FORT ASHBY, W.Va. - Donald Clark Noland Jr., 41, of Fort Ashby, died Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1993 as a result of an auto accident on Route 46. Born Nov. 8, 1951 in Cumberland, he was the son of Laura Mae (Bailey) Noland of Oldtown and the late Donald Clark Noland Sr. He was also preceded in death by his first wife, Bonnie (Abe) Noland. Mr. Noland was employed at the Automated Packaging Company in Keyser, W.Va. He was a member of the Mason Dixon Street Rod Association, the Cumberland Moose, the National Rifle Association and the Fort Ashby VFW. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Catherine E. Noland; one son, Donald Clark Noland III, at home; two daughters, Michelle Dawn Noland and Angela Brooke Parsons, both at home; one brother, Clyde Noland, Oldtown; three sisters, Janice Herrell, Paw Paw, W.Va.; Ruth Long, Oldtown, and Patty Self, Westminster. Friends will be received at the Scarpelli Funeral Home, Virginia Avenue, on Thursday and Friday. Services will be conducted there Saturday at 11 a.m by Mr. James A. Gattone and Mr. Harry Lee. Interment will be at the Fort Ashby Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Eddie Parker, Herb Ray, Bob Morgret, Davey Hayes, Tommy Delawder and Greg Abe.
Published in The Cumberland (Md.) Times-News, Thursday, September 30, 1993
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted May 6, 2017
NOLAN, Mrs. Ellen Agnes Durkin
"Frostburg-D. Hugh Nolan, 92 Bowery Street, received word last night of the death of his mother, Mrs. Ellen Agnes (Durkin) Nolan, 83, widow of Michael J. Nolan, who resided with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Crowl, Hyattsville, Md., the past five years. She became ill three weeks ago and was taken to Prince George General Hospital, Cheverly, last Friday. A native of Eckhart Mines, she is also survived by two other sons, John J. Nolan, Mt. Savage and Lawrence A. Nolan, Frostburg; a sister, Mrs. Patrick F. Drum, Eckhart; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. The body arrived here this morning and was taken to the home of her son, D. Hugh Nolan. a requiem mass will be celebrated Friday at 9:30 a.m. in St. Michael's Catholic Church, of which she was a member. Interment will take place in the church cemetery."
"The Cumberland Times" Cumberland, Maryland, Wed 12 Jan 1949
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted August 19, 2010
NOLAN, Mrs. Elizabeth Downey
"Lonaconing-Mrs. Elizabeth Downey Nolan, 84, widow of Daniel M. Nolan, died at the home of her son, James C. Nolan, East Main street, yesterday from pneumonia. She was a daughter of the late Edward and Jane Downey and was born in England, coming to America when 11. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church and Sodality Blessed Virgin Mary. Surviving also are two daughters, Mrs. Mary Picciani, High street, and Mrs. Joseph J. Connor, Akron, Ohio; 14 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. Funeral services will take place tomorrow at St. Mary's Church with burial in St. Mary's Cemetery."
"The Cumberland Times" Cumberland, Maryland, Tue 20 Apr 1943
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted August 19, 2010
NOLAN, Miss Genevieve
Midland, Md - Oct 13 - Miss Genevieve Nolan, the nine year old daughter of James Nolan of Upper Ocean, died Thursday night at 10 o'clock at her home after a short illness with diphtheria. The deceased was a pupil of St Joseph's Catholic church and is survived by her parents, Mr and Mrs James Nolan and the following brothers and sisters: Jim, Daniel, Agnes, Annie and Mary, all of Midland. Interment will be made this afternoon in St Joseph's cemetery.
Cumberland Alleganian; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Saturday, October 13, 1906 - pg 11, col 3
Find A Grave Memorial# 148237412
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted June 27, 2015
NOLAN, Mrs. Helen "Ellen" Elizabeth Kirby
A requiem mass for Mrs Ellen Nolan, 83, former resident who died in Cleveland, Ohio, will be celebrated tomorrow at 10 a.m. at St Patrick's Catholic Church. Interment will be in Sunset Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be: John Loibel, Jr, Paul J Stakem, Steven Hornick, Frank Florentine, Leo J Seibert and DeSales McDade. The body is at the Stein Funeral Home.
Cumberland News; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Tuesday, August 22, 1967 - pg 8, col 8
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted December 29, 2012
NOLAN, James E.
Midland, Md - Feb 10 - James E. Nolan, aged 39 years, died at the Allegany Hospital, Cumberland yesterday from blood poisoning in his foot. He entered the hospital Monday morning at 8 o'clock for an operation, but succumbed three hours later. Mr. Nolan underwent an operation three years ago when four toes of the affected foot were amputated. Besides his wife, he is survived by three children—Genevieve, Margaret and Virginia: four sisters. Mrs. May James, Hammond, Ind.; Mrs. Florence Fox, Gary, Ind.; Mrs. Anna Carney, Mrs. John Canning, Frostburg, and one brother, John Nolan.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Tuesday, February 10, 1925 - pg 9, col 2
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted January 23, 2011
NOLAN, Mrs. Johanna 'Hannah" Collins
Death of Mrs. Nolan.
Mrs. Peter Nolan, aged 72, died last night at 9 o'clock at her home in Detmold. Her husband died but two weeks ago. She was a native of Ireland and lived in this country the greater part of her life, living in Lonaconing about 50 years. She is survived by two sons and five daughters. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - January 17, 1912 - pg 8, col 5
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted June 30, 2010
NOLAN, Rev. Joseph P.
"Frostburg. Jan. 7. The body of Rev. Joseph P. Nolan, rector of St. Michael's Catholic Church for nine years, was taken to the church Monday afternoon from the rectory with children as a guard of honor. The procession was led by the crossbearer and the altar boys, carrying lighted candles, followed by the clergy, the Rev. Joseph A. Weber, assistant pastor; the Rev. Father Boniface, O. M. Cap.; Rev. Father Alban, O. M. Cap.; Rev. Father Leander, O. M. Cap., of the SS. Peter and Paul Monastery. Cumberland. These priests received the body at the church and recited the prayer "Miserere" and the children of the choir sang the "Miserere." The recitation of the Rosary and the litany followed. The pallbearers who served Monday were: Joseph McGarin, Herman Bauer, Leo Delaney, Charles Clark, Joseph Struntz. John Jackson, Francis Pfaff and John Robinson."
Evening Times, Cumberland, Maryland, 7 Jan 1936
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted August 11, 2011
NOLAN, Lawrence A.
"Frostburg-Lawrence A. "Jeff" Nolan, 73, formerly of Beall Street, died yesterday. A native of Lonaconing, he was the son of the late Michael and Ellen (Durkin) Nolan. A retired coal miner, he was formerly employed by Engineering and Research of Riverdale. He was a member of St. Michael's Catholic Church. Surviving is one sister, Mrs. Mary Crowl, Silver Spring, and three nephews and a niece. Mass of the resurrection will be celebrated tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at St. Michael's Church. Interment will be in the parish cemetery."
"The Cumberland News" Cumberland, Maryland, Wed 19 Jul 1972
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted August 19, 2010
NOLAN, Martin A.
Lonaconing - Martin A Nolan, 73, died this morning in the Allegany Infirmary, Cumberland. A son of the late Michael and Anna (O'Reilly) Nolan, he was a brother of the late Rev Joseph Nolan, who at one time was pastor of St Michael's Catholic Church, Frostburg. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs Jack Clark, Frostburg and Mrs Anthony J Houck, Cumberland. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home, Frostburg, where friends will be received tomorrow and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A requiem mass will be celebrated Monday at 9:30 a.m. at St Michael's Church and interment will be in St Mary's Cemetery here.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Friday, June 20, 1958 - pg 11, col 5
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted December 29, 2012
NOLAN, Martin Joseph
Martin Joseph Nolan; unmarried, died at 9:16 a. m, at the home which he, occupied with his sister, Miss Mary Nolan on Allegany street. Death was due to miner's asthma and a bronchial condition, from which he had suffered tor several months. Mr. Nolan was a son of the late Peter and Johanna Nolan. He is survived by one brother, Daniel M., and by six sisters, Mrs. Ella Burns, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs, William Gilmer, Cumberland, Mrs. John Bahen and Mrs. Will Lyons, Frostburg and another sister in a Sisters of Mercy convent in Washington, D. C. He was a member of tho Holy Name Society of St Mary's church.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - Friday, May 15, 1931 - pg 9, col 6
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted June 30, 2010
NOLAN, Martin Joseph
Services for Mr. Nolan, who died Friday morning at the home of his sister, Miss Mary Nolan, Allegany street, were held from St. Mary's Catholic Church, with the Rev. Patrick J. Bradley, rector, assisted by the Rev. Joseph P. Nolan, rector of St. Michaels Church, Frostburg, who preached the sermon. High requiem mass was said. The services were largely attended. Among those attending were: Mrs. Ella B. Burns, Peter O'Connor, Frederick McChesney and daughter, Margaret Mary; Mrs. Elizabeth McChesney, Mr. and Mrs. William Bauers and family, Joseph Stack, McKees Rock, Pa.; Mrs. Frederick G McChesney, Harrisburg, Pa, Frank O'Connell, Jeannette, John Connor, Mr. and Mrs. William Gellner, Clarissa Gellner, Mr. and Mrs Edward Coyle, Mrs and Mrs A Smith, Miss Mollie Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner, Miss Olie Hayes, James McClelland, Mrs. Edith Carey, Mrs. Charles McDade, Mrs. Joseph Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Campbell, Daniel Collins, all of Mt. Savage; Thomas Collins, Mrs. L. Carey, and Anastasia Faherty and Mrs Sullivan, Westernport; Mr. Mrs. William Lyons and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Bahen and family, Mrs. Loretta Lyons, and Mrs. Brady, Joseph Footen, John Canning and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. Hughes. Frostburg; Mrs. Annie Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Stakem, Mr.and Mrs. John McGowan and Patrick Cavanaugh, Midland, and Miss Nell Martin and Daniel Martin, Pekin. The pallbearers were John Byrnes, John Barry, Sullivan Atkinson, Terrence Woods, Thomas Keating, and John Cosgrove. Interment was in St. Mary's cemetery.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - Tuesday, May 19, 1931 - pg 14, col 4
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted June 30, 2010
NOLAN, Mrs. Mary Kelly
“A requiem mass will be held tomorrow in St. William's Catholic Church, Pittsburgh, for Mrs. Mary (Kelly) Nolan, 88, widow of Patrick Nolan, who died yesterday morning, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Hiner, East Pittsburgh. Born in Nova Scotia, Mrs. Nolan came to Lonaconing with her parents when she was a young girl, and made her home here 40 years. Her husband died in 1941. After his death, Mrs. Nolan made her home in Mount Savage, with a son, Joseph Nolan, and moved to East Pittsburgh a year ago. While in Lonaconing, she was a member of the sodality of St. Mary's Catholic Church. She became a member of the sodality of St. William's Catholic Church, East Pittsburgh after going to live at her daughter's home there. Besides her daughter and son, Mrs. Nolan is survived by three other daughters, Mrs. Helen Ross and Mrs. Bridget Hook, both of East Pittsburgh, and another married daughter, Stella, Detroit, Mich.;and one other son, Patrick Nolan, Lonaconing, who has gone to attend services. Thirty-three grandchildren also survive.”
“The Cumberland Evening Times” Cumberland, Maryland 30 Nov 1945
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAN, Miss Mary A.
LONACONING “Miss Mary A. Nolan, 82, died yesterday in Allegany County Infirmary, Cumberland. A daughter of the late Peter and Johanna (Collins) Nolan, she was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Ella Burns, Lonaconing, and Mrs. Annie Baker, Frostburg. The body is at the Eichorn Funeral Home. A requiem mass will be celebrated Wednesday at 9 a.m. in St. Mary's Church by Rev. Charles W. Bogan, pastor. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.”
“The Cumberland Times” Cumberland, Maryland 22 Nov 1954
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAN, Mrs. Mary A. Rowan
"Mass of the Christian Burial was celebrated Thursday in St. Mary's Church in Lonaconing for Mrs. Mary A. Nolan, 93, Island Street, Lonaconing, who died Monday in the Frostburg Nursing Home. Burial was in the church cemetery. Born in Lonaconing, she was the daughter of the late Patrick A. Rowan and Monica (Connelly) Rowan. She was preceded in death by her husband, Patrick Nolan. She was a member of the Good Will Fire Company and the Frostburg Moose Auxiliaries, The Royal Neighbors, St. Mary's Church and Sodality and was a charter member of the Lonaconing American Legion and VFW. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Bernadette Smith, Gilmore; Mrs. Delores Miller and Mrs. Helen Coleen Rowan, both of Lonaconing, six sons, Joseph A. Nolan, Frostburg, John G. Nolan, Luke, Edward E. Nolan, LaVale, Paul E. Nolan, Francis L. Nolan and William R. Nolan, all of Lonaconing, 14 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren."
The Herald, Piedmont, West Virginia, Tue 14 Aug 1979
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted June 30, 2012
NOLAN, Mary C. Bayley
LONACONING- “Mrs. Mary C. Nolan, 87, of St. Mary's Terrace, died yesterday at her residence. A native of Cleveland, she was a daughter of the late Samuel and Anna (Driscoll) Bayley. Her husband, Daniel Nolan, preceded her in death. Mrs. Nolan was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church and a member of the Sodality of the church. She was a charter member of the Lonaconing Homemakers Club and a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Goodwill Volunteer Fire Company. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Catherine Valentine, Baltimore Mrs. John Crow and Mrs. Evelyn Dick, both of Lonaconing; and Mrs. Frances McKenzie, at home; two sons, John Nolan, Frostburg, and Vincent Nolan, Baltimore; 19 grandchildren, including Mrs. Phyllis Blake, of Baltimore; 29 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. The body is at the Eichorn Funeral Home where the family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church and interment will be in the parish cemetery. Pallbearers will be grandsons of Mrs. Nolan. The rosary will be recited at the funeral home today at 7:30 p.m.”
“The Cumberland Times” Cumberland, Maryland 28 Jan 1970
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAN, Sister Mary Clarissa
Lonaconing, Md., March 16. - Funeral services were held Thursday morning for Sister Mary Clarissa, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nolan of this place, burial being in St. Xavier's Cemetery, Beatty, Pa. Sister Clarissa, who had been a nun thirty-three years, died at Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Monday evening, following an illness of several days. Among those who attended the funeral were her five sisters, Miss Mary A. Nolan, 8 Allegany street, Lonaconing; Mrs. John Bahen and Mrs. William Lyons, Frostburg; Mrs. William Gellner, Cumberland, and Mrs. Ella E. Burns, McKee's Rocks, Pa., and nieces, Mrs. Frederick McChesney, Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Matthew Campbell, Mount Savage, Md.
Sunday March 17, 1935; Cumberland (MD) Sunday Times
Posted August 17, 2019
NOLAN, Michael J.
Frostburg, Sept 16 “Michael J. Nolan, 71, was found dead in bed yesterday afternoon by his wife, the former Miss Ellen Durkin, who went to his room to call him. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Surviving also are four children, John J. Nolan, Mt. Savage; Lawrence C. and Mary C. Nolan, at home and D. Hugh Nolan, Frostburg. He was a brother of Martin Nolan, Pennsylvania; William Nolan, Mrs. Stella Harris and Gertrude Coleman, Colorado; Daniel A. Nolan, Lonaconing, and Mrs. Catherine McKenzie, Nikep, Md. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. from St. Michael's Catholic Church, with interment in the parish cemetery.”
“The Cumberland Times” Cumberland, Maryland 16 Sept 1937
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAN, Patrick A.
Mt. Savage, Nov. 10 “Patrick A. Nolan, 84, died Friday evening at the home of relatives in Turtle Creek, Pa. Mr. Nolan was a native of Lonaconing and lived in the George's creek section until recent years. He was a retired coal miner. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Nolan, who resides here; four daughters, Mrs. John Gross and Mrs. Robert Ross. Turtle Creek; Mrs. Robert Hiner, Pittsburgh, and Mrs. George McCain, Detroit; two sons, Patrick Nolan, Lonaconing, and Joseph Nolan, Mt. Savage; 31 grandchildren and 37 great grandchildren. Funeral services were held this morning at St. Colman's Church, Turtle Creek. Mrs. Nolan, Joseph Nolan and sons, Joseph and William, attended.”
“The Cumberland Times” Cumberland, Maryland 10 Nov 1941
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAN, Patrick A.
LONACONING—“Patrick A. Nolan, 91, of Island Street, died yesterday at Cumberland Nursing Home. Born in Ocean, he was a son of the late Patrick and Mary Ann (Kelly) Nolan. Mr. Nolan was a retired miner and past president of UMW Local 2835, and a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church, the Holy Name Society and Lonaconing Democratic Club. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary A. (Rowan) Nolan, three daughters, Mrs. Bernadette Smith, Gilmore; Mrs. Delores Miller, Mrs. Coleen Rowan, here; six sons, Joseph Nolan, Frostburg; John, Luke; Edward, Cumberland; Paul, Francis L. and William R. Nolan, here; 14 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. The body is at the Eichorn Funeral Home, where friends will be received from 7 until 9 p.m. today and from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. tomorrow. The rosary will be recited tomorrow at 8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Friday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Church. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Pallbearers, all grandsons, will be Edward L. Nolan, Raymond P. Miller, Timothy J. Miller, Paul C. Nolan Jr., William Nolan, Patrick S. Nolan, Michael Nolan, Timothy Rowan, Joseph A. Rowan III, Robert Goodwin and Michael Goodwin.”
“The Cumberland Times” Cumberland, Maryland 23 Nov 1976
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted July 10, 2009
NOLAN, Peter
At the funeral of Peter Nolan last Saturday the pallbearers were: John Danahey, Charles Crow. William Price Miller, Thomas Keating, John Cummlngs, James Carroll, Myles Byrnes, and James J. Rowan.
Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - December 26, 1911 - pg 7, col 5
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted June 30, 2010
NOLAN, Mrs. Rose
Frostburg, Md., Aug. 8.—Mrs. Jas. Nolan, Grahamtown, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. John Cannady, Monday evening at 7 o'clock, following an illness of one day. She is survived by two sons, James and Daniel of Ocean, Md and four daughters, Mrs Flora Parks and Mrs Annie Carney of Gary, Ind, Mrs May James, Kentucky and Mrs. John Cannady(Canning). Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from St. Michael's Catholic Church, with interment in the church cemetery. (St Joseph's cemetery record shows her burial)
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - August 8, 1923 - pg 14, col 2
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted June 30, 2010
NOLTE, Mrs. Mary Jane McPheleny
Mrs. Mary Jane Nolte, widow of Herman A. Nolte, died suddenlly Sunday night at the home of Miss Matilda S. Ruppenkamp, 511 East Oldtown road, where she had been residing. She was 78. Mrs. Nolte was born in South Carolina. She was a daughter of the late Hugh and Mary McPheleny. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church. Surviving is a niece, Mrs. Anna Kirk Read, of Cumberland.
Tuesday, September 19, 1939; The Cumberland News (Cumberland, MD)
Posted September 15, 2018
NOON, Mrs. Mary
Piedmont W Va. Aug 10 - Mrs Mary Noon, mother of Miss Bridget Noon and Mr Peter Noon of Cumberland, died Saturday afternoon at the residence of her son, John Kirk, in Westernport.
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 18, 2010
NOONAN, Mrs. Adelle O'Connor
MT. SAVAGE - Mrs. Adelle Noonan, widow of John Noonan, died yesterday at her home here after an illness of 14 months. She was born in Mt. Savage, the daughter of the late Patrick and Jane (Stephens) O'Connor. She was a member, of St. Patrick's Catholic. Church here and the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary of that church. Mrs. Noonan is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Paul II. Garlitz, at home; two sisters, Misses Jane and Loretto, O'Connor, Mt. Savage; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The body is at the residence. A requiem mass will be celebrated Tuesday at 9 a. m. in St. Patrick's Church with burial in the church cemetery.
Cumberland Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Sunday, October 23, 1955 - pg 18, col 5
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted July 6, 2013
NOONAN, Mrs. Alice Regina McNamee
Mrs. Alice Noonan, 80, Nicholas Drive, Laurel, died Thursday at Fort Meade Hospital. Born in Mt. Savage, she was a daughter of the late Francis and Mary (Monahan) McNamee and was the widow of Joseph Noonan. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. James T. O'Rourke, Laurel, with whom she resided; six grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Requiem mass will be celebrated Monday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Patrick's Catholic Church Mt. Savage. Interment will be in the parish cemetery. The body is at the Stein Funeral Home where friends will be received from 7 until 9 p.m today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Saturday, August 20, 1966 - pg 2, col 5
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted March 10, 2012
NOONAN, Mrs. Ann Malloy
Mt Savage, Mon, Feb 20 - The funeral of Mrs. Ann Noonan, 73, widow of William Noonan, who died Wednesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Michael Fannon, was held Saturday from St Patrick's Catholic church with a requiem high mass. The Rev Francis J Egan, pastor, officiated. Interment was in St Patrick's cemetery. The pallbearers and flower bearers, nephews, were: DeSales McDermitt, John Malloy, Wilbert Logsdon, Rockwell Grahame, Edward Malloy, Lawrence Malloy, Vincent Noonan, Francis Malloy and Francis Noonan. Among those attending were: Mrs William Dull and son, Rockwell; Mr and Mrs Ray Metzerat; Mrs and Mrs John Eisley, Connellsville, Pa; Mr and Mrs Jerry Reeves and sons, Charles and Jimmy and daughter, Mary Theresa, Pittsburgh; Mr and Mrs Henry Mullaney, Mrs William B Dyche, Miss Betty Grahame, Miss Ellen Noonan, Mrs Vincent Noonan, Cumberland; Mr and Mrs Fay Keiser and children, LaValle; Patrick Monahan and son, Paul, Mrs Melvin Stapleton, Mr and Mrs John A Miller, Miss Elizabeth Logsdon, Frostburg; Leo Daugherty, Ridgeley; Mrs Anna Laughlin, Mrs Clara Herbert and daughter, Mr Henry Miller, Westernport; Mr and Mrs Patrick Conray and daughter, Margaret and Mr and Robert Dawson, Barton
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Monday, February 20, 1939 - pg 3, col 4
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted September 13, 2014

Catherine Agnes Porter Noonan
28 February 1952
(Courtesy of Theresa Swanson)
Posted March 17, 2012
NOONAN, Mrs. Catherine Agnes Porter
Mt. Savage - Mrs. Catherine (Porter) Noonan, 72, died at her home on Main Street yesterday. She was a daughter of the late Jacob and Mary Porter. She was born here and had been a life-long resident. She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church, and also belonged to the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Surviving, besides her widower, Charles Noonan, is a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Madden, Connellsville, Pa.
Friday, 29 February 1952; Cumberland (MD) Evening Times
Posted January 4, 2020
NOONAN, Charles H.
Mt. Savage 0 Charles H. Noonan, 77, well-known local barber, died at Sacred Heart Hospital yesterday where he was admitted September 22. He was a son of the late James and Ellen Noonan and married the late Katherine (Porter) Noonan. He was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church here and Holy Name Society. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Mary Miller, Ridgeley, Sister Mary Edward, Ursuline Sisters, Louisville, Ky.; a brother, Joseph Noonan, here; and a number of nieces and nephews. The body will remain at the Durst Funeral Home Frostburg until tomorrow at 5 p.m. when it will be taken to the home of his brother where the rosary will be recited tomorrow evening by the Holy Name Society. A requiem mass will be celebrated Thursday at 9 a.m. in St. Patrick's Church with interment in the parish cemetery.
Tuesday, October 13, 1953; Cumberland (MD) News
Posted June 7, 2020
NOONAN, James (also William McAuliffe)
On the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Near Washington, Pa, Wrecks Fast Passenger Train Killing Connellsville Engineer and His Fireman and Injuring 20 Others
The Funeral of Engineer Noonan
The Cannon Ball Express on the Wheeling Division of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ran into an open switch at Washington, Pa on last Friday morning and was precipitated over a trestle, killing two trainman and injuring twenty passengers (abridged). James Noonan, the engineer, and William McAuliffe, the fireman, were both caught under the engine. McAuliffe was gotten out but died shortly afterward. Noonan was horribly crushed, his death having been instantaneous. (abridged) Had it not been for the presence of mind of James Noon, the unfortunate engineer, the wreck would have been worse. The instant the pony wheels of the engine turned into the switch, he reversed the engine and put on the air. "Jimmy" as he was familiarly called was a Connellsville boy. (abridged) His remains were brought to this place on Saturday and were taken to the residence of his mother. The funeral services were conducted from the Catholic Church on Sunday afternoon. (abridged) He was 33 years of age and leaves a sister, three brothers, mother, wife and three children. His wife was Miss Carrie Shively(sic-Schaible) whose parents reside here. Jimmy's home was in Glenwood, where he had resided for several years.
Connellsville Courier; Connellsville, Fayette Co, Pa., Friday, October 26, 1888 - pg 1, col 3
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted November 16, 2013
24 Mar 1890 James Noonan of the Union Mining Co, Mt Savage, died this morning of pneumonia. He was the brother of Thomas Noonan of Cumberland. He was in his 58th year and leaves a wife and 6 children. - Excerpts from
The Cumberland Times; 24 Mar 1890; transcribed by Charles Often - 1890
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted September 11, 2015
Rites For John T. Noonan
Mt. Savage, Md., April 20,—The funeral of John T. Noonan, 71, who died Wednesday, were held Saturday morning from St. Patrick's Catholic church. The Rev. Ronald J. Fannon. assistant pastor at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Washington, was the celebrant of the requiem high Mass. The Rev. Joseph Curran, pastor of St. Clements church, Rosedale, and the Rev. Robert Kilgannon, pastor of St. Anthony's church, Ridgeley, were in the sanctuary. Interment, was in St. Patrick's Cemetery. The pallbearers were Angus McAtee, Francis Monahan, Edward Blake, Edward Conway, John Uhl and Michael Fannon. Attending the funeral were: Mrs. Mary Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dougherty and daughters. Patricia and Jane,. Ridqeley, W. Va.; Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. O'Connor and Edward Ferran, Portage. Pa.; Mrs. Mollie Noonan, Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Noonan, Francis Noonan, Miss Ellen Noonan, Michael Cunningham, Miss Jennie Mattingly and John Mattingly, Cumberland; Casper Williamson, Frostburg; Henry Miller, Mrs. Clara Herbert and Miss Anna Laughlin, Westernport; and Mrs. Josephine Merrbaugh, Ocean.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Monday, April 20, 1941 - pg 9, col 5
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted September 11, 2015
NOONAN, Michael
Michael Noonan, 59, former resident of Connellsville died Saturday at his home in McKees Rocks, Pa. He was born at Cumberland and had resided at McKees Rocks a number of years. He was married to Miss Anna Buttermore, daughter of Mrs Lee Buttermore of Connellsville. Besides his widow, he is survived by three daughters: Mrs Ethel Cavanaugh, Mrs Bess Rensdorf and Mrs Sara Marie Eckles; one sister, Mrs John Carlin, all of Pittsburgh. The funeral will be held this morning from St Francis De Sales Church at McKees Rocks.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Tuesday, April 17, 1923 - pg 9, col 3
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted November 9, 2013
NOONAN, Michael Edward
Funeral of Michael E Noonan
Funeral services for Michael E Noonan, 40 years old, of Blaine, W. Va, who died yesterday at the Western Maryland Hospital, will be held at St Vincent's Catholic church, Elk Garden, Friday morning. Burial will be in St Vincent's cemetery. Following his death yesterday, the body of Mr Noonan was taken to the home of his brother, J W Noonan, 437 Chestnut St and tomorrow it will be sent to the home of George Thomas, his brother-in-law at Elk Garden, where Mr Noonan formerly lived and where he had a large circle of friends. He is survived by his wife and a daughter, seven years old. Two sisters, Mrs J ? Summers, of Cumberland and Mrs J M Seaman of Blaine and two brothers, J W Noonan of Cumberland and Albert Noonan of Eckhart also survive.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Wednesday, February 24, 1926 - pg 9, col 1
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted November 9, 2013
NOONAN, Mrs. Mollie Genevieve King
Mrs. Mollie Genevieve Noonan, 78, of 403 Arch Street, died this morning in Sacred Heart Hospital following an illness of a year. Born at Elko, Nev., a daughter of the late Patrick and Maggie (Mansfield) King, she had resided here 30 years. Mrs. Noonan was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church and the Sodality of the parish. Her husband, James J. F. Noonan, preceded her in death. Surviving are four sons, James P. Noonan. at home; Francis J. Noonan, this city; Vincent D. Noonan, Dundalk, and Harold A. Noonan, West Hyattsville; a daughter, Miss Ellen W. Noonan, at home; a sister, Mrs. James Bothwell, this city, three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The body is at the Scarpelli Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. A requiem mass will be celebrated Monday at 9 a. m. at St. Patrick's Church and interment will be in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Mt. Savage. The rosary will be recited at the funeral home at 8 p. m. Sunday.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Friday, December 27, 1957 - pg 9, col 3
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted September 11, 2015
NOONAN, Thomas
Funeral of Mr Noonan
The funeral of the late Thos Noonan, whose death occurred Friday night, took place from St Patrick's Catholic Church yesterday morning at 9 o'clock and was very largely attended. The pall bearers were: Messrs J J Powers, Thomas Kean, Patrick King, W H Hopcraft, C E Eyler and John M Resley. Interment was in the cemetery connected with the church.
Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Tuesday, January 29, 1907 - pg 8, col 2
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted November 9, 2013
NOONAN, Thomas C.
A Very Sad Death ~ Thomas C Noonan, a Carrier Boy of the Times Force Was Buried Monday Afternoon
Death is always sad, but when it comes in early youth when boyhood is just budding into manhood, death seems doubly sad. Such has been the lot of poor Thomas C Noonan, son of Mr T F(sic) Noonan, the well known Baltimore and Ohio watchman, who died at his father's residence on Emily Street, Saturday night in the fourteenth year of his age. "Tommy" as he was called, was one of the carrier boys of the Times force and was one of the very best boys who ever carried a Times route. But death has claimed him and right on the threshold of Christmas when everyone feels a thrill of gladness. Poor Tommy has been laid to rest and the glad Christmas has given to sorrow in the family household of which he was a beloved member, as well as by his friends, of which he numbered many. The Times will miss his cheerful face, as he will never again go in or out its office door, as was his usual custom as a valuable newspaper carrier. The funeral took place from St. Patrick's church at 3 o'clock Monday, and the interment was made in St Patrick's cemetery. Among the floral offerings was a handsome one from the Evening Times.
Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Wednesday, December 26, 1894 - pg 1, col 8
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted November 16, 2013
NOONAN, William
Funeral of William Noonan
The funeral of William Noonan, who died suddenly at his home Wednesday morning took place Saturday morning with a high mass of requiem at St Patrick's Catholic church, the pastor, Rev G H Tragresser officiating. Interment was in St Patrick's cemetery. Mr Noonan was 53 years old and a son of the late James Noonan. His mother and the following brothers and sisters survive: James, John, Charles and Joseph Noonan, Mrs J G Farrell, Mrs Edward Logsdon, Mt Savage; Mrs Mollie Miller, Westernport and Sister Edward, a nun of the Ursuline Order, Louisville, Ky. The pallbearers and flowers, nephews of the deceased, were; Joseph Malloy, Rockwell Graham, John Malloy, James Noonan, Walter Graham, DeSales McDermitt, Francis Herbert, Edward Malloy and Vincent and Francis Noonan. The following relatives attended the funeral: Bernard Noonan, Pittsburgh; Mr and Mrs Ray Mastersaz and daughter, Rosaline and Rockwell Dull, Connellsville, Pa; Mrs Mollie Miller, Mr and Mrs Henry Miller and Mrs Clara Herbert, Westernport; Mrs Alice Aumiller, Leo Daugherty and Mr and Mrs Fay Keiser, Cumberland; Mrs Monahan and daughter, Annadell, Frostburg
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Monday, March 15, 1926 - pg 10, col 1
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted September 13, 2014
NORMAN, Alonzo M.
Alonzo M. Norman, 69, husband of Jennie (Roberts) Norman, died Monday at his home, 521 Shriver avenue, following an illness of fifteen years. He was a retired merchant, having operated a general store in Shaw and one in Elk Garden, W. Va. He moved to Cumberland in 1926. Surviving besides his widow are four daughters, Mrs. Walter Geiger, Corriganville; and Misses Edith M., Elsie M., and Ruth V., at home; one son, James W., at home; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Gates, Gormania, W. Va., and Mrs. J. Walter Roos, Plttsburg, Pa., and one brother, James R. Norman, Elk Garden, W. Va.
The Cumberland Evening Times, September 2, 1941
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted November 21, 2009
NORMAN, Mrs. Jennie Johnson
Mrs. Jennie Norman, 62, widow of Alonzo M. Norman, 521 Shriver avenue, died early today at Memorial Hospital, where she was admitted yesterday. She was a daughter of the late James and Hannah (Roberts) Johnson and was a native of Westernport. She came here from Shaw, W. Va., where Mr. Norman conducted a general store, about 15 years ago. Mr. Norman died last September. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Walter Geiger, Corriganville; Misses Edith M., Elsie M., and Virginia Ruth Norman, all at home; a son, James W. Norman, at home; two sisters, Mrs. William Stewart and Mrs. Cora Johnston, Piedmont, W. Va.; two brothers, James W. Johnson, Westernport, and Abraham Johnson, Nikep; and a grandson.
The Cumberland Evening Times, April 8, 1942
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
NORMAN, William Lineley
William Lineley Norman departed this life Friday, December 6, 1912, near New London, Ohio, aged 69 years, 11 months, and 6 days. The funeral sermon was preached at Elk Garden on the Tuesday following by Rev. W. W. White, assisted by Revs. John A. Shockey and L. C. Messick. The deceased was a member of the Eagle, Lodge K of P, of Blaine, and the members of that order turned out in a body, also other members of the order in town. Rev. Messick spoke for the order. There were some fine floral pieces, furnished by the order and friends. He was a member of the M. E. Church, South, and was faithful attendant at church service. The body was interred in the Nethken Hill cemetery where his wife and son are buried. Mr Norman was born in Durham County, England, and came to this county(?country) at the age of twenty-three. He married Miss Emma MacKenzie, of Beaver Falls, Pa. He came to Elk Garden in 1886 as a coal miner. Later he engaged in merchandising, but with the increasing years the business was gradually taken in hand by the family under the firm name of E. M. Norman & Co. He leaves a brother, John Norman, of Del Roy, Ohio, and a sister, Mrs. Wm. Gatt, of Mecca, Indiana. His children that are living are, James and Alonzo Norman, of Elk Garden, and Shaw, respectively, Mrs. Jessie Oats, of Elk Garden, Mrs. Anna Oats of Gormania, and Mrs. Mary Ross, of Providence, Rhode Island. The circumstances of Mr. Norman's death are peculiar. Last July he left for a trip to England. He visited his old home in England and returned to New York, November 14, and then went to the home of his son-in-law, Prof. J. W. Ross, Providence, November 15. He left Providence December 5 for Indiana to see his sister. Near New London, Ohio, it appears that he fell from the train, the Big 4, at four o'clock in the morning and was instantly killed. The train was running at full speed, but he was missed, and the trainmen telegraphed back at the next station to other stations for trains to be on the lookout for a man along the track. The body was soon discovered by a passing train which ran to the next station when an engine and car were sent for the body. It was found between the tracks with back of head crushed and face bruised. A coroner took charge of the body and embalmed it and sent a telegram to Alonzo Norman at Shaw, there being papers on the body that identified him. James and Alonzo Norman went at once to new London, and brought the body to Shaw. Just how Mr. Norman came to his death is not known. The funeral was largely attended and all his children were in attendance.
Keyser Tribune, December 15, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted August 11, 2010
NORRIS, Mrs. Anna Porter
Mrs. Anna Norris, 63, Williamsport, wife of the late William Norris, died yesterday at the Western Maryland State Hospital where she had been a patient for nine months following a long illness. She was a daughter of the late John Walter and Rosa Mae (Lowery) Porter, of near Ellerslie. She was married twice. Her first husband, William E. Seeders, and her second husband, William Norris, preceded her in death. Mrs. Norris is survived by a son, John W. Seeders, Vienna, Va.; four brothers, Ralph Porter, Cumberland; Ross Porter, Eckhart Mines; James Porter, Barrelville, and Theodore Porter, Mt. Savage; a sister, Mrs. Robert Gingell, Vienna, Va.; a granddaughter and two great-granddaughters. The body is at the Albert Leaf Funeral Home in Williamsport where friends will be received today and tomorrow. A service will be held at the funeral home on Friday at 2 p.m. with interment in the Boonsboro Cemetery.
The Cumberland News, May 26, 1971
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted May 2, 2012
NORRIS, Mrs. Josephine Mae Werner
MOUNT SAVAGE - Josephine Mae Norris, 94, of Norris Street, N.W. Mount Savage, died Thursday, June 6, 2002, at the Lions Manor Nursing Home in Cumberland. Born July 21, 1907, in Pocahontas, Pa., she was the daughter of the late William and Regina G. (Baer) Werner. Mrs. Norris was also preceded in death by her husband, William H. Tuck Norris Sr., in 1989; two daughter-in-laws; and one son-in-law. Mrs. Norris was a homemaker. She was a member of Saint Patricks Catholic Church, Mount Savage, the Sodality, Ancient Order of Hibernians, and Court Teresa 557 Catholic Daughters of America. Surviving are five sons, William H. Norris Jr., Tucson, Ariz., Francis J. Norris and wife Doris, Wiley, Tex., James A. Norris and wife Veronica, Ithica, Mich., Vincent Chub Norris and wife Helen, Mount Savage, and Regis E. Norris and wife Jane, Ithica, Mich.; three daughters, Mary G. Fabbri, Mount Savage, Elizabeth Shaffer and husband Harold, Mount Savage, and Pauline Ritchey and husband Jake, Hyndman, Pa.; 27 grandchildren; 70 great-grandchildren; and 14 great-great-grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home, P.A., 57 Frost Ave., Frostburg, on Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A Christian Wake service will be held at the funeral home Sunday at 3:45 p.m. by Sister Joan Minella, S.S.N.D. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at Saint Patricks Catholic Church, Mount Savage, on Monday at 10 a.m. Interment will be in the Saint Patricks Cemetery. Cumberland Times-News obituary; about Thursday, June 6, 2002
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted January 28, 2011
NORRIS, Mrs. Margaret A. Michaels
Mrs. Margaret A. Norris, 69, of 216 North Mechanic Street, died yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital. Born in Eckhart, she was a daughter of the late Joseph and Anna (Martin) Michaels and was the widow of Charles Norris. She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church and the sodality. Surviving are three brothers, LeRoy Michaels, Springfield, W. Va.; Ambrose Michaels, Hyndman, and James Michaels, Eckhart. The body is at the Stein Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 7 until 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The rosary will be recited today at 7:30 p.m. Mass of the resurrection will be celebrated Thursday at 9 a.m. at St. Patrick's Church. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery, Frostburg.
The Cumberland Evening Times, August 1, 1972
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 31, 2009

NORRIS, Mary Winebrenner
May 5, 1994
(Courtesy of James Rice)
Posted March 17, 2012
NORRIS, Mrs. Mary Winebrenner
Cumberland - Mary Winebrenner Norris, 87, of the Devlin Manor Nursing Home, formerly of Bedford Road, Cumberland, died Thursday, May 5, 1994 at the nursing home. Born on Jan. 12, 1907 in Mount Savage, she was the daughter of the late John Winebrenner and Minnie (Sweene) Winebrenner. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Raymond A. Norris in 1986. Mrs. Norris was retired from the Kelly-Springfield Tire Company with 45 years of service. She attended the Mountaintop Holiness Church. Surviving are one step son, William Norris, Cumberland; one step daughter, Mary Hill, Virginia; one brother, Raymond, Mount Savage; one sister, Christina Wright, Tennessee and several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Leasure-Stein Funeral Home on Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m Services will be conducted at the funeral home on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. Glenn Jones officiating. Interment will be in Sunset Memorial Park.
Saturday, 7 May 1994; Cumberland Times News (Allegany Co., MD)
Posted July 11, 2017
NORRIS, Randolph Alonzo
A funeral service for Randolph Alonzo Norris, 51, maintenance engineer at the Salvation Army Citadel, North Mechanic street, who died Monday night, will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Hafer Funeral Home. Major elmer Wall, commander of the Salvation Army, will officiate and burial will be in Hillcrest Burial Park.
Wednesday, 5 February 1947; The Cumberland (MD) News
Posted November 23, 2019
NORRIS, Mrs. Vonda Jean Bolyard
RIDGELEY, W.Va. — Vonda Jean Norris, 75, of Ridgeley, died Thursday, March 11, 2004, at Memorial Hospital. Born June 7, 1928 in Grafton, she was the daughter of the late Roy and Ellen (Deavers) Bolyard. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Norris was preceded in death by two children, the late Gregory Keith Norris and Vicki Ann Norris; and one brother, Robert Bolyard. Mrs. Norris was employed as the circulation manager of the Grafton Sentinel. She later worked for Dr. Feddis and Dr. Bolyard as a secretary/receptionist. She also worked at the lab at Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Norris was a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, a member of the LaVale Lionettes and Old Furnace Extension Homemakers Club. She was an avid golfer and Past President of the Polish Pines Golf Club, Keyser. Survivors include her husband of 56 years, Clyde Norris; one son, Rick Norris and wife Pam, Findley, Ohio; two sisters, Eldora Nuzum, Elkins, and Cassandra Whyte and husband Bill of Crosslanes; one grandson, Chris Norris, Cincinnati, Ohio; one brother-in-law, Virgil Norris, Baltimore, Md.; two sisters-in-law, Jackie Bolyard, Bridgewater, Va. and Delores Weaver, Baltimore; and 13 nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Upchurch Funeral Home, Fort Ashby, on Saturday. Funeral service will be held there on Sunday, March 14, at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Martha S. Ognibene and the Rev. John Leatherman officiating. Interment will follow at the Fort Ashby Cemetery.
Published in The Cumberland (Md.) Times-News, Saturday, March 13, 2004
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted May 6, 2017
EVERETT— Elery H. Northcraft, 64, of RD 2, Clearville, died suddenly yesterday. Born at Davis, W.Va., he was a son of the late Walter H. and Judy (Cavendar) Northcraft. Mr. Northcraft was a member of Bethel United Church of Christ and was superintendent of the Sunday school. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Edna Vuchinich, Terre Haute, Ind.; a son, Gene H. Northcraft, RD 2, Hancock; two brothers, Marshall Northcraft, RD 2, Clearville, and Robert D. Northcraft, Centerville; and four grandchildren. The body is at the Conner Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 2 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Bethel United Church of Christ by Rev. Charles Perrin. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery. The body will be taken to the church an hour before the services.
The Cumberland News, Monday, November 17, 1969
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 7, 2021
NORTHCRAFT, Harry Porter
Harry Porter Northcraft, 77, Baltimore Pike, was dead on arrival yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital. Born at Artemas, Pa., he was a son of the late Tilghman and Katherine (Tate) Northcraft. Mr. Northcraft was a retired pipefitter with the maintenance of way department of the B&O Railroad; a veteran of World War I and a member of Henry Hart Post 1411, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Sheetmetal Workers Local 447. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Olive (Sturtz) Northcraft; two sons, Harry A. and Glenn E. Northcraft, both of this city; two daughters, Miss Dorothy Z. Northcraft, at home, and Mrs. Charlotte Porter, Glyndon, Md.; one sister, Mrs. Charles Strong, Keyser, and five grandchildren. The body will be at the Silcox-Merritt Funeral Residence where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A service will be conducted there tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. by Rev. William G. Patterson. Interment will be in Hilicrest Burial Park. Pallbearers will be Adolph Norris, Ronald Rice, Michael Imes, Charles Minke, Met Almond and Eugene Streett.
The Cumberland News, May 6, 1972
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 26, 2011
Justin D. Northrup, general superintendent of the W Va and Md Gas Company, was found dead Wed night, about eight o'clock, in a room at the Windsor Hotel. Mr Northrup had been suffering from the heat and Mrs Northrup being away from home calling, he sought temporary rest at the hotel. Acute nephritis was the probably cause of death. Mr Northrup had also been a sufferer from organic heart trouble for several years. Mr Northrup's body was removed to the Stein undertaking rooms and Thurs morning were taken to his apartments on South Liberty St. Mr Northrup was alive at six o'clock. It is thought he was dead an hour when found. There was no evidence that his death had been other than a gentle lapse into eternal slumber.
Keyser Tribune, July 14, 1911
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 22, 2010
NORTON, Mrs. Honora McCormick
MRS NORTON DEAD ~ She Was the Mother of Well Known Railroad Men
Mrs Timothy Norton died this morning at her late home at Magnolia Station on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, East of here. Mrs Norton was 82 years of age at the time of her death and came to this country when a mere girl from Ireland. She lived all her life at Magnolia. Her husband who died several years ago was a railroad man, having worked almost all his life for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Mrs Norton was the mother of Mr Michael Norton, of this city, who was yardmaster here for years. She was also the mother of Mr. Thomas Norton, Baltimore and Ohio agent at Greenspring, W. Va. She is survived by four other children, viz: Mrs. John Kessler, Mrs. Maggie Johnson and John and Nora Norton. The latter named is an invalid. Mrs Norton was member of the Catholic church. The funeral will take place on Monday morning from her late residence. Interment will be made at Little Orleans.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Friday, March 31, 1899 - pg 1, col 5
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted January 7, 2017
NOURSE, Miss Elizabeth Hannah
On Saturday morning, 16th inst., Elizabeth Hannah, daughter of John R. and Lucretia C. Nourse, aged 9 years.
Alleganian (Cumberland, MD.); Saturday, 30 August 1845
Posted September 1, 2011
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