BLACK, Edgar Lon
Upper Tract, W.Va. - Edgar Lon Black, 65, died yesterday at Grant Memorial Hospital, Petersburg. Born at Kline, he was a son of the late Frank S. and Mary (Dunkle) Black. Mr. Black was a farmer. Surviving are his widow, Glenora (Dahmer) Black; two daughters, Mrs. Orlando Kesner, Franklin, and Miss Kathryn Black, at home; four sisters, Mrs. Eva A. Dahmer, UpperTract; Mrs. Charles E. Kiser, Fort Ashby; Mrs. Ora Hamilton, Franklin, and Mrs. Jane Conrad, Winchester, Va.; a brother, Walter W. Black, Upper Tract, and four grandchildren. The body is at the Brown Funeral Home, Franklin, where friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church by Rev Edgar Null. Burial will be in the Kline Cemetery.
abt. 10 January 1969; no publication noted
(Courtesy of Connie Beachy/Ruth Sprowls ~transcribed by Genie)
Posted May 1, 2021
BLACK, Mrs. Gladys Machin
MOUNT SAVAGE — Gladys M. Black, 85, of Dutch Hollow Road, Mount Savage, died Monday, Oct. 3, 1994, at Frostburg Village Nursing Home. Born on Jan. 28, 1909, in Mount Savage, she was the daughter of the late Thomas Machin and Mary (Martin) Machin. She also was preceded in death by her husband, Homer A. Black on April 19, 1969. Mrs. Black was a homemaker and a member of Saint George’s Episcopal Church. Surviving are two daughters, Ruth Beal and husband Richard, and Evelyn A. Hausrath and husband, Gene, all of Mount Savage; one sister, Pearl E. Frankenberry, Frostburg Village Nursing Home; seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home, Frostburg, on Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted at Saint George’s Episcopal Church on Thursday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Thomas P. Staup officiating. Interment will be in Saint George’s Cemetery.
Published in The Cumberland (MD) Times-News, October 4, 1994
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted April 8, 2017
BLACK, Harold, Jr.
Harold Black, Jr., "J.R." to those who knew him, died August 23, at his home at Mt. Lake Park. Only 37, "J.R." was a son of the late Harold A. Black, Sr. and I. Erma Garrett Black, of Finzel. He is survived by his fiancee, Maria Hines, of Oakland; a great-aunt, Mabel Cassidy, of Oakland and among cousins and aunts, his Aunt Palma Garrett and cousin Mary Allman, both of Eglon, and Betty Fint, of Aurora, Kathy and Dave Collins, of Horse Shoe Run, those among many others. He was employed at Appalachian Crossroads and, died as a result of cardiac arrest. His family and friends met at the Burdock Funeral Home, on Wednesday evening for a short service and he was buried at Accident Cemetery.
The Preston County News; Kingwood, WV; Sept 5, 2009.
(Courtesy of Mary Teets)
Posted May 23, 2010
BLACK, James, Esq.
DIED-At his residence near this city, on Monday last, James Black, Esq. in the 79th year of his age. Mr. Black spent the greater portion of his life in this county, and was highly esteemed by an extensive circle of acquaintances.
Saturday, January 31, 1857; Cumberland (MD) Democratic Alleganian
Posted April 12, 2018
BLACK, Miss Margaret M.
CUMBERLAND, MD., Jan. 27, - The funeral of Miss Margaret M. Black took place yesterday morning from Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church, the rector, Rev. Frederick B. Howden, officiating. The casket was covered with royal purple cloth. The handles were silver, trimmed in purple. The floral contributions were elegant. The five nephews of Miss Black - Messrs. J. Phillip Roman, Lloyd Lownes, Jr., Cumberland; W. Bladen Lownes, Mount Savage; Richard T. Lowndes, Jr., Clarksburg, W. Va., and E. St. George Lough, on New York, and Mr. Roderic Clary, of Cumberland served as pallbearers. The full surpliced choir sang at the church. Among the many persons who attended the funeral were quite a number of life long friends of Miss Black. The interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery. Mr. H. Crawford Black, a nephew, and Miss Black of Baltimore, attended the funeral.
Published Monday, January 28, 1901 in THE BALTIMORE SUN, Baltimore, Maryland on page 9, col. 4.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted September 25, 2015
BLACK, Mrs. Mary Clark
Mrs. Mary Clark Black, 77, last surviving member of a pioneer Allegany county family, and widow of W. S. (Billy) Black, former circuit clerk of Marion county, W. Va., died in Piedmont, W. Va., hospital Tuesday, following a long illness. Two weeks ago a sister, Mrs. James J. Dobbie, this city, died in a local hospital. Mrs. Black was a daughter of Andrew Jackson Clark, pioneer coal operator in Georges Creek field, and was a descendant of original settlers in the "Western Mountains" as this section was known in American colonial days. Another sister of Mrs. Black was the wife of the late John a. Clark pioneer coal operator in the Northern West Virginia field who went there from Georges Creek. Two brothers also were prominent in the northern coal field, George and William Clark, both well known in the early days of development. Mrs. Black, who was known by the younger generation at "Aunt Mayme" Black., had been a resident of Fairmont 50 years, settling there when a young woman. Prior to her marriage, she was cashier in a mercantile establishment in Fairmont. After her husbands death in 1918, she led a secluded life in a cottage in the Bell Run section of Fairmont on the estate of Mrs. Harry B. Clark, widow of a nephew, who was a leading coal producer in the field during World War I. Mrs. Black remained in good health until six months ago. She suffered a slight stroke in early spring and entered the hospital. She never completely rallied and three days before her death lapsed into a coma. Surviving are a niece, Mrs. John F. Somerville, 509 Fayette Street, this city, and several nephews and nieces including John A. (June) Clark, coal operator; Kenna Clark, county clerk of Marion County; William Clark Dobbie, until recently an official with the Solid Fuels Administration, Washington, and W. G. Dobbie, West Virginia state mine inspector, all of Fairmont. Services were held in Fairmont and interment was in Woodlawn Cemetery there.
Published Thursday, August 21, 1947 in the EVENING TIMES, Cumberland, Maryland on page 24, col. 3.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted November 28, 2015
BLACK, Mrs. Mary E. Pullin
Mrs. Mary E. Pullin Black, aged 74 years and 6 days, died at her home in Confluence on Sunday, February 9, 1930. Although she had been in delicate health for nearly two years, she had not been ill until a few months before she passed away. Mrs. Black was born in Addison Township on February 3, 1856. She was the only child of William E. and Sophia E. Pullin, and when young was married to the late Virgil M. Black, who died January 18, 1928. To this marriage were born four children, all of whom survive. They are: Herbert G. Black, chief of the auditing department of the Armour Packing Company, Chicago; Robert E. Black, assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Confluence; Fannie, wife of Reeves Hill of Hagerstown, Md., and Esther, wife of Dr. Milton M. Brooke, Confluence. She is also survived by four grandchildren. Mrs. Black was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church from girlhood. She was not only an earnest worker in the church, but also took an active part in the Sunday school and all other auxiliaries of the church. She was always ready to do any good work for the glorification of God and the benefit of mankind and to aid any one in sickness or distress. Funeral services were conducted at her late residence on Hughart Street, Confluence, at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, by Rev. H. W. Jamison, pastor of the Confluence Methodist Episcopal Church, assisted by Rev. Thomas Charlesworth of Turtle Creek, a former pastor of the Confluence church. The pall-bearers were C. E. Black, E. B. Black and D. L. Miller, Confluence; Harry Black, Friendsville, Md.; Frank Black, Dickerson Run and Dewey Farmer, Connellsville. Interment in Addison Cemetery. Undertaker C. B. Humbert had charge of the funeral arrangements.
Meyersdale (Pa.) Republican, February 27, 1930
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 15, 2017
BLACK, Robert Emerson
Robert Emerson Black was born in Confluence, December 7, 1881, the son of the late Virgil and Mary (Pullin) Black. He descended from a Somerset County pioneer family. He grew to boyhood in the way all happy village boys do. He was fond of sports, especially baseball, and played many a hard fought game on the sand lot. He never lost his love for the sport. He graduated from the Confluence schools and attended West Virginia University. Later he accepted a position with Armour and Company in Akron, Ohio, but was called home to assist his father in the stoneware business - B.F. Sloan, Mr. Black's best helper having died. Some time after he accepted the position of assistant cashier in the First National Bank of Confluence. He remained in that capacity for 27 years. At the death of the late Earl Beggs, he purchased his insurance business which he conducted up to the time of his death. November 6th, 1918, he married Miss Sue Williams of Norfolk, Va. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Virginia. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Reeves Hill of Hagerstown, Maryland, and Mrs. M.M. Brooke of Confluence; a brother, Herbert Black of New York City, and three nieces - Mrs. John Boothe, Pearl River, N.Y., Mrs. Joseph Lemon, Hagerstown, Md., and Miss Eleanor Brooke, Confluence. Robert E. Black was an asset to the town and his passing will be keenly felt. He had hosts of friends in town and throughout the countryside. He was loyal to his town and interested in its advancement. He joined the Methodist Church of Confluence as a boy and at the time of his death was a trustee. He was president of the First National Bank of Confluence and also president of the Lions Club. For 27 years he had been borough treasurer. He was a member of the Masonic Order. Robert E. Black meant a great deal to the town and anyone who knew "Bob" knows that the town meant a great deal to him. A sterling citizen has passed.
[Unknown Source]
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 15, 2017
BLACK, Virgil M.
Virgil M. Black died at his home in Confluence early on Wednesday, January 18, at the age of 73 years, 11 months and 21 days. He had been in poor health since Christmas, but was not confined to the house, and on the evening before his death his condition improved and he did not retire before 9 o'clock. He was taken in the night with indigestion to which he succumbed at 4 o'clock A.M. Virgil M. Black was born at Somerfield on January 27, 1854. He was a son of Albert G. and Esther Brownfield Black. In his early youth, his parents moved from Somerfield to Confluence where nearly his entire life was spent. About 51 years ago, Mr. Black married Mary Pullin, who survives. Their surviving children are Herbert E. Black, assistant treasurer of the Armour Packing Co., Chicago; Robert E. Black, assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Confluence, and Mary Esther, wife of Dr. M.M. Brooke, also of Confluence, and Fannie, wife of Reeves Hill of Hagerstown, Md. He is survived by four brothers, C.E. and E.B. Black, Confluence; J.F. Black, Dickerson Run, Pa.; and Harry Black, Friendsville, Md., and one sister, Mrs. A.B. Kurtz, Connellsville. The funeral took place at 3 P.M. on Friday, January 20. Rev. Thomas Charlesworth of Braddock, a former pastor of Confluence Methodist Church, preached the funeral sermon. His latest pastor, Rev. L.H. Powell, assisted in the obsequies. The music was furnished by the Methodist Episcopal choir and included a beautiful duet by Mesdames R.H. Jeffrey and D.E. Lowe of Uniontown. The honorary pall-bearers were Dr. C.W. Frantz, E.E. McDonald, E.S. Bowlin, C.N. Flanigan, D.L. Miller, and L.L. Mountain. The active pall-bearers were Dr. M.M. Brooke, Reeves Hill, Harry Black, C.E. Black, E.B. Black, and Frank Black. His body was laid to rest in Addison Cemetery. Undertaker C.B. Humbert had charge of the funeral arrangements. [Large list of funeral attendees included] The church was filled to its full capacity with mourners from his home town and vicinity that showed the high respect in which Mr. Black was held in the community where he spent his long and useful life.
[Unknown Source]
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 15, 2017
BLACKA, Mrs. Odessa Jane Moore
FORT ASHBY, W.Va. - Mrs. Odessa Jane "Wince" Blacka, 66, died Monday at Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, Md. She returned to this area recently after having lived in Hollywood, Fla., for the past 25 years. Born Jan. 13, 1920 in Confluence, Pa., Mrs. Blacka was a daughter of the late Harry E. Moore and Melissa (Myers) Moore. She was a member of the ladies auxiliaries of Cresaptown, Md., Aerie 2883, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and Fort Ashby Post 6667, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Her husband was the late Richard Paul Blacka. Surviving are two sons, Chief Warrant Officer David P. Blacka, stationed with the Army at Fort Lee, Va.; Richard W. Blacka, Marianna, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. Marjorie Hawse and Mrs. Dorothy Beck, both of here, and five grandchildren. Friends will be received at the George-Upchurch Funeral Home, Cumberland. The VFW Auxiliary will hold a memorial service at the funeral home Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., to be followed at 8 p.m. with a service by the Eagles Auxiliary. Services will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the funeral home by the Rev. Richard A. Seaks. Interment will be in the Fort Ashby Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Bob Bradfield, Delbert Myers, Joseph Kenney, Douglas Wolford, Harold Shingler and Virgil Abe.
The Cumberland Times-News, Tuesday, September 9, 1986
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted September 3, 2015
BLACKBURN, Frances Catherine (infant)
Of Frances Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blackburn, who was born February 3, 1913, and died February 6, 1913.
Keyser Tribune, February 14, 1913
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted August 20, 2010
BLACKBURN, Mrs. Laura Belle Turner
KEYSER - Mrs. Laura Belle Blackburn, 85, of 212 Water Street, died this morning at her home. A native of Ridgeville, W. Va., she was a daughter of the late Harvey and Katherine (McDonald) Turner. Her husband, Herbert Blackburn, died in 1956. Mrs. Blackburn was a member of Emmanuel Episcopal Church of Keyser. Survivors include two sons, Louis Blacburn, of here, and Garrett Blackburn, Antioch, W. Va.; a daughter, Mrs. Preudence Emmert, Emporia, Va.; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Potts, St. Petersburg, Fla., and Mrs. Lulu Reed, Norwalk, Ohio; a brother, David Turner, wheeling, W. Va., a granddaughter and two great-grandchildren. The body will be at the Markwood Funeral Home aft 7 p.m. today. Services will be conducted at the funeral home on Thursday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Robert S. Smith, pastor of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Interment will be in Queens Point Cemetery.
SOURCE: The Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Maryland; Tuesday, September 13, 1966; page 18.
(Courtesy of Wendy Mammoliti)
(Posted November 22, 2013)
BLACKBURN, Miss Myrtle Alice
KEYSER - Miss Myrtle Alice Blackburn, 87, retired Mineral County school teacher, died yesterday morning at her home, 212 South Water Street, after a long illness. She was born in Piedmont, a daughter of the late Benjamin and Prudence (Friend) Blackburn and for 45 years was a teacher in schools at Keyser and the surrounding area. She was a member of First Methodist Church where she was superintendent of the Sunday School primary department for 50 years. She also was active in the WSCS and WCTU of the church and was a member of Potomac Valley Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. She is survied by a sister-in-law, Mrs. laura Blackburn, Keyser, and several nieces and nephews. For the past several years she had resided with a nephew, Louis Blackburn. The body is at the Markwood Funeral Home where services will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. by Rev. W. W. Harvey, pastor of First Methodist Church. Burial will be in Queens Point Cemetery.
SOURCE: The Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Maryland; Jan. 21, 1963; page 15.
(Courtesy of Wendy Mammoliti)
Posted May 4, 2013
BLACKBURN, Mrs. Patricia Kelley
Patricia Blackburn, 64, of Bentleyville, Pa., died Tuesday, June 29, 2004, in the Washington Hospital. She was born on Oct. 26, 1939, in Confluence, Pa., a daughter of the late Gilbert and Velma Groover Kelley Sr. Mrs. Blackburn was a 1957 graduate of Bentleyville High School and had been a crossing guard and worked in food service, both for the Bentworth School District. She also worked for the former Knepper Insurance Agency of Bentleyville, and the Hood Insurance Agency, where she had worked for many years and was currently employed. She was also very active in the community serving on both the Bentleyville Council and the Tri-County Borough Council, the United Methodist Women, and the former Pioneer Club of Bentleyville. Surviving are one daughter, Debbie Butschle of Ellsworth; two sons, Buck Blackburn of Bentleyville, and Michael Blackburn of Dunlevy; one sister, Nancy Paul of Bentleyville; one brother, Gilbert Kelley Jr. of Landsdale, Pa; six grandchildren, Stacey McDonough, Shaun McDonough, Savanna Burschle, Buck Blackburn, Melissa Blackburn and Trevor Blankenship; and several aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Burhans-Crouse Funeral Home 28 Connellsvile St., Dunbar, Pa., today from 2 to 9 p.m. and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m., the hour of service in the Dunbar Baptist Church, with Pastor Robert Wrachford and Pastor Chris Lipscomb officiating. Interment will follow in the Mount Auburn Cemetery.
d.o.d. Tuesday, June 29, 2001; no source noted
FindAGrave Memorial #54520072
(Courtesy of Gene Brierly/transcribed by Genie)
Posted April 8, 2017
ELK GARDEN NEWS - Thos. B. Blackburn, near Schell, died at his residence, June 17, 1911, age about 70 years. The interment was at Rehobeth, and the funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Eubank, of the Presbyterian Church. The deceased was well known throughout this section. Mrs. Albert Arnold of our town, is a daughter of Mr. Blackburn. In his death one more of our landmarks have been removed. F. C. Rollman had charge of the funeral.
Keyser Tribune, June 23, 1911
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 21, 2010
Thomas B. Blackburn, of Schell, died June 17, 1911. Over one year ago, Mr Blackburn suffered a stroke of paralysis from which he recovered sufficiently to be able to walk about the house by the aid of a cane, but had been quite weak in body and his mind was somewhat impaired. Last Sat, the 17th, after eating a hearty dinner, he went into his room to take his accustomed after dinner nap; on his remaining unusually long, his daughter-in-law, Mrs J A Blackburn, went into the room, and found him dead; the supposition is that he had died immediately upon lying down. On last Mon, 19th, after the funeral service at Rehobeth Church, conducted by Rev Mr Enbank, and F C Rollman, of Elk Garden, funeral director, all that was mortal of Uncle Tom was layed to rest in the churchyard by the side of the remains of his companion, who had preceded him to the unknown beyond, over two years. Mr Blackburn was born on Patterson's Creek, but while but a child was brought to this neighborhood by his parents, Joseph and Elizabeth Blackburn, where he was brought up and has lived all his life. He was an industrious man and always active in business and, if not always successful in all his business enterprises, he never became discouraged but was ever ready to rebuild upon the old wreck. He was a man who was ever useful in the community in which he lived, a good neighbor and useful citizen. Mr Blackburn leaves to mourn their loss, three sons, Ed L of Emoryville, J Arley, of Schell, and Charles A Blackburn, of Hendricks; and two daughters, Mrs Ellen V, wife of Albert Arnold of Elk Garden, and Stella F, wife of Frank A Craver, of Dobbin; also one sister, Mrs Mary Craver of Blaine. He also leaves several grandchildren and one great-grandchild, besides many other relatives and friends.
"Peace to his ashes."
Keyser Tribune, June 23, 1911
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 21, 2010
Burlington - Wm Blackburn died at home last Wednesday and was buried here on Thursday. For years he had been a sufferer of dropsy.
15 May 1891; Piedmont (WV) Herald
(Courtesy of John Fazenbaker)
Posted October 26, 2019
BLACKER, Gary Lee Sr.
CUMBERLAND — Gary Lee "Duke" Blacker Sr., 67, of Cumberland, passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010, at the Western Maryland Regional Medical Center. Born May 29, 1943, in Cumberland, he was the son of the late William Blacker and Annabelle (Harbaugh) Blacker. He was also preceded in death by one sister, Phyllis Bobo; one brother, Paul M. Blacker; and his former wife, Judy Blacker. Mr. Blacker was retired from the CSX Corporation and a U.S. Army National Guard veteran. He was a member of the Wiley Ford Church of the Brethren, and he enjoyed cooking, going to the Cumberland YMCA and being with his family. He is survived by one son, Gary L. Blacker Jr.; one daughter, Judithan Blacker and friend Greg Snyder, both of Cumberland; two sisters, Norma Davis, Oldtown, and Sherry Strietbeck and husband Arthur, Ridgeley W.Va.; and several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Scarpelli Funeral Home, P.A., 108 Virginia Ave., Cumberland, on Monday from 5 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted at the funeral home on Tuesday at noon with the Rev. Paul Dietz officiating. Interment will be in Hillcrest Memorial Park.
Cumberland Times-News, September 4, 2010
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLACKISTONE, Mrs. Marie Cook
FROSTBURG— Mrs. Marie Blackistone, 59, Silver Spring, died yesterday in Holy Cross Hospital there where she had been a patient 10 days. She had a lingering illness. A native of Frostburg, she as a daughter of the late Robert H. and Minnie (Speir) Cook. She was a graduate of Beall High School and Frostburg State College and taught school in Prince Georges County. Survivors include her husband, R. Pinkney Blackistone; two daughters, Mrs. Lilyan Bailey and Mrs. Jeanne Cain, both of Silver Spring; twin sons, Richard and Morris Blackistone, both at home, and a brother Noel Speir Cook of Frostburg. The body is at the Pumphrey Funeral Home, Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring. Services will be conducted tomorrow at 11 a. m. at All Saints Episcopal Church, Oakley. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
The Cumberland News, August 31, 1967
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLADES, Harry C.
A service for Harry C. Blades, 70, of 919 Grand Avenue, who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Scarpelli Funeral Home. Rev. Dewey A. Hazer will officiate and interment will be in Hillcrest Burial Park. Pallbearers will be C. W. Mackereth, D. M. Byrne, F. D. James and W. B. Harris.
Tuesday, July 30, 1963; The Cumberland (MD) News
Posted September 6, 2019
Killed in the Mine
Hugh Blain, a miner of top coal in Kingsland mine, of the Maryland coal company, Monday morning. He was 63 years of age and an old and respected citizen of Lonaconing. A jury of inquest decided that no one was blamable.
Published Saturday, April 4, 1891 in the MINING JOURNAL, Frostburg, Maryland on page 2, col. 4.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted November 28, 2015
Funeral services for J.W. Blair, 83 years old, 1008 Buchanan, will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in Blackburn-Shaw Memorial Chapel. Dr. E.B. Fincher, pastor-emeritus of the Southern Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Llano Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Labourn Campbell, Wilson Campbell, Glenn Costley, W.T. Spencer, Dick Spencer and C.A. Elder. Mr. Blair died Sunday night in Northwest Texas Hospital. Mr. Blair, a retired farmer, had been a Panhandle resident for 45 years, living in Carson and Randall counties before he retired in 1941 and moved to Amarillo. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, Robert and F.L. Blair, both of Amarillo.
[Unknown Source]
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 15, 2017
BLAKE, Mrs. Bridget Donahue.
Midland, Md., Feb. 3—Mrs. Bridget D. Blake, wife of Patrick Blake, of Ocean, near Midland, died suddenly yesterday, age 71. She has been a resident of Ocean nearly all her life, having removed to this place when quite young. Besides her husband, she leaves two daughters, Misses Margraret and Anna Blake, Ocean; three sons, Morris, Ocean; Joseph L. Blake, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Francis Blake, of Philadelphia, former principal of LaSalle Institute of Cumberland and now teaching in Philadelphia. The funeral will be hold Saturday morning with mass being celebrated at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Rev. J. J. Brennan, pastor, officiating. Interment will be In St. Michael's cemetery, Frostburg.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - Friday, February 3, 1928 - pg 9, col 1
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted July 15 , 2010
BLAKE, Burdette Leroy
Burdette "Abe" Leroy Blake, 82, Accident, died Jan. 21, 2004, at the Goodwill Mennonite Nursing Home, Grantsville. Born Feb. 17, 1921, in Boynton, Pa., he was the son of the late Issac Blake and Goldie (Kendall) Blake.He was preceded in death by his wife, Clara (Pugh) Lindeman Blake, June 18, 1995. He was a member of the International Union of Operator Engineers and a member of the Hostetler Church of the Brethren. Surviving are three sisters, Evelyn Mosser, Accident, Edna Paul, Boynton, and Shirley Baer, Baltimore; and numerous stepchildren. A service was conducted at the M. Ray Leckemby Funeral Home, Meyersdale, Pa., on Friday, Jan. 23, with Doug Diamond officiating. Interment was in the Union Cemetery, Meyersdale.
abt. Jan. 21, 2004; Leckemby Funeral Home obituary
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted January 10, 2014
BLAKE, Mrs. Clara Tippen, nee Winebrenner
Frostburg - Mrs. Clara Tippen Blake, 89, formerly of 76 West Main Street, died yesterday at Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient since May 12. She had been in ill health nine months. Born at Carlos, she was a daughter of the late Joseph and Anna (McKenzie) Winebrenner. Mrs. Blake was twice married and both her husbands, Harry Tippen and John S. Blake, preceded her in death. She was a member of St. Michael's Catholic Church; the Sodality; Catholic Daughters of America; a life member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Shaft Fire Company Auxiliary; Farrady Post 24, American Legion Auxiliary; Midland Democrat Club, and the auxiliary of Frostburg Lodge 348, LOO Moose. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Anna M. Robertson, Borden Shaft; a grandson, Edward Tippen, Eckhart; and four great-grandchildren. Also surviving are several nieces and nephews. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Farrady Post Auxiliary will conduct a service today at 7 p.m. at the funeral home.
The Cumberland Evening Times, May 23, 1977
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 12, 2011
BLAKE, John S.
FROSTBURG-John S. Blake, 70, of 201 Center Street, died yesterday in Miners Hospital where he was admitted Friday. Born at Eckhart, he was a son of the late Philip and Margaret (Bean) Blake. Surviving are his widow, Clara [nee Winebrenner] (Tippen) Blake; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Donald Robertson, Shaft, and a stepson, Gomer Tippen, Frostburg. He is a retired Celanese employe and a member of St. Michael's Catholic Church and the Holy Name Society of the church. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today. A requiem mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Mt. Savage, tomorrow at 10 a. m. The Rev. Regis Larkin will be the celebrant. Interment will be in Frostburg Memorial Park. Pallbearers will he Robert Kenney, Frank Kelley, Lee Higgins, William Watson, Robert Lee and Patrick Delancy. The rosary will he recited at the funeral home today at 8 p.m.
Cumberland Times, Sunday, 2 October 1960
Posted November 6, 2010
BLAKE, Lawrence R.
Rawlings - Lawrence R. "Larry" Blake, 74, of McMullen Highway, Rawlings, died Friday, June 4, 1993 at Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown. Born Feb. 10, 1919 in Eckhart, he was the son of the late William B. Blake and Mary (Aldom) Blake. He was also preceded in death by nine brothers. Mr. Blake was a retired chemist from the Celanese Fibers Corporation. He was a graduate of the University of Maryland and a member of the American Chemical Society. Surviving are his wife, Irene (Llewellyn) Blake and a sister-in-law, Anna M. Llewellyn, Rawlings. Graveside services and interment were conduicted Monday, June 7, at Frostburg Memorial Park. Should friends desire, memorial contributions may be sent to charity of donor's choice. The Durst Funeral Home, Frostburg, is in charge of arrangements.
abt. Monday, 7 June 1993; no publication noted
Posted July 21, 2021
BLAKE, Patrick
Midland. Md. March 17—Patrick A. Blake, aged 74. father of Brother Francis Blake, director of of West Catholic High School, Philadelphia, died at home at Ocean near here yesterday of pneumonia. He had been in ill health for some time. Brother Francis was formerly connected with LaSalle Institute, Cumberland. The other surviving children are Joseph P Blake. Plttsburgh, and Lawrence, Margaret, and Anna Blake, at home. Mr. Blake was recently retired on a pension by Consolidation Coal Company, after serving 58 years as stationary engineer at Ocean Mine No 1. His wife, Mrs Bridget Blake, died five weeks ago. The funeral will be held Monday at 9:30 a.m. from St Joseph's Catholic Church here. Burial will be in St Michael's Cemetery, Frostburg.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - Saturday, March 17, 1928 - pg 7, col 7
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted July 15 , 2010
BLAKE, Philip F.
Philip F. Blake, 47 years of age, single, died at his home, 527 Fayette Street, yesterday afternoon. He is survived by one sister, Mrs W H Blake at home and five brothers; John and Charles Blake, this city, Oscar, Frostburg and William, Mt Savage and Thomas, Newark, N.J. He was a member of the Frostburg Council, Knights of Columbus and was a pipe fitter. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning from St Patricks Catholic Church with interment in SS Peter and Paul Cemetery.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md - Friday, April 3, 1925 - pg 9, col 4
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted July 15 , 2010
On last Friday, Joseph Blakeney, a well known painter of this city died of heart failure at the residence of his brother-in-law Mr. Montgomery Thompson on West Drake street, this city. His remains were interred in St Joseph's Cemetery. - MARTINSBURG STATESMAN (The deceased was a brother of Mrs. M. Forthman of Piedmont)
The Piedmont Herald, April 19, 1890
(Courtesy of John Fazenbaker)
Posted December 31, 2016
BLAKER, Mrs. Norma Belle Gano
Norma Belle (Gano) Blaker, 90, of Nashua, N.H., died Tuesday, May 10, 2005, at her residence. Born May 9, 1915, in Fabyan, Wainwright, Alberta, Canada, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Cora (Rawlings) Gano. She was also preceded in death by her husband Edmund H. Blaker on Feb. 13, 1961; a grandson, Gary Lee Becker in 1989; and two sisters, Minnie Hanlin and Ila Bracht. Mrs. Blaker loved to travel, taking many driving trips and later cruises when she had to give up driving at age 80. She enjoyed talking about the places she had lived, including Canada, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, California, West Virginia, Virginia, New Hampshire, South Dakota and Hawaii. She is survived by one sister, Nellie Evans of Keyser, W.Va.; three daughters, Mona Ridder and husband, James Endler, of Keyser, Sandra Becker and husband, LeMark, of Interlachen, Fla., and Bunnie Turk and husband, Brian, of Nashua; six grandchildren, Steven Becker and wife, Stacy, of New Creek, W.Va.; Kenneth Becker of Cadiz, Ohio, William Shane Ridder of Fresno, Calif., Laura Ridder and husband, John Flynn, of Hedgesville, W.Va., Brian Joseph Turk, Keesler AFB, Miss., and Matthew Turk of Nashua; and two great-granddaughters, Ashley and Jackie Becker of Spanaway, Wash. Per her wishes there will be no viewing or visitation. The body will be cremated and the remains interred in Philos Cemetery, Westernport, Md. The Anctil-Rochette and Son Funeral Home is in charge of the cremation and Nashua arrangements, and the Boal Funeral Home, Westernport, is in charge of arrangments for interment locally. A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m., Sunday, May 22, in the chapel of the Keyser Presbyterian Church on Mineral Street with Rev. Richard Reece officiating.
Newsbank: Waltham News Tribune (MA) (Published as Daily News Tribune, The (Waltham, MA)) - May 12, 2005.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted October 20, 2015
BLAMBLE, Elwood Brown
Elwood Brown Blamble, 85, of Aurora, died Thursday, March 5, 1998, in his home. He was born September 12, 1912, in Aurora, son of the late Lewis Albert and Stella Prudence Wotring Blamble. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family. He was a timberman at Hopemont State Farm and was a farmer. He was a member of Stemple Ridge United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Hazel Anna Simmons Blamble; five sons, Franklin Blamble, Richard Blamble and Everett Blamble, all of Aurora, Ellis Blamble of Wadsworth, OH, and Lewis Blamble of Brunswick, OH; two daughters, Lucille Dodrill of Mosley, VA, and Erma Blamble of Annandale, VA; 12 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by five brothers, three sisters and two grandsons. Service will be at 2 p.m. today (Saturday), March 7, at Stemple Ridge United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Joe Robinette officiating. Burial will be in Stemple Ridge Cemetery. Donations: Aurora EMS or Stemple Ridge Cemetery Fund. Hinkle Funeral Home handled arrangements.
The Preston County News; Kingwood, Preston Co, WV; March 7, 1998
(Courtesy of Mary Teets)
Posted November 14, 2010
BLAMBLE, Richard Lee
Richard Lee Blamble, 71, Aurora, W.Va., died on Wednesday, March 14, 2012, at Garrett County Memorial Hospital. Born May 1, 1940, in Aurora, he was a son of the late Elwood Brown and Hazel Anna Simmons Blamble. He was also preceded in death by one brother, Frank Blamble, in February 2009. Mr. Blamble was employed by Ford Motor Company, Brook Park, Ohio, where he worked in the foundry until his retirement. He was a fun loving man who liked to joke and horse around with people. He enjoyed farming and camping, and he had a deep love for his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Betty Fink Blamble; two daughters, Laura Ann Blamble-Moats and husband Kevin, Aurora, and Beverly Jane Blamble, Lodi, Ohio; three brothers, Ellis Blamble, Wadsworth, Ohio, Lewis Blamble, Brunswick, Ohio, and Everett Blamble, Aurora; two sisters, Lucille Dodrill, Mosley, Va., and Erma Blamble, Annandale, Va.; two grandchildren, Glenn Blamble and Jesse Moats; and one great-grandchild, Michael Burgess. At his request, his remains were cremated.
Republican Newspaper; Obit for Richard L. Blamble; March 15, 2012
(Courtesy of Mary Myers Teets)
Posted June 16, 2012
BLANK, Mrs. Alverda Martha Langer
Mrs. Alverda Martha Blank, 82, of RD 3 Bedford Road, died Wednesday shortly after arrival at Memorial Hospital. Born in Cumberland Sept. 20, 1904, she was the daughter of the late August H. and Martha Ann (Everline) Langer. Mrs. Blank was a member of St. Luke's Lutheran Church and the Bowling Green Fire Company Auxiliary. Surviving are her husband, Howard Thomas Blank; three sons, Thomas E. Blank and Richard A. Blank, both of San Manuel, Ariz., and Howard Junior Blank, Rawlings; four daughters, Mrs. Betty E. Windemuth, Cumberland, and Mrs. Carol J. Shafer, both of Cumberland; Mrs. Juanita J. Lynch, Boonton, N.J., and Mrs. Martha A. Mumma, Centreville, Va.; four sisters, Mrs. Wilhelmina Lybeck, and Mrs. Zelma Phillips, both of Venice, Fla.; Mrs. Charlotte Raab, Frederick, and Mrs. Blanche Gillum, Bowling Green; 31 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Silcox-Merritt Funeral Residence Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted in St. Luke's Lutheran Church Saturday at 1 p.m. by the Rev. Richard A. Seaks. Interment will be in Hillcrest Burial Park. The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to services.
The Cumberland Evening Times, January 15, 1987
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted November 10, 2012
BLANK, Carl J. Jr. (abridged)
ECKHART — Carl J. Blank, 84, of Eckhart, passed away at his home on Sunday, May 10. Born March 25, 1925, in Mount Savage, he was the son of the late Carl Blank Sr. and Anna Mary McKenzie Blank. He was preceded in death by four brothers, Perry, Ronald, Gilbert and Darrell; and is survived by two sisters, Linnie Mace of LaVale, and Martha Shaw of Mount Savage; and by two brothers, Ellsworth Blank of Reistertown, and Russell Blank of Mount Savage. Mr. Blank retired as a Teamsters truck driver with 39 accident-free years. He enjoyed being a member of the 453 local Teamsters Retirees Club. Mr. Blank served in the U.S. Navy for 4 1/2 years in World War II and was honorably discharged in 1947 having served two years aboard the aircraft carrier Tarawa. Mr. Blank was a member of St. Michael Catholic Church in Frostburg, the Knights of Columbus Council 1442, and was a trustee for the international Christian Firefighters. Mr. Blank was a veteran member of the American Legion and the V.F.W. Old Rail Post. Carl is survived by Anna Mary Lavin Blank, his wife of 61 years, whom he loved dearly; and by three children, Carl Dennis Blank Sr., Lorna Cannon and Sharon Wheeler. He is also survived by six grandchildren, Carl Blank Jr., Sonya Clark, Diana Healy, Katrina Boucher, Billy Woods and Zachary Woods; four great-grandchildren, Eric Clark Jr., Alisha Clark, Morgan Blank and newborn Halle Therese Boucher; special nephews, Tom and Terry Lavin; and a special young lady he loved like a daughter, Shelley Chabot. The family requests memorial contributions be made to St. Michael Catholic Church, 44 E. Main St., Frostburg, MD 21532 or WMHS Home Hospice Care, c/o Linda Green, 900 Seton Drive, Cumberland, MD 21502. Friends will be received at Sowers Funeral Home, P.A., 60 W. Main St., Frostburg, on Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The Clarysville Fire Department will have a memorial service on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The Knights of Columbus Council 1442 will have a memorial service on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. A Christian wake service will follow. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Thursday, May 14 at 1 p.m. at St. Michael’s Catholic Church with Father James Hannon and Father William Moody as celebrants. Altar server will be Carl’s great-granddaughter, Morgan Lorraine Blank. The acolyte will be Carl D. Blank Jr. Interment will be in Eckhart Cemetery. American Legion Farrady Post 24 will accord military honors. Pallbearers will be Carl D. Blank Jr., Zachary Woods, Eric L. Clark Sr., Eric L. Clark Jr., Stephen Michaels Jr. and Todd Logsdon. Honorary pallbearers will be Jason Logsdon, T.J. Logsdon and Buddy Michaels.
May 11, 2009, Cumberland Times-News
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted June 25, 2009
BLANK, Carl J., Sr.
MT. SAVAGE-Carl J. Blank Sr., 74, of here, died yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital. Mr. Blank was born in Mt. Savage, a son of the late Perry and Elizabeth (Crump) Blank. Surviving are his widow, Anna M. Blank; six sons, Carl J. Jr., Eckhart; James P., Cresaptown; Phillip E., Baltimore; John M., Washington; Ronald, Dixon, Calif., and Russell Blank, of here; two daughters, Mrs. Martha Williams, of here, and Mrs. Linnie Mace, Portage, Pa.; a sister, Mrs. Julia Burkett, Cumberland; 24 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The body is at the Hafer-Sowers Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. Services will be conducted there tomorrow at 4 p.m. by Rev. S. Philip Swickard. Burial will be in St. Patrick's Cemetery. The Litany for the Departed will be recited today at 8 p.m. at the funeral home.
The Cumberland News, April 27, 1973
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLANK, Mrs. Cecelia Martha
Mrs. Cecelia Martha Blank, 83, Wellersburg, Pa., died at noon today at the home of a daughter, Mrs. P. V. Kirby, 101 Pennsylvania avenue, following a lingering illness. Her husband, John E. Blank, died in 1926. She was a member of the Methodist church, Mt. Savage. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Bertha McMurry and Mrs. Ella Kirby, Cumberland; Mrs. Eva Chambers, Niles, Ohio, and Mrs. Clara England, Gerard, Pa.; seven sons, George and Melvin, Holsopple, Pa.; William, of Gray, Pa.; Robert, New Castle, Pa.; Henry, Baltimore; Howard, Cumberland; and Raymond, Corriganvllle; and a sister, Mrs. Ellen Jenkins, Mt. Savage. The body has been removed to Hafer's funeral home.
The Cumberland Evening Times, December 5, 1940
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 6, 2010
BLANK, Dale Eugene
POCAHONTAS, Pa. - Dale Eugene Blank, 55, of Pocahontas, died Friday, June 25, 1999, at Sacred Heart Hospital, Cumberland, Md. Born March 12, 1944, in Cumberland, he was a son of Dorothy E. (Blank) Blank of Wellersburg, and the late Raymond D. Blank. Mr. Blank also is survived by his wife of 18 years, Margaret T. Blank; two sons, Joseph Michael Darvy and wife Bernadette, Fairfax, Va., and Montana William Blank, Pocahontas; four brothers, Leslie Blank and wife Laverne, Hyndman, Gary Blank and wife Louise, Eckhart, Md., and David Blank and wife Barbara and Dwayne Blank and wife Renee, all of Wellersburg; four sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Stott, Akron, Ohio, Joan Sager and husband Joe, Hyndman, Norma Middleton and husband Gerald, Frostburg, Md., and Diane DeHaven and husband James, Corriganville, Md.; and several special nieces and nephews. Mr. Blank will be sadly missed by his in-laws Kitty and Joe Darvy of Frostburg. Mr. Blank, a construction worker, served in the United States Marine Corps and attended the Ministry of the Living Temples. Friends will be received at the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home, Hyndman, on Wednesday, June 30, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted at the funeral home on Thursday, July 1, at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Nancy Clark officiating. Interment will be in the Hyndman Cemetery.
Unknown publication; about Friday, June 25, 1999
Posted February 9, 2013
BLANK, Darrell
MT. SAVAGE—Darrell Blank, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blank, died of diphtheria this morning at Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, where he had been a patient since Friday. Besides his parents, survivors include seven brothers, Ellsworth, Gilbert, Richard, Linnie, and Russell Blank, all at home; Carl Blank, Jr., Eckhart, and Perry Blank, Cumberland, and a sister, Mrs. James Williams, Mt. Savage. A graveside service will be conducted tomorrow at St. Patrick's Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, April 7, 1949
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLANK, Dewey S.
ECKHART-Dewey S. Blank, 73, of RD 1, Frostburg, died this morning in Sacred Heart Hospital where he had been admitted Wednesday. Born here, he was s son of the late William and Elizabeth (Frank) Blank. Mr. Blank was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was employed in the engineering department in the Amcelle Plant of the Celanese Fibers Company. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Helen (Freal) Blank; a brother, Raymond Blank, of here; and four sisters, Mrs. Leota Decker, Clawson, Mich.; Mrs. Mary Murphy, Belle Vernon, Pa.; Mrs. Sophia Loar and Mrs. Clara Watson, both of Frostburg. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home.
The Cumberland Evening Times, July 23, 1971
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLANK, Mrs. Dona M. Keller
Mrs. Dona M. Blank, 52, of 514 Broadway, died yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital. She had been ill several years. Born December 12, 1914 in Parsons, W. Va., she was a daughter of the late Freeman and Effie (Davis) Keller. Surviving in addition to her husband, Samuel H. Blank, are two sons, Donald and Robert Blank, both of Cumberland; two daughters, Mrs. Charles W. Root, Hyattsville; Mrs. William A. B. Liller, Cumberland; a number of brothers and sisters, and ten grandchildren. The body is at the Scarpelli Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Services will be conducted Thursday at 1 p.m. at the funeral home by Rev. Carl H. Clapp. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park.
The Cumberland News, March 7, 1967
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted June 7, 2009
BLANK, Donald J.
WELLERSBURG, Pa. — Donald J. Blank Sr., 90, of Wellersburg, passed away Friday, Jan. 1, 2010, at Western Maryland Regional Medical Center. Born Dec. 25, 1919, in Akron Ohio, he was a son of the late John C. and Mary Alice (Foley) Blank. He is survived by his wife of nearly 64 years, Alfretta (Weimer) Blank, whom he married Jan. 30, 1946; seven children, Donna Jean Porter and husband Bill, of McDonald, Tenn., Regina Solomon and husband Jim, of Uniontown, Janet Zysk and husband Dave, of Pittsburgh, Beverly Frantel and husband Harry, of Tennessee, Donald Blank Jr., of Wellersburg, Neil Blank, of Mount Savage, and Gayle Blank, of Washington, D.C.; a brother, Gerald Blank, of Harrisonburg, Va.; 16 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. Mr. Blank retired in 1982 from Kelly Springfield Tire Company. He served in the US Army during World War II. He was a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Mount Savage. Friends will be received at the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home, Inc., 169 Clarence St., Hyndman, Pa., on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Mount Savage, on Wednesday at 11 a.m. with Father Ty S. Hullinger as celebrant. Burial will follow at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Mount Savage.
January 02, 2010, Cumberland Times-News
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLANK, Donald W.
FLINTSTONE — Donald W. Blank Sr., 70, of Flintstone, passed away on Friday, Feb. 12, 2010, at the Western Maryland Regional Medical Center. Born Dec. 3, 1939, in Cumberland, he was the son of the late Samuel and Donna (Kellar) Blank. He was also preceded in death by one son, Donald Blank Jr.; two granddaughters, Natashia Blank and Tracie Werner; two step-grandsons, Anthony and Patrick Matthews; and one step-son, Gary Whorton. Mr. Blank retired from CSX Railroad where he worked as a brakeman and a conductor. Donald was a member of the American Legion Post 13. Surviving are his wife, Shelvie Jean Blank; one brother, Robert Blank and wife Dona; two sisters, Billie Root and Donna Jean Liller and husband William; four sons, Sammy Blank, John Blank and wife Toni, Paul Blank and wife Christine, Cumberland, James Blank and Amy, Ridgeley, W.Va.; two daughters, Vickie and Angela; nine stepchildren, Bambie Matthew and husband Anthony, Jamie Imler, Rhonda Broadwater and husband David, Richard Whorton and wife Linda, Eddie Whorton and wife Shelia, Ellen Unger and husband Dennis, Susan Flanagan and David Campbell, Karen McMillan and husband Mick, Regina Whorton and Fred VanPelt; favorite sister-in-law, Doris and husband Donald Wallizer and family; special friend, Jeremy; and brother-in-law, Robert Nelson and family; 30 grandchildren; and 26 great-grandchildren. At Donald’s request his body will be cremated and there will be no viewing. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Scarpelli Funeral Home, P.A., 108 Virginia Ave., Cumberland, is assisting the family.
February 13, 2010, Cumberland Times-News
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLANK, Mrs. Dorothy Eleanor, nee Blank
WELLERSBURG, Pa. ~ Dorothy Eleanor Blank, 89, of W. Mineral Street, Wellersburg, went to be with the Lord and her reunion with her beloved husband, on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at her residence with her family around her. Born Nov. 10, 1912, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, she was the daughter of the late John C. and Elsie V. (Lewis) Blank. In 1999, she was preceded in death by Raymond Delbert Blank, her beloved husband of 70 years, whom she married Dec. 11, 1928; one son, Dale E. Blank; two grandchildren; two brothers; and two sisters, also preceded her in death. Mrs. Blank was a homemaker. Survivors include four sons, Leslie Blank and wife Laverne (Sager), Hyndman, Gary Blank and wife Louise (Robertson) and Dwayne Blank and wife Barbara (Phillips), all of Wellersburg, and David Blank and wife Renee (Haney), Eckhart, Md.; four daughters, Evelyn Stott, Akron, Ohio, Joan Sager and husband Joe, Hyndman, Norma Middleton and husband Gerald, Frostburg, Md., and Diane DeHaven and husband James, Corriganville, Md.; two brothers, Edgar Blank and wife Dot, and Austin Blank, all of Mount Savage; one sister, Mary Steele, Cumberland; one daughter-in-law, Margaret (Darby) Blank, Corriganville;12 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and four great-great- grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home, 169 Clarence St., Hyndman, Thursday, April 25, 2002, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted at the funeral home on Friday, April 26, 2002, at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Ken L. Korns and Rev. Nancy J. Clark officiating. Interment will be in Sunset Memorial Park, Cumberland, Md.
Cumberland Times-News; about Tuesday, April 23, 2002
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
Name: Dorothy Lee Blank, 87, of the Frostburg Nursing and Rehab Center
Parents: Thomas Francis Nicol and Mamie Rosetta (Grove) Nicol
DOB: March 20, 1923 in Lonaconing
DOD: Sunday, October 24, 2010 at the Western Maryland Regional Medical Center, Cumberland
Spouse: none mentioned
Predeceased by: parents; six sisters and four brothers
Survived by: children, Susan Porter of Palm Harbor, FL, Donna Blank of Cumberland, Jacqueline Kerr and husband Tom of Frostburg, Michael Blank and wife Diane of Waynesboro, PA and Kimberly Harper of Frostburg
Burial: Inurnment, Frostburg Memorial Park
Source: Eichhorn-McKenzie Funeral Home, Lonaconing, MD
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2014
BLANK, Mrs. Dorothy P. DeVore, nee Shaffer
Dorothy P. DeVore-Blank, 90, of Mt. Savage, Md., claimed her inheritance in heaven kept for her by the Lord on Oct. 11, 2008. Dorothy passed on peacefully at the home of her daughter, Paula Holler, Hyndman. Born July 16, 1918, in Claysville, she was a daughter of the late Roy D. and Ruth (Wassum) Shaffer. Dorothy was also preceded in death by her first husband, Raymond P. DeVore, after 53 years of marriage. Dorothy worked for the Celanese Corporation, Kelly Springfield, Sears in Cumberland, Md., and Hedstrom Corporation of Bedford. She was a member of Palo Alto United Methodist Church and a lifetime member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W., Oscar Jordan Post, Hyndman. Dorothy was a loving mother and grandmother, who cherished spending time with her family and enjoyed the companionship of her friends. Dorothy was preceded in death by three brothers: Paul, Carl and Richard Shaffer; three sisters: Betty Jane Shaffer, Phyllis (Shaffer) McWilliams and Ethel Shaffer; two nieces: Rosalie McWilliams and Julie (Shaffer) Freeland. Surviving are her husband, Edgar Blank of Mt. Savage; a daughter, Paula Holler and husband Charles of Hyndman; a granddaughter, Allyson Holler Martz and husband Kyle of Cumberland, Md.; two great-granddaughters: Lydia Raye Martz and Anna Louise Martz; a brother, Robert Shaffer and wife Nellie of Cumberland, Md.; 16 nieces and nephews; and her beloved friend, Alma Sherman. Friends will be received at the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home, 169 Clarence Street, Hyndman on Monday, Oct. 13, 2008 from 7 to 9 p.m. and on Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2008 from 10 to 11 a.m. A funeral service will be conducted at the funeral home on Tuesday at 11 a.m. with Rev. David Klink officiating. Burial will follow at Madley Cemetery, Madley. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Hyndman Rescue Squad.
Cumberland Times-News, October 12, 2008
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 14, 2010
BLANK, Mrs. Elizabeth Christina Beal
RAWLINGS - Elizabeth Christina (Beal) Blank, 94, formerly of Rawlings and residing at Frostburg Village Nursing Care Center, died on Tuesday, April 26, 2005. Born Aug. 21, 1910, in Morantown, she was the daughter of the late John Lewis Beal and Laura Rebecca (Albright) Beal. Mrs. Blank was also preceded in death by her husband, Roy Dudley Blank, Nov. 22, 2002; four sisters, Minnie Lemmert, Margaret Murray, Kathleen Kirby, and Ida Often-Keel; and five brothers, Albert Beal, Louis Beal, George Beal, James Beal, and Bill Livingood. A homemaker, Mrs. Blank is survived by her son, Leonard K. Blank and wife Elaine, Rawlings; her granddaughter, Beth Blank, Rawlings; her sister, Hilda Twigg; and her brother, Benny Beal and wife Jackie, Mt. Savage. Friends will be received at the Adams Family Funeral Home, P.A., 404 Decatur St., Cumberland, on Thursday, April 28, 2005, from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 p.m. A funeral service will be conducted at the funeral home on Friday, April 29, 2005, at 11 a.m., with Pastor Douglas Seaman officiating. Pallbearers will be Jim Kennell, Kenneth Kennell, Bobby Often, Terry Beal, John Twigg, and Roger Twigg. Interment will be at the Mount Savage United Methodist Cemetery.
Cumberland Times-News, April 27, 2005
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 1, 2013
BLANK, Elmer F.
MOUNT SAVAGE — Elmer F. Blank, 82, of Mount Savage, passed away on Monday, Oct. 22, 2012 at the Western Maryland Regional Medical Center. Elmer was born on March 21, 1930 in Mount Savage, to the late Francis and Mary C. (Hunt) Blank. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by one daughter, Michelle Blank; three sisters, Virginia Lee Bury, Gloria Blank, and Verda R. Rowe; two brothers, James Blank and Don H. Blank. Mr. Blank was a member of St. George’s Episcopal Church, Mount Savage, Old Rail Post 6025 V.F.W, and Farrady Post 24 American Legion. Mr. Blank retired from Kelly Springfield Tire Co. as an Architectural Engineer and was a U.S. Marine veteran of the Korean Conflict. Surviving is his wife of 60 years, Helen M. (Harden) Blank; his four children, David Blank, Charlotte, N.C., Wendy Clements, Mount Savage, Kenny Blank, Mount Savage, John Blank and wife Jean, Mount Savage; 16 grandchildren; 22 great grandchildren; two sisters, Shirley Ann Jenkins and M. Carolyn Monahan; and numerous nieces and nephews. Friends and family will be received at Durst Funeral Home P.A., 57 Frost Ave, Frostburg, on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A Requiem Eucharist will be celebrated at St. George’s Episcopal Church on Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Theresa Brion officiating. Interment will be in the Parish Cemetery. Military honors will be accorded by members of Old Rail Post 6025 V.F.W.
Cumberland Times-News, October 23, 2012
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLANK, Glenn Roy
FROSTBURG — Glenn Roy Blank, 75, of Frostburg, was taken to his heavenly home on Friday, April 13, 2012 at Western Maryland Regional Medical Center. Born Oct. 7, 1936, he was the son of the late Roy Blank, Mount Savage, Elsie Eisler Lotz and stepfather John F. Lotz of Florida. Glenn was an avid hunter and fisherman and he loved to work in the garden. He was a member of the Big Savage Sportsman Club and Piney Mountain Club and a former member of the Eastern Garrett County Fire Department. He was Lutheran by faith and a retired meat cutter by trade. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Shirley (Clark) Blank; his son, Glenn (Bud) Blank, Frostburg; a daughter, Deborah Marsh of Oldtown; two granddaughters, whom he loved so much, Kelley Marsh, Oldtown and Allie Blank, Frostburg; two step grandsons, Matthew Hetrick and Joshua Hetrick; a brother, Leonard Blank, Rawlings; numerous nieces and nephews; and many friends. Family and friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home P.A., 57 Frost Ave., Frostburg, on Monday, April 16, 2012 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted in the Durst Funeral Home on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at noon with Pastor Joe DiNicola officiating. Interment will be in the Emmanuel United Methodist Church, Finzel. Pallbearers will be Matthew Hetrick, Craig Zigler, Mark Housel, Todd Skidmore, Bobby Drees and Douglas Arnold.
Cumberland Times-News, April 14, 2012
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted April 21, 2012
BLANK, James Austin Sr.
MOUNT SAVAGE - MOUNT SAVAGE - James Austin "Pete" Blank Sr., 80, of Mount Savage, died Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003, at Sacred Heart Hospital. Born Oct. 31, 1922, in Mount Savage, he was the son of the late John C. Blank. Mr. Blank was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Thelma K. (Wright) Blank; five sisters, Laura Armstrong, Mary Steele, Dorothy Blank, Emma Lancaster and Erma Miller; and two brothers, Samuel Blank and Clayton Blank. Mr. Blank was a retired plant manager with Mount Savage Refractories where he had been employed for 44 years. Mr. Blank was a member of Saint George's Episcopal Church and the Potomac Council Boy Scouts of America. Surviving are two sons, James A. Blank, Jr. and fiance Cynthia Stys, Columbia, and Richard W. Blank and wife Donna, Mt. Savage; one daughter, Sharon Winebrenner and husband Bernard, Mount Savage; four grandchildren, Jimmy Winebrenner, Jody Winebrenner Bucy and husband John, Steven Blank, all of Mount Savage, and Amy Blank Kinsall and husband Ted, Frostburg; two very special great-grandchildren, Sara and Joshua Bucy, who could bring a smile to his face at anytime; and one brother, Edgar Andrew "Andy" Blank and wife Dot, Mount Savage. Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home, P.A., 57 Frost Ave., Frostburg, on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Family and friends can also go online at to send expressions of sympathy or find directions to the funeral home. Funeral services will be conducted at the funeral home on Monday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. T. William Preston officiating. Interment will be in the Saint George's Cemetery, Mount Savage.
Cumberland Times-News; Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLANK, Kenneth Sr.
MOUNT SAVAGE ~ Kenneth Blank, Sr., 85, of Callah Hill Road, Mount Savage, died Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003, at Sacred Heart Hospital. Born February 16, 1918 in Frostburg, he was the son of the late Edward M. Blank and Margaret (Dudley) Blank. Kenneth was also preceded in death by his wife, Sarah Jane (Duncan) Blank; and four brothers, Samuel, Edward, Willard and Roy Blank. Mr. Blank was retired from the bobbin department at Celanese Fibers Corp. He was a U.S. Army veteran of WWII and received the Purple Heart in Normandy with the 83rd Infantry. He was a member of the Mount Savage United Methodist Church and was a charter member of V.F.W. Old Rail Post 6025, Mt. Savage. Surviving are two sons, Darrell Blank and wife Cathy, LaVale, and Kenneth Blank, Jr., LaVale; five grandchildren, Melissa, Matthew and Andrea Blank, Juliet Blank Godlove and husband Matt, and Brett Kelly and wife Christa; one great-granddaughter, Samantha Kelly; one brother, Floyd Blank, Mt. Savage; and several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home, P.A., 57 Frost Ave., Frostburg, on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted at the funeral home on Monday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Richard C. Broome, Jr. officiating. Interment will be in the Mount Savage Methodist Cemetery. Military honors will be accorded at graveside by members of the Old Rail Post V.F.W. Honor Guard. Memorials may be directed to the Mt. Savage United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 603, Mt. Savage, MD 21545.
Cumberland Times-News; Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
Funeral of Levi Blank
The funeral of Levi Blank, aged 67, who died at his home near Mt. Savage on Sunday morning, was held Tuesday afternoon with services at St. George's Protestant Episcopal Church, the rector, Rev. J. W. Torkington, officiating. Interment was in St. George's Cemetery The pall bearers were Edward McKenzie, Earl Purbaugh, James Jenkins, John Carter, Albert Rice, and William Lancaster. Six grandsons acted as flowerbearers. Mr. Blank is survived by his widow and the following sons and daughters: Walter Blank and Francis Blank, Mt. Savage; Mrs. Nellie Dickel, Cumberland; Mrs. Verda Osten and Mrs. Thomas Pratt, Eckhart; and Mrs. James Wharton, Mt. Savage. Two brothers, Lewis Blank Wellersburg, Pa., and Edward Blank Mt. Savage, also survive. He is also survived by 29 grandchildren two great grandchildren.
Wednesday, 23 April 1930; Cumberland Evening Times
Posted August 27, 2011
BLANK, Mrs. Margaret Dudley
Mt. Savage, April 9 — Last rites for Mrs. Margaret Blank, 61, wife of Edward M. Blank, who died yesterday afternoon in Miners' Hospital, Frostburg, where she was admitted Friday after suffering a heart attack, will be conducted Thursday at 2:30 p. m. in Mt. Savage Methodist church, by the Rev. Lee H. Richcreek, pastor. Interment will be in the church cemetery. A native of Eckhart, Mrs. Blank was a daughter of the late Samuel and Gwendolyn (Jeffreys) Dudley. She had resided in Mt. Savage since 1916, and was a member of the WSCS of Mt. Savage Methodist church; Rebecca Arnold Chapter No. 56. Order of the Eastern Star, and Star of Frostburg Council, Daughters of America. Besides her husband, Mrs. Blank is survived by six sons, five of whom were recently discharged after serving overseas in the Army. They are Samuel Blank, Army, of Detroit, Mich.; Edward Blank, of St. Petersburg, Fla.; Floyd, Willard and Roy Blank, Mt. Savage; and Kenneth Blank, at home. Also surviving are a brother, John Dudley, of Midlothian, and a sister, Mrs. Charles Cole, Frostburg, and five grandchildren.
The Cumberland Evening Times, April 9, 1946
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 18, 2009
BLANK, Raymond Delbert
WELLERSBURG, Pa. - Raymond Delbert Blank, 94, of Southampton Township, died Saturday, March 13, 1999, at his residence after a long illness. Born April 2, 1904, in Wellersburg, he was one of 14 children of the late John Edward and Cecilia Martha (Orndorf) Blank. Eight brothers, five sisters, and two grandchildren also preceded Mr. Blank in death. His wife, Dorothy Eleanor Blank; five sons, Dale and wife, Pocahontas, Pa., Leslie and wife, Hyndman, David and wife, Eckhart, Md., Gary and wife, and Dwayne and wife, all of Wellersburg; four daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Stott, Akron, Ohio, Joan Sager and husband, Hyndman, Norma Middleton and husband, Frostburg, Md., and Diane DeHaven and husband, Corriganville, Md.; 12 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren survive Mr. Blank. Mr. Blank served in the United States Army, and he attended the Methodist Church in Mount Savage, Md. Friends will be received at the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home on Tuesday, March 16, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted at the funeral home on Wednesday, March 17, at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Ken L. Korns officiating. Interment will be in Sunset Memorial Park, Bedford Road, Cumberland, Md. The Cumberland Combined Forces Color Guard will accord Mr. Blank full military honors.
Cumberland Times-News; Saturday, March 13, 1999
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
Name: Regina Elton Blank, 95, of Zihlman, MD
Parents: Alonzo and Annie G. (Porter) Howsare
DOB: May 10, 1912, in Zihlman, MD
DOD: Friday, December 14, 2007 at WMHS – Memorial Campus, Cumberland, MD
Spouses: 1st husband, Wantford Sween, who lost his life during World War II; 2nd husband, Arthur Blank
Predeceased by: parents; husbands; brothers, Alonzo Howsare and Edwin Howsare; sister, Eleanor Shoemake
Survived by: sons, G. Neil Sween and wife Peggy, Zihlman; Gary Sween and wife Virginia, Eckhart, MD; Eugene A. Blank and wife Connie, Frostburg, MD; Robert W. Blank and wife Anna Ferro, Roanoke, VA; Michael P. Blank and wife Kathy, Woodstock, MD; daughter, Linda Carter and husband Joseph, Potomac, MD
Burial: December 18, 2007, Frostburg Memorial Park, Frostburg, MD
Source: Sowers Funeral Home, Frostburg, MD
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted June 14, 2014
BLANK, Richard R.
CUCAMONGA, Calif. - Richard R. "Dick" Blank, 59, of 10765 Wildwood Drive, Cucamonga, died Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1998, at home. Born Nov. 25, 1938, at Mount Savage, Md., he was the son of the late Carl and Mary (McKenzie) Blank. He also was preceded in death by one brother, Perry Blank. Mr. Blank was a machinist by trade, and owner of his own business in California. Surviving are his wife, Lonnie (Minter) Blank; four sons, Ronald, Mark, Dale and Christopher; one daughter, Sherri; four brothers, Carl, Ellsworth, Gilbert and Russell; and two sisters, Martha Williams Shaw and Linnie Mace. Funeral arrangements are being done by Draper Mortuary, Ontario, Calif.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004, Cumberland Times-News
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLANK, Roy Dudley
RAWLINGS - Roy Dudley Blank, 92, of Rawlings, and formerly of Mount Savage, died Friday, Nov. 22, 2002. Born Feb. 9, 1910, in Frostburg, he was the son of the late Edward Matthew Blank and Margaret (Dudley) Blank. Mr. Blank was a World War II Veteran of the U.S. Army and he attended the Central Assembly of God Church. Mr. Blank is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Christina (Beal) Blank; two sons, Leonard K. Blank; Glenn Blank; two brothers, Kenneth Blank and Floyd Blank; and three grandchildren, Beth Blank, Debra Marsh, and Glen Blank. Friends will be received at the Merritt-Adams Funeral Home, P.A., 404 Decatur Street, Cumberland, on Sunday, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A funeral service will be conducted at the funeral home on Monday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Douglas Seaman officiating. Interment will be in Mt. Savage United Methodist Cemetery. Additional information may be found on our Web Site at
Cumberland Times-News; Friday, November 22, 2002
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLANK, Samuel T.
MT. SAVA6E -Samuel T. Blank, 64, of 404 Cedarwood Drive, Holiday, Fla., died suddenly yesterday in a hospital there. A former resident of Mt. Savage, he was a son of Edward M. Blank, here, and the late
Margaret (Dudley) Blank. Mr. Blank was employed by the Ford Motor Company in Detroit and moved to Florida after his retirement four years ago. Besides his father, he is survived by his widow, Grace (Westcott) Blank; five brothers, Edward M. Blank Jr., St. Petersburg, Fla.; Roy, Jesse W., Kenneth and Floyd Blank, all of here. A service and Interment will take place Friday in Florida.
Wednesday, 3 November 1971; Cumberland Evening Times
Posted August 27, 2011
BLANK, Mrs. Sandra D. Sweene
MT. SAVAGE - Sandra D. Blank, 55, of Mt. Savage, went to be with the Lord on Friday, July 25, 2003 at Sacred Heart Hospital. Born October 14, 1947 in Frostburg, she was the daughter of William D. and Colleen Z. (Shoemake) Sweene, Mt. Savage. Surviving are her husband, Russell Blank; three children: Russell John, Tracy Diane, and Brent William; and four grandchildren: Daryl Logan, Shelby Lynn, Jaida Christine, and Zoey Diane; one brother, Skip Sweene, and wife, Connie, Morantown; two sisters,: Donna Faulkner and husband, Steve, LaVale; and Connie Sell and husband, Jim, Hagerstown. She was employed at Centre Street United Methodist Church. Friends will be received at the Sowers Funeral Home ,P.A., 60 W. Main St., Frostburg, on Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Friends will also be received at Centre Street United Church, 217 N. Centre St., Cumberland on Tuesday from 10:00 a. m. to 11:00 a. m., followed by Funeral Service at 11:00 a. m, with The Rev. Lloyd B. McCanna, officiating. Honorary pallbearer will be Daryl Logan. Pallbearers will be James B. Williams, Jim Sell, Steve Faulkner, Mark Drew, Derek Drew, and Steven Faulkner. Interment will be in Sunset Memorial Park, Cumberland.
Friday, July 25, 2003; Sowers Funeral Home, Frostburg, Maryland
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 8, 2014
BLANSET-LAPE. Mrs. M. Elizabeth Spangler
M. Elizabeth "Libby" (Spangler) Blanset-Lape, 98, Stoystown, died June 25, 2003 at Siemon Lake View Manor Estate. Born Sept. 9, 1904 in Stoystown. Daughter of Robert W. and Eliza J. (Kimmell) Spangler. Preceded in death by parents, first husband Ralph D. Blanset Sr., 1955, second husband Foster P. Lape, 1975, daughter Doris J. Bassler, grandson William Bassler, step great-grandson Nicholas Enos, stepson John Peter Lape and very good friend Edward Darr. Survived by son Ralph D. Blanset Jr., married to Marlys Kimmell, Stoystown; grandchildren Debra (Blanset) and husband Michael Hittie; Dawn (Blanset) and husband Calvin Maluchnick; Richard Bassler and wife Cythia; Denise Bassler and husband Daryl Brubaker; and Dianne (Bassler) and husband William Carter; stepson Lon Lape and step grandchildren Barry Enos and wife Patricia and Robert Enos and wife Diane. Also survived by 15 great-grandchildren. Member of the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Stoystown, where she formerly participated in various church activities. Charter member of the auxiliary to Stoystown Post 257 American Legion. Also member of the former auxiliary to the Stoystown Volunteer Fire Department. Friends received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Hoffman Funeral Home, Route 403 and Church Road, Davidsville, where service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday. The Rev. Walter L. Startzel officiating. Interment Odd Fellows Cemetery, Stoystown. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given to Grace Lutheran Church in Stoystown.
Daily American, Somerset, PA, June 27, 2003
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 23, 2017
Ralph D. Blanset, Sr., 57, of Stoystown, died Sunday in Somerset Community hospital where he had been a patient since Tuesday. He was born in Stoystown May 8, 1898, a son of George Blanset and the late Anna Geiger Blanset, and is survived by his widow, Mrs.Elizabeth Spangler Blanset, and his father, mentioned, Stoystown, and a son, Ralph Blanset, Jr.; daughter, Doris Blanset; a granddaughter, Debra Ann Blanset; a brother, William Blanset; and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Steach, all of Stoystown. Mr. Blanset was a member of Grace Lutheran church, Stoystown, Stoystown I.O.O.F. lodge, and was a plasterer by trade. Incomplete funeral arrangements are in charge of the Deaner Funeral home, Stoystown, where friends may pay their respects.
Somerset Daily American, November 14, 1955
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 23, 2017
BLANSET, Ralph D. Jr.
Ralph D. Jr., 86, Stoystown, died unexpectedly Feb. 27, 2014, while visiting his daughter, Dawn Maluchnick, in Florida. Born Jan. 4, 1928, in Stoystown, son of Ralph Blanset Sr. and Myrtle E. “Libby” (Spangler) Lape. Preceded in death by parents; first wife, Irene (Bittner) Blanset, on March 26, 1981; second wife, Marlys J. (Kimmel) Enos, on April 19, 2008; stepson, Barry Enos; and step-grandson, Nicholas Enos. Survived by daughters, Debbie (Blanset), and husband, Michael Hittie, Friedens, and Dawn (Blanset), and husband, Calvin Maluchnick, Stoystown; stepson, Robert Enos, and wife, Diane, Laughlintown; step daughter-in-law, Patricia Enos, Mount Joy; grandsons, Zachary Hittie; Drew Hittie, and fiance, Lauren Knupp; Derek Hittie; and Mack Maluchnick; and step-grandchildren, Kassie Enos, Meredith Febbraio, Laura Petrescu and Matthew Enos. Several years after graduating high school, Ralph joined the U.S. Army in 1952 during the Korean War. He served as an automotive and track instructor at an armored tank school in Fort Knox, Ky. Owned and operated the family businesses, Blanset Construction and Plastering and Blanset’s Hardware, both in Stoystown, for many years. Was a third generation plasterer. Dedicated to the Stoystown area, his community service included the volunteer fire department (approx. 50 years), fire chief (approx. 40 years), borough council (approx. 50 years), borough council president, police officer and chief of police (many years) and mayor (two years). Founding member and current secretary of Somerset Area Ambulance board of directors. Member of Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church and Somerset County Republican Committee. Past member of Stoystown Post 257 American Legion and Stoystown Lions Club. Above all, Ralph loved his family. Viewing will be held from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Hoffman Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 109 Church Road, Davidsville, where service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Pastor Edward V. DeVore officiating. Interment, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Stoystown. Military rites in charge of Somerset County Honor Guard. Memorials may be given to Somerset Area Ambulance Service, 115 Wood Duck Road, Somerset, Pa. 15501.
d.o.d. February 27, 2014; Hoffman Funeral Home Obituary
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 23, 2017
BLANTT, Joseph
KIGHT, Edward
Three Men Killed and Thirteen Others Injured by Collision on Incline
Early This Morning - Two of Latter May Die
Special to the Times
Westernport, Md., Jan. 25 - A dreadful accident occurred at 6:30 o'clock this morning at Washington Mine No. 5 of the Piedmont and George's Creek Coal Co., near Franklin, Md., of which Mr. M. P. Fahey is superintendent, in which three men were killed instantly and thirteen others were badly, and one or two perhaps fatally injured.
The Killed
Jos. Blantt, Italian laborer
William Hamilton, blacksmith, of Franklin
James Condry, dumpman, of Franklin
The Injured
Kirk, a brakeman on the mine electric motor, injured in the arm and chest. He resides at Barton and will recover.
Edward Kight, carpenter, injured seriously about the head.
John and Louis Tucci, Italian laborers. Joseph hurt about the head, Louis in the legs and chest.
L. C. Lambert, leg broken; resides at Reb's station, near Westerport.
W. H. Smith, weightmaster, shoulder blade broken and injured in the back; resides at Reb's station.
James Gowan, laborer, face cut; resides at Barton.
George Hamilton, miner, face cut; resides at Franklin.
Ed Frazenbaker, roadsman, hurt about arm; resides at Westernport.
Thomas Murphy, fireman, eyes and back injured.
Escaped Injury
Earnest Phillips and Clarence McAllister, both of Franklin, escaped injury. Murphy was on the descending loaded cars; the others were all on the ascending empties. None of the cars were thrown from the track by collision.
How it Happened
As stated, the accident happened on the incline plane during the first trip of the day. The ascending cars are always empty and they meet the descending loads at an automatic switch half way up the incline. Here, of course, if the switch is properly set, they pass each other, keep to the track to the right and there is seldom any difficulty in passing. William Stowell, a lad sixteen or seventeen years old, is charged with setting the switch, and it is thought that in some way he neglected to perform his duty properly and hence the trips collided while going at a high speed.
The men were all riding up the incline on their way to work in or about the mines.
Condry and Blantt were killed instantly. Hamilton died at 8:30 o'clock this morning. Father Quinn, of Barton, and Scarpatti, of Morantown, were quickly on the scene.
Store Turned Into Hospital
The injured in the mine accident have all been taken to Gannon's store at Franklin, which has been turned into a temporary hospital. All the physicians of Piedmont and Westernport are in attendance.
Kight Has Since Died
Since the above story was written Mr. Edward Kight has died. Mr. L. C. Lambert and the three Italians who were seriously injured were taken to the Hoffman Hospital at Keyser. Mr. Kight died at 12:20. The others who were injured were taken to their homes, none of whom were seriously injured.
Mr. Lambert and the three Italians were reported in a critical condition at 4 o'clock.
The Evening Times, Cumberland, January 25, 1909
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted August 4, 2010
BLAUCH, Mrs. Alice L McKenzie
Mrs. Alice L. Blauch, 67, RD 6, Cumberland, died yesterday in Sacred Heart Hospital where she was a patient one week. Born in Rawlings, she was the daughter of the late George M. and Susie McKenzie, and was preceded in death by her husband, Lester Blauch. She was a member of the Pinto Mennonite Church. Surviving are one son, C. Kenneth Blauch, Cresaptown; one sister, Mrs. Ethel Blauch, RD 2, Keyser; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The body is at the Silcox Merritt Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
The Cumberland Evening Times, February 2, 1972
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted September 22, 2012
BLAUCH, John Edward
John Edward Blauch, 56, of Route 2, Keyser, died today at Sacred HeartHospital. Born Sept. 24, 1924, in Fort Ashby, he was a son of Ethel McKenzie Blauch of Route 2, Keyser, and the late Bruce E. Blauch. Mr. Blauch was a member of the Pinto Mennonite Church and attended Our Father’s House, Route 2, Keyser. He was employed by Pownall Builders and Kesner Construction Company. Surviving in addition to his mother are his widow, Bonnie B. (Thompson) Blauch, three sons, Stephen L. Blauch of Columbia, S.C., Randall D. Blauch of Jacksonville, Fla., and Edward L. Blauch of Winchester; one stepson, Gregory A. Garver of Orlando, Fla., USN; one daughter, Mrs. Cynthia Tomblin of Jacksonville; one step-daughter, Miss Terry Garver of Ridgeley; five brothers, Haven K. Blauch, Green Spring, George L. Blauch and Thomas E. Blauch, both of Tampa, Fla., and Bruce F. Blauch Jr. of Atlanta, Ga.; four sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Hiett and Mrs. Margaret Ward, both of Short Gap, Mrs. Loretta Thomas of Falls Church, Va., and Mrs. Darlene Gulino of Atlanta and four grandchildren. Interment will be in the Pinto Cemetery.
Cumberland Evening Times, August 5, 1981
(Courtesy of Ray Leidinger/transcribed by Michael McKenzie)
Posted October 19, 2015
Mrs. Hannah Blizzard, a widow aged about 70 years died at her home near Cabin Run, Thursday, Jan 11, 1912 and will be buried today. She had been invalid for 16 years.
Keyser Tribune, January 12, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 24, 2010
BLOCHER, Agnes M. Hott
MIDLOTHIAN — Agnes (Hott) Blocher, 87, formerly of Midlothian, died Monday, Feb. 15, 1999, at Gladys Spellman Nursing Home, Cheverly. Born Jan. 25, 1912, in Carlos, she was the daughter of the late Archie and Edith (Stevenson) Hott. She was also preceded in death by her husband, John T. Blocher; five sisters, Arlene Suthfan, Edith Fether, Jane Weakley, Goldie Hott and Pearl Smith; and two brothers, Archie Hott and William Hott. Surviving are three daughters, Lillian Chiles and husband, Walter, Greenbelt, with whom she had resided, Nancy Fink and husband, Richard, Rochelle, Texas, Wanda Fisher and husband, Charles, Riverdale; three sons, Johnnie Blocher and wife, Joan, Santa Rosa, Calif., Leonard Blocher and wife, Shirley, Indianhead, and Tommie Davis; 22 grandchildren; three sisters, Martha DeVault, Carlos, Myrtle Jones, Richmond, Va., and Estella Porter, Lonaconing; and one brother, Thomas Hott, Kensington. Friends will be received at the Sowers Funeral Home, P.A., 60 W. Main St., Frostburg, on Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted at the funeral home on Saturday at 10 a.m. with the Rev. William G. Boyer officiating. Interment will be in Johnson Cemetery.
Published Thursday, February 18, 1999 in THE CUMBERLAND TIMES-NEWS, Cumberland, Maryland on page 3-B, col. 2.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted December 10, 2016
Died at the residence of his son, George C. Blocher, near Avilton, Garrett County, Tuesday, June 26, Mr. Andrew Blocher, aged 83. Mr. Blocher had been sick about one month previous to his demise. He was one of the oldest residents of this part of Garrett county, being born on the Blocher farm near where he died. He was an industrious man and was highly respected. He was born March 9, 1818. He was married April 27, 1846, to Nancy C. Layman who died Jan. 1895. They had a family of ten children, three dead and seven living. They are, Mrs. Henry Durst of Minnesota, John S. Blocher of South Dakota, Lewis A. Blocher of W. Va., Mrs. Mollie C. Harmon, South Dakota, George C. Blocher, Mrs. Ada Carey and Miss Maggie Blocher, of Garrett county, Md. He is also survived by three brothers, Hon. G. W. and Henry of Garrett county, and Jacob of Kansas, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown of Garrett county. The deceased was a member of the Dunkard church. The funeral took place Thursday. Rev. David Merrill preached the funeral sermon. Interment in Blocher cemetery. The pall bearers were John Saurbaugh, B. F. Michaels, Hugh McMahon, David and Richard Pope and James Franzey.
The Republican, Oakland, July 5, 1900
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Caroline Maria
On the morning of the 15th of December, Caroline Maria, daughter of Wm. L. and Amanda Blocher, aged eight months. - Logan Gazette
Cumberland Alleganian; Saturday, 3 January 1846
Posted August 31, 2011
BLOCHER, Mrs. Carrie I. Leydig
HYNDMAN, Pa. - Mrs. Carrie I. Blocher, 54, died Wednesday in Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, Md. Born in Hyndman on Jan. 28, 1933, she was the daughter of the late Walter G. and Floralla (Sides) Leydig. Mrs. Blocher was a member of Fairhope Community Church. Surviving are her husband, Herbert B. Blocher; one son, Bradford L. Blocher, at home; two brothers, Walter Leydig, Fairhope, and John Leydig, Somerset; seven sisters, Mrs. Beatrice Logsdon, Mrs. Grace Meyers, Mrs. Lillian Shroyer and Mrs. Shirley Hutzell, all of Hyndman; Mrs. Alma Sponaugle, Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. Mary Miller and Mrs. Helen Blocher, both of Fairhope. Friends will be received in the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted there Friday at 11 a.m. by Pastor Daniel E. Leister. Interment will be in Hyndman Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, January 29, 1987
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 17, 2012
BLOCHER, Charles
FROSTBURG — Charles Blocher, 78, formerly of 18 High Street, died yesterday in Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown, where he had been a patient two weeks. Mr. Blocher had resided with his niece, Mrs. J. F. Wilson, Hagerstown, since last August. A native of Garrett County, he was a son of the late Isaac and Sophia (Anderson) Blocher. He was a member of First Methodist Church of Frostburg. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Annie Minnick, Frostburg, and a number of nieces and nephews. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where the family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. A service will be conducted at the funeral home tomorrow at 2 p.m. by Rev. Harold B. Wright. Interment will be in Johnson Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Philip, Harold, Granville, Willard Blocher, James and Wilford Minnick.
The Cumberland News, November 6, 1963
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Christian
At the residence of his brother, George W. Blocher, on Tuesday morning, June 1, 1897, Christian Blocher, aged eighty years, ten months and eighteen days. Death was caused by a complication of diseases and old age. He was always of stout constitution and was only confined to his room the last few days of his life. The deceased was a farmer by occupation, which pursuit he followed all his life up to a few years ago, when on account of failing health, the death of his wife, and his children all being grown and scattered, he gave up the farm and lived with hs children up to about a year ago, since when he has been living with his brother, George W., who is noted for his hospitality to stranges as well as relatives. Deceased had been a devout member of the Dunkard church for the past fifteen years. The funeral sermon will be preached in the Chrerrytree Dunkard church, in the near future, by Rev. Silas Hoover, of Pennsylvania. In early life he married Miss Anna Crowe, from which union three sons and three daughters are left to mourn their loss, all being married but Oliver, the youngest of the family. The remains were interred in the old Blocher cemetery near the old Blocher mansion where he was born. They were followed to the grave by one of the largest crowds that has turned out in years to pay the last tribute of respect to their old neighbor.
From another correspondent;
Died, at the home of George W. Blocher, on the morning of June 1st, 1897, at half past three o'clock, Christian Blocher, in his eighty-third year. His wife died several years ago, and from that time he lived with his children until last fall when he made his home with his brother, George W. Blocher, where he was carefuly watched over until the Master called him home. He did not fear death; it was only the means of transplanting him in the paradise of God. May we who have to pass throught the same channel be ready, as he was, so as to say, "Come, welcome death, through end of years we will gladly go with thee."
10 June 1898; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
Posted January 5, 2018
Cumberland -- Dec. 6. - Daniel Blocher, who has been identified with the growth of Cumberland, died here Sunday in the seventy-first year of his age. In youth he served apprenticeship as a printer, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. In 1830 he was editor of the Maryland Advocate, and in 1833 - in the great fire of April 14- his office was destroyed. Money was sent to him from well known citizens of Baltimore, such as John W. Garrett, Frank Burns and Wm Krebs, to buy new type and start his paper again. It was the organ of the Allegany county Democracy. Mr. Blocher was engaged in the brick business here for many years, and at one time was farming with one of his sons in Charles county. He returned to Cumberland in 1867, and was appointed a justice of the peace, which office he held up to the time of his death. He leaves a widow and nine children, four sons and five daughters, and quite a number of granchilddren. One son (George) is now a sergeant of police in Baltimore city. His son William, who was connected with his father while in charge of the cattle scales, is also living in Baltimore. His other two sons are living in this city. All of his daughters, but one, are married. Mr. Blocher was alwasy a prominent Democrat, and was able to be on the stage at the Academy of Music at one of the Democratic mass meetings during the late campaign. His death will be universally regretted.
11 December 1880; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
Posted January 5, 2018
BLOCHER, Daniel Webster
Akron, Ohio, Jan. 23 - Webster Blocher, 70, native of Frostburg, Md., and a retired coal miner, died here last night. A son of the late Isaac and Sophia (Anderson) Blocher, he was married to the late Dora McKenzie. He is survived by a son, Charles Blocher, Long, Md.; three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Stratton, Cumberland, Md.; Mrs. Gertrude Robbins and Mrs. Mary Rowe, both of Akron; three brothers, William, Wesley and Charles, all of Frostburg, and two sisters, Mrs. Annie Minnick, Frostburg, and Mrs. Bertha Knepp, Eckhart. The body will be taken to Stein's Funeral Home in Cumberland for a short service Saturday morning at 9:30 a. m. Burial will be made in St. Michael's Cemetery, Frostburg.
The Cumberland Evening Times, January 23, 1947
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Mrs. Ellen R. Stanton
From infirmities of age Mrs. Ellen R. Blocher, widow of John Wesley Blocher, died at the home in Grantsville, Saturday morning. Besides one brother, Uriah Stanton, and one sister, Miss Ruth Stanton, of Garrett county, she is survived by the following children: F. W. Blocher, of Wyane(sic), Ind.; and Miss Mary E. Blocher, Miss Lavina Blocher, U. O. Blocher and V. L. Blocher, of Grantsville. The funeral services were held this morning at the Catholic Church, Grantsville, with the celebration of requiem high mass by Rev. Father Aloysius. Burial was in the St. Michael's Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, May 23, 1921
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
Relatives here received word Wednesday of the death of Frank Blocher*, who died at his home in Wayne, Mich., Tuesday. Mr. Blocher was about seventy-two years old. He was born on a farm near Grantsville, Garrett County, a son of Wesley J. and Ellen Stanton Blocher. He resided here until he was about twenty-four years old, when he went to Lancaster, Pa., where he was employed by the Standard Oil Company. Some twenty years ago he located at Wayne, Mich., having built the Wayne Hotel there, and which he operated until his death. During the past year, since her husband had suffered a stroke of paralysis, his wife had taken over the active management of the business. He was unable to regain his health and his death was not entirely unexpected. He was married to Mary C. Loechel some forty years ago. She was the daughter of Samuel Loechel, Grantsville, and a sister of the late Clarence E. Loechel. His widow and their two daughters, Mrs. May Blocher Moore, and Eleanor Blocher, survive him, all of whom now reside at Wayne, Mich. Mr. Blocher is also survived by two brothers, Urban Blocher and V. Llewellyn Blocher, of the Dixie Tavern at Grantsville. Mr. Urban Blocher and Mrs. Ollie E. Loechel left immediately upon receipt of the message telling them of their brother's death, to attend the funeral which was held in Wayne, Thursday. [*as submitted]
Meyersdale Republican, July 11, 1940
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
Gary Lee Blocher, 17, of 17 High Street, Frostburg, died Wednesday in the West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown, of injuries sustained in a car accident on Sunday. The youth, who would have been a senior next month at Beall High School, was injured in a one-car accident Sunday along West Virginia Route 28 near Fort Ashby. West Virginia State Police said the youth was driving at a high rate of speed when his vehicle skidded 54 feet from the highway, flew into the air for 24 feet, crashed in a private driveway, bounced another 63 feet while clearing a five-foot fence, then rolled and slid another 43 feet while knocking a limb off a tree eight feet from the ground. Police said the engine of the car then broke loose from the vehicle and knocked the porch off the residence of Arno Brown. The youth was thrown another 45 feet and slammed into a cinder block wall, police said. He was a son of Mrs. Idelma (Heiland) Blocher and the late Granville Blocher who died in 1968. He was a member of Frostburg United Methodist Church and the Order of the DeMolay. Besides.his mother, he is survived by a sister, Lisa Ann, at home. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home, Frostburg, where friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. A service will be conducted tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the funeral home by Rev. Richard K. McCullough. Burial will be in Frostburg Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be Louis Femi, Gary Warren, Andrew Zimmerman, Randy Grimes, Gordon Opel, Mark McKenzie, David Sagal and John Femi.
The Cumberland News, August 21, 1970
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
The funeral of Mr. George Blocher took place this afternoon with sevices at his late residence on Frost street at 2 o'clock and burial in Rose Hill cemetery. The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. Beck and Mrs. A. Allen, and three sons, Charles and George, all of this city, and Daniel D. of McKees's Rocks, Pa., and two brothers, Henry W. Blocher, a justice of the peace of this city, and Wm L. Blocher, of Baltimore, and five sisters, Mrs. Levi Wickard, of this city; Mrs. Mary E. Reese, of Philadelphia; Mrs. M. M. Chiles, Mrs. Emma B. Cresap and Mrs. Kate Gilmore, all of Atlantic City, N. J.
Cumberland Evening Times, Cumberland, MD.; 16 January 1905, Page 5
Posted December 4, 2015
BLOCHER, George Henry
FROSTBURG George Henry Blocher, 95, of 1010 Blocher Road, Frostburg, Md. (Garrett County), died Saturday, April 1, 2000, at his residence. Born May 9, 1904, in Frostburg, he was a son of the late Bradford and Mary Eva (Wade) Blocher. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Leona (Weimer) Blocher; two sons, Herbert and William; and one daughter, Eva Bittinger. Mr. Blocher was a farmer and member of Mount Zion United Methodist Church. Surviving are one son, Forrest Blocher, Frostburg; three daughters, Helen Albright, Wilmington, Del., Shirley Dauch, Linden, N.C., Pearl Blocher, Friendsville; one granddaughter whom he raised, Carol Ann Goliher, Tenn.; 19 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; and five great-great-grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Newman Funeral Homes, P.A., Grantsville, Md., on Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted at the Mount Zion United Methodist Church, on Tuesday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Steven Lightner officiating. Friends may call at the church one hour prior to services. Interment will be in the Blocher Cemetery.
Cumberland Times-News; about 1 April 2000
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 26, 2011
BLOCHER, Granville
FROSTBURG — Granville Blocher, 48, of 17 High Street, died yesterday at Miners Hospital where he had been admitted June 3. A native of Frostburg, he was a son of the late William and Harriett (Harden) Blocher. He was a veteran of World War II and was employed as a tread room operator at the Kelly-Springfield Tire Company. Mr. Blocher was a member of United Rubber Workers Local 26, Mt. Lodge 99, AF & AM and Farrady Post 24, American Legion. Surviving are his widow, Idelma (Heiland) Blocher; a son, Gary Lee Blocher and a daughter, Lisa Ann Blocher, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Guinevere Christopher, Mrs. Emma Hahn and Mrs. Anna P. Close, and two brothers, Harold and Willard Blocher, all of Frostburg, and a number of nieces and nephews. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 7 until 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. Mt. Lodge 99 will hold a service there tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. The Cumberland News, June 10, 1968 He was buried in Frostburg Memorial Park, Frostburg, Allegany Co., Maryland. FROSTBURG — A service for Granville Blocher, 48, of 17 High Street, who died Sunday at Miners Hospital will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Durst Funeral Home by Rev. Kenneth E. Morelock. Interment will be in Frostburg Memorial Park. Mt. Lodge 99, AF&AM will hold a service at the funeral home today at 7:30 p.m. Pallbearers will be Joseph Stakem, Paul Myers, Donald Rice, David Norris, Ronald (remainder missing)
The Cumberland News, June 11, 1968
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Mrs. Harriet A. Broadwater
Grantsville, Md., Nov. 8 — Mrs. Harriet A. (Broadwater) Blocher, 95, widow of Jacob Blocher, died yesterday morning at the home of her son, John Blocher, Jennings. Seven weeks ago she sustained injuries in a fall. The youngest of twelve children of Amos and Sarah (Sigler) Broadwater, she was the last of the family. Among the survivors, which include four generations; in addition to her son, are five daughters, Mrs. Louise Wilt, Westernport; Mrs. Effie Custer, Eckhart; Mrs. Enoch Robeson, Avilton; Mrs. Zelphia Wilt, Swanton; and Mrs. George Bowers, Jennings. Mrs. Blocher was a Methodist.
The Cumberland Evening Times, November 8, 1940
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Mrs. Harriet A. Broadwater
Grantsville, Md., Nov. 11 - Services for Mrs. Harriet Blocher, 95, widow of Jacob Blocher, were conducted yesterday afternoon from the New Germany Methodist Church by Rev. Leonard L. Wright, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, Frostburg, officiated, assisted by the Rev. Virgil R. Gillum, pastor of the Grantsville charge, Methodist Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Ira L. Huff, Grantsville; Victor Blocher, Breezewood, Pa.; Edwin Robeson, Long Stretch; Glen Custer, Eckhart; Porter Wilt, Swanton, and Roy Wilt formerly of Westernport, all grandsons. Flower bearers were Mrs. Harry Yommer, Grantsville; Fannie Wilt, Westernport; Viola Wilt Cumberland; Mrs. Gay Wamick, Cresaptown, and Miss Mary Custer, Eckhart, granddaughters, and Mrs Neil Morris, Ohiopyle, Pa., great-granddaughter. The Grantsville Methodist Church choir sang, with Mrs. Leonard B. Schaefer, organlst. Surviving besides her son and five daughters are 41 grandchildren, 88 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren, thus she leaves 138 descendants. Mrs. Blocher had been the oldest living member of the Cornelius Broadwater clan, her parents, Amos and Sarah (Sigler) Broadwater, being pioneer settlers of this section.
The Cumberland Evening Times, November 11, 1940
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Mrs., Harriet E. Harden
FROSTBURG - Mrs. Harriet E. Blocher, 82, of 18 High Street, died yesterday at Miners Hospital where she was admitted Thursday. She had been in failing health the past six months. Born in Accident, she was a daughter of the late Michael and Barbara (Shatzer) Harden. Her husband, William M. Blocher, preceded her in death. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, the Loyalty Bible Class of the Church and Farrady Post 24 American Legion Auxiliary. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Richard Christopher, Mrs. William Hahn and Mrs. Kenneth Close; three sons, Harold, Willard and Granville Blocher; one sister, Mrs. Emma Keller, all of Frostburg; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 until 4 p.m. and 7 until 9 p.m. A service will be conducted there tomorrow at 2 p.m. Rev. Kenneth Morelock will officiate and interment will be in Johnson Cemetery. The Farrady Post 24 Auxiliary will hold a service today at 8 p.m. at the funeral home.
The Cumberland News, June 29, 1964
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso & Phyllis Rosley)
Posted February 26, 2011
BLOCHER, (infant) Harry Oliver
Died, Nov. 24th 1887, at Grantsville, Harry Oliver, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blocher, aged 3 weeks.
03 December 1887; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
Posted January 5, 2018

Isaac Blocher
Frostburg, Md., Oct. 14
An automobile accident occurred four miles west of Frostburg yesterday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock, resulting in the death of Isaac Blocher, and the serious injury of C.T. Long, and perhaps the fatal injury of three-year-old Emma Blocher, the granddaughter of Mr. Blocher. The exact cause of the accident is difficult to obtain. It appears, however, that Mr. Long, who lives on East Main street, in this city, started in his automobile yesterday morning to go to Grantsville. When he arrived at the top of Little Savage Mountain he stopped to see Mr. Blocher, who is a farmer and whose home stands near the National road on top of Little Savage Mountain. After a short while at the Blocher home, Mr. Long, it is said, invited Mr. Blocher and his young son to take an outomobile ride. They accepted, taking the child with them. They were spinning along nicely at the rate of about twenty-five miles an hours and had gotten nearly to the bottom of Little Savage mountain when the car skidded, for some reason, on the newly oiled road, and went with a terrible crash into a ditch. Mr. Blocher was pinned under the machine, while Mr. Long, young Blocher and the child were thrown onto the road.
Assistance Arrives
Parties from Mr. Thomas Johnson's who lives but a short distance from the scene of the accident, arrived and with great difficulty extricated Mr. Blocher from under the machine. He and the child were taken to Mr. Blocher's home and Mr. Long to Mr. Johnson's residence, and Doctors J C. Cobey, W. C., McLane and J. F. DeNaoley, of Frostburg, phoned for. Arriving at Mr. Blocher's home they found the man to have sustained internal injuries and the child a fractured skull. Young Blocher excaped with a few bruises. After rendering surgical attention to the injured at the Blocher home, the physicians proceeded to the Johnson residence to give attention to Mr. Long, whom they found had sustained a dislocated shoulder together with several contusions and cuts upon the body. After being made as comfortable as possible Mr. Long was brought to his home in this city. On his way back Dr. Cobey stopped at the Blocher residence and brought the child with him to this city to the residence of it's grandmother, Mrs. Wittacre, on West Union street, where it remains in a precarious condition.
Mr. Blocher Dies
After lingering in great pain, Mr. Blocher succumbed to his injuries at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was between 60 and 65 years old and belonged to the old Blocher family of this county. He was highly respected and was well known in Frostburg. A few years ago his home was destroyed by fire and he had but recently completed the one in which he died yesterday.
October 14 1912
Cumberland Evening Times
The funeral of Mr. Isaac Blocher, who died at his home, four miles west of Frostburg on the top of Little Savage Mountain, on the National pike, Sunday evening at 4:30 o'clock, as the result of an automobile accident, four hours before his demise, an account of which was given in the Evening Times of yesterday, will take place from the home tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, with interment at the "Little Church" graveyard, near Johnsons and but a short distance from where the accident occurred. Mr. C. L. Long, of this city, who was injured in the accident and whose machine was wrecked, is reported as resting comfortably. The little three-year-old granddaughter of Mr. Isaac Blocker, who was with the party, and who sustained a fractured skull and other injuries, is doing well. She was brought to the home of her grandmother on West Main street, Mrs. Wittacre, after the accident, and is in a fair way back to recovery.
The Evening Times, Cumberland, October 15, 1912
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, J. Wesley
FROSTBURG - J. Wesley Blocher, 77, of 184 Ormond Street, died yesterday morning in Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, where he was admitted Monday. Born October 16, 1883, he was a son of the late Isaac and Sophia (Anderson) Blocher and was born on Little Savage Mountain, Garrett County. He was a retired coal miner and a member of the Methodist Church. He is survived by a brother, Charles Blocher, of here; a sister, Mrs. Annie Minnick, also of here, and a number of nieces and nephews. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted at the funeral home tomorrow at 2 p.m. by Rev. Robert W. Current and interment will be in the Johnson Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Harry Dishong, Melvin Ward, Harry Ramhoff, William Rankin, Elmer Miller and Clyde Lindeman.
The Cumberland Sunday Times, March 12, 1961
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
Jacob C. Blocher, aged 32 years, was found dead at his home in Meyersdale, Pa., last Friday. He was a son of Joseph Blocher and was a native of Grantsville.
02 September 1909; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
Posted January 5, 2018
BLOCHER, John Charles
John Charles Blocker[sic] Sr., 60, of 625 Quebec Avenue, died Monday in Memorial Hospital. Born December 29, 1919, in Frostburg, he was a son of the late Daniel W. and Dora (McKenzie) Blocker. Mr. Blocker was employed by the new local Toyota dealer, was an Army veteran of World War II and the Korean War, and a member of Fort Cumberland Post 13, American Legion. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Alma (Norris) Blocker, one son, John Charles Blocker Jr., Landover Hills, Md.; one daughter, Miss Carol J. Blocker, Gaithersburg; three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Stratton, Mrs. Gertrude Robins, both of Hollywood, Fla., Mrs. Mary Arant, Hobe Sound, Fla.; and two grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Scarpelli Funeral Home until tomorrow at 1 p.m. when services will be conducted by the Rev. John Cramer. Interment will be in Sunset Memorial Park. Military rites will be accorded by the local veteran organizations at graveside.
Cumberland Evening Times, Wednesday, December 25, 1979
[name was spelled Blocker throughout the obit, but family name is Blocher]
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted April 7, 2018
John V. Blocher, 66, of Star Route, Frostburg, Md.; died April 3, 1980 at Meyersdale Community Hospital. He was born at Swissvale, and was the son of the late Llewellyn Blocher and Margaret (McLaughlin) Blocher. He was a member of St. Ann's Catholic Church, Grantsville, a veteran of World War II, a member of Grantsville Post 214 American Legion, and a retired dairyman. He is survived by his wife, Sarah (Sally) Turner Blocher; one son, John V. Blocher Jr., Star Route, Frostburg; two daughters, Mrs. Emma Jean DeWitt, El Paso, Texas; Mrs. Patricia Cleavenger, Morgantown, W.Va.; three brothers, William Blocher, Grantsville; Joseph Blocher, Rockville, Md.; and James Blocher, Pittsburgh; two sisters, Mrs. Rita Booker, Hopewell, Va., and Mrs. Margaret Mary Lawton, Rockville; and one grandson. Friends were received at the Newman Funeral Home. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated in St. Ann's Catholic Church. Interment will be in Grantsville Cemetery. The family requests that expressions of sympathy take the form of contributions to the St. Ann's Building Fund.
The Republic, April 10, 1980
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, John Wesley
John Wesley Blocher died at his residence about three miles east of town last Sunday morning, after a brief but severe illness with pneumonia and plurisy. Funeral is to be held to-day (Tuesday) at Frostburg. The deceased was in his fifty-ninth year. He leaves a wife, two daughters and three sons, all grown, to mourn his departure. His health had had[sic] not been good for a number of years, having had several severe attacks of the disease which finally caused his death.
14 May 1896; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
Posted January 5, 2018
BLOCHER, Miss Linda
Grantsville -Miss Linda Lee Blocher, 16, died Thursday at Sacred Heart Hospital after a lingering illness. She had been a patient there two days. Born in Frostburg, she was a daughter of William and Patsy (Miller) Blocher. A junior at Northern High School, she was a member of the Tri-Hi-Y and st. Stephen's Catholic Church and was a former member of the Northern High Band. Besides her parents, she is survived by a brother, Ronald Blocher, and a sister, Patty Blocher, at home; her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Miller, here, and her great grandmother, Mrs. Anna Layman, a patient at the Goodwill Mennonite Home. The body is at the Newman Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 7 until 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. The rosary will be receited [sic] there tomorrow at 8 p.m. Requiem mass will be celebrated Monday at 9 a.m. at St. Stephen's Church. Burial will be in Grantsville Cemetery.
Mar 25 1967 Cumberland Evening Times
(Courtesy of Ace Humbertson)
BLOCHER, MRS. Louisa Layman nee Dayton
From the book: BROWN's MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS by Jacob Brown
'Bleak and inhospitable December, like its more genial sister months, has its harvests, but within gatherings mostly for eternity and the tomb. On the 22nd day of the now departed month and year, Mrs. Louisa Blocher gave up her precious life in the 90th year since September last, at the residence of George W. Blocher, in Garrett County. For a number of years a suffering but uncomplaining invalid, with no clearly defined case of illness, but the abrasion of time and age were slowly, but surely at work. Her great age and infirmities made death imminent at every hour, yet there was no murmur, no fear, no craving for more days to be added to a prolonged existence. She was content when the 'last of earth' came like the great one who so exclaimed when the bolt came to conclude a great and good life. A death like unto hers is beautifully and appropriately described in the inimitable ecclesiastic: 'The silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl broken, or the pitcher broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.' Thus was old age pictured in the very deep past by the inspired poet. For more than 60 years, a devoted member of the church, with an unblemished record. A regular and willing attendant at the house of God whenever it was possible for her to be there to receive the comforts and consolation from His ordained messengers, but in her latter years these were denied her on account of her weighty infirmities. Still she would say: 'Yet I will rejoice in the Lord and will joy in the God of my salvation.' Her maiden name was Louisa Dayton and married to Daniel Layman at Westernport in Allegany County, over 60 years ago. He died soon after the birth of their fourth child. Four children in all, two sons, the youngest child of this marriage, except Sheriff G. L. Layman, who died less than two years ago. The two daughters were twins with an undistinguishable likeness, not only in features, but in disposition and nature uniform in almost every respect. They were married to brothers, Andrew and John Blocher: the latter died many years ago. His widow still survives as such. About the year 1843 the deceased was married to John Blocher, one of Allegany County's excellent citizens, with whom she had one child, now the wife of Charles Livengood, a prosperous business man of WV. In 1856 she again became a widow, and remained in that state till her death. Since the death of her last husband she has lived with her son, George W. Blocher, who has always treated her with the utmost tenderness and care. Indeed there was a mutuality of affection and usefulness. The many who have for years past visited the Blocher mansion know well how hospitably and kindly she presided. Visitors always came gladly and left reluctantly. She was aimiable, civil and generous, as fine a lady according to the rules and ways of the good old times when there was much more reality and sincerity in social life than now.' Jan 3rd 1889.
BLOCHER, Mrs. Margaret
Stricken with a severe illness yesterday, Mrs. Margaret Blocher, 66 years old, widow of John Blocher, of Meyersdale, Pa., died at 8 o'clock this morning at the home of Mrs. Wendell Staub, River Road, where she was a guest. Mrs. Blocher had come to this city to take treatment from a specialist. Two daughters and one son survive: Mrs. Warren Holzshu, Miss Laura Blocher, and John Blocher, residents of Meyersdale. The body wil! be taken to Meyersdale for burial.
The Cumberland Evening Times, January 29, 1921
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted November 12, 2011
BLOCHER, Mrs. Marguerite Eva Chaney
FROSTBURG - Marguerite Eva "Sis" (Chaney) Blocher, 88, of Frostburg, passed this life on Monday, May 19, 2008, at her residence surrounded by family and friends. Born Jan. 29, 1920, in Avilton, she was the daughter of the late Charles and Linnie (Layman) Chaney. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Willard E. "Woody" Blocher; five sisters, Nellie Coleman, Bertha Poleman, Ann Durst, Lou Smiley and Beulah Chaney; and six brothers, Donald, Harry, Earl, Lee, Homer and Bernard Chaney. Marguerite was retired from the housekeeping de-partment of the Frostburg State Teachers College. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Frostburg. Surviving are three daughters, Patricia Carter, Frostburg, Margaret "Peggy" Knight and husband Richard, Cumberland, and Sandra Kay Monahan and husband Derek, Frostburg; three grandchildren, Debra Marsh, Oldtown, Randall Knight and wife Annette, Frederick, Crista Knight, Cumberland; two great-grandchildren, Kelly Marsh and Marshall Knight; one brother, Ellis Chaney and wife Viola, Frostburg; one sister-in-law, Eleanor Chaney, LaVale; and numerous nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home, P.A., 57 Frost Ave., Frostburg, on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday from 10 to 11 a.m. Funeral services will be conducted at the funeral home on Thursday at 11 a.m. with Pastor Michael Tamorria officiating. Interment will be in the Frostburg Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be Derek Monahan, Richard Knight, Randy Knight, Ron Robertson and Richard Stott. The family would like to express their heartfelt appreciation to the neighbors, friends, caregivers and Pastor Mike for their support and care given to them and their mother during this difficult time.
Cumberland Times-News, May 21, 2008
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Miss Marion
In memory of Marion, daughter of Henry and Salina Blocher, who departed this life Nov. 30th, 1882, aged 16 years, 1 month and 8 days.
(poem omiited)
9 December 1882; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
BLOCHER, Mrs. Mary Eva Wade
MT. ZION — Mrs. Mary Eva (Wade) Blocher, 81, widow of Bradford Blocher, died yesterday at her home near here. A native of Mt. Vernon, Pa., she was a daughter of the late Henry and Mary H. Wade. Surviving are one son, George Blocher, Garrett county; a brother, Wilbur Wade, Akron, Ohio; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The body will remain at the Durst Funeral Home, Frostburg, until tomorrow at 1 p. m. when it will be taken to Mt. Zion Church for services at 2:30 p. m. Burial will be in Blocher Cemetery, Garrett county.
The Cumberland Evening Times, June 15, 1950
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted December 11, 2010
From the book: BROWN's MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS by Jacob Brown
BLOCHER, Mary Jane Layman
'Mrs. Mary Jane Blocher died on the 1st day of February, 1889, at the residence of Hon. Geo. W. Blocher, in Garrett County, aged 60 years on the 24th of July last. She had been an invalid for quite a number of years, many times distressing so lately. Her great care and anxieties were for her very aged and sick mother, who died about six weeks ago. Since then her complicated ailments increased rapidly till the end came. These were borne as patiently as any very sick person could. Medical skill and kind nursing could scarcely alleviate, such was the severity of her illness. The deceased was born in Westernport, Allegany County, a twin daughter of Daniel and Louisa Layman. The latter became a widow and in 1843 married John Blocher who brought the whole family of four children to his generous home, five miles west of Frostburg. Mary Jane (the subject of this notice) married John Blocher, Jr., who died about 30 years ago, childless. His widow remained such for the rest of her life, always remaining with and clinging to her widowed mother, with every endeavor to make her comfortable as the great weight of years pressed on. In her well times she was a lady of cheer, and even vivacity, and had the faculty of making those about her comfortable and happy. The Blocher mansion, for many years under different heads, the seat of hospitality and social enjoyment for a large circle of friends, is from two recent deaths almost in desolation. The present respected head, Mr. G.W. Blocher, feels this darkness severly enough, but we trust there are yet many rays of comfort to be shed upon his future years.' February 4th 1889.
BLOCHER, Mrs. Mildred R. Hawn
Salisbury - Mrs. Mildred R. Blocher, 74, wife of Aden Blocher, Salisbury, died yesterday at Meyersdale Community Hospital. A native of Elk Lick Township, she was a daughter of the late Wilson and Louisa (Breig) Hawn and was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church here. Surviving are her husband; three sons, Roy F. Blocher, Salisbury; Glenn R., Mobile, Ala.; and Fred B. Blocher, Winston-Salem, N.C.; five daughters, Mrs. Grace Brown, Meyersdale; Mrs. Alma Dodge, Baltimore; Mrs. Mary Harris, Havre de Grace, Md.; Mrs. Margaret Tressler, Salisbury; Mrs. Jean Holler, Hyndman; one brother, Robert Blocher, Grindstone, Pa., and a sister, Mrs. Edith Berry, Braddock Heights, Md. Services will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the Thomas Funeral Home here. Rev. George F. Bowersox, Jr., and Rev. David Fetter will officiate, and burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery here.
The Cumberland Evening Times, May 27, 1965
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 20, 2010
BLOCHER, Mrs. Nancy Catherine Layman
We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs. Andrew Blocher. After an illness of about 14 weeks she departed for a better world.
10 January 1895; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
Posted January 5, 2018
BLOCHER, Miss Savina
Miss Savina Blocher, 61 years old, of Grantsville, Garrett county, died late last night at Allegany Hospital, where she had been a patient since August 12. She operated the Dixie Tavern, near Grantsville, for many years. She leaves a sister, Miss Mary Blocher, who assisted her at the tavern, and two brothers, Urban O. and V. Llewellyn Blocher, all of Grantsville.
The Cumberland Evening Times, August 17, 1931
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Mrs. Selina Chaney
Died, at her home in District No. 9, Sunday monrning, November 4, 1900, Mrs. Selina Blocher nee Chaney, wife of Henry Blocher, aged 58 years, 4 months and 3 days. She was taken sick with rheumatism about three weeks ago and gradually declined until the end came Sunday morning. The deceased lady was born about one mile west of Frostburg, July 1st, 1842, and married Henry Blocher January 24, 1864. Seven children were born to them of whom one (Mariam) is dead. The six living children are Bradford, James W. and Harry M. of Garrett county, Winfield Scott and Bruce, of Chicago, and one daughter, Miss Emma, who resides at home. Besides these children and her husband she is survived by two brothes and two sisters. The brothers are Messrs. John and Thomas Chaney, of Avilton, and the sisters Mrs. George Crowe, of Garrett county, and Mrs. Sarah Mullen, of Piedmont, W. Va. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the famiy residence. The house was crowded with friends to pay a last sad token of respect to their deceased friend. Rev. E. C. Bedford, Methodist minister of Grantsville, preached the funeral sermon and spoke in a most impressive manner to the family and friends gathered. The remains were interred in the Blocher cemetery in sight of the homestead where she spent thirty-six years. The pall-bearers were Messrs. John W. Saurbaugh, Frostburg; Peter Pope, Joshua Turner, Jacob Wilson, Thomas Ravencroft and Jacob Minnick, of Garrett county. Mr. Blocher and family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends and neighbors in their sad bereavement.
15 November 1900; The Republican (Oakland, Garrett Co., MD)
Posted January 5, 2018
BLOCHER, Mrs. Sophia Anderson
Frostburg, Md., Aug. 3 - Mrs. Sophia Blocher, 78, widow of the late Isaac Blocher, a native of Frostburg, died at her home, 184 Ormond street, at 8 o'clock today following a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home with the Rev. D. N. Calvert, pastor of the Grace M. E. Church, South, officiating. Burial will be in Johnson cemetery. Mrs. Blocher is survived by five sons, two daughters and two brothers. The sons are William, Frostburg; Webster, Cumberland; Wesley, Charles and Walter, at home. The daughters are Mrs. Annie Minick and Mrs. Philip Knepp, both of Frostburg. Mark Anderson, Grahamtown, and Luther Anderson, Salisbury, Pa., are the brothers.
The Cumberland Evening Times, August 3, 1933
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
Grantsville, May 11 - Word has been received by relatives here of the death of Urban O. Blocher of Wayne, Mich., last Sunday in a hospital there after an illness of one year. He was born on the Blocher farm east of here, a son of the late Wesley and Ellen (Ridgeley) Blocher. Mr. Blocher had resided in Wayne and Detroit, Michigan, the past five years. He was employed at Ford's Museum. Besides several nieces and nephews, he is survived by a brother, Dr. V. L. Blocher, of Baltimore. Funeral services and burial were held in Wayne on Wednesday.
The Cumberland Sunday Times, May 12, 1946
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Dr. Vincent Llewellyn
FROSTBURG — A requiem mass for Vincent Blocher, 72, formerly of the Grantsville area, who died Saturday in Baltimore, will be celebrated tomorrow at 9:30 a. m. in St. Michael's Catholic Church here. Interment will take place in the parish cemetery. His wife died about 15 years ago. Survivors include six children, John V. and William Blocher, Grantsville; Mrs. Margaret Lawton, Romney, W. Va.; James Blocher, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Coleman Booker, Richmond, Va., and Joseph Blocher, Baltimore, and a number of grandchildren. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home.
The Cumberland Evening Times, December 11, 1950
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, Dr. Vincent Llewellyn
Grantsville - A requiem mass for V. L. Blocher, 72, who died Saturday in Baltimore, was held from St. Michael's Church in Frostburg yesterday morning at 9:30. Interment in the parish cemetery. Dr. Blocher was brought to the Durst Funeral Home where many relatives and friends from Grantsville and surrounding community paid their respects by calling on the family there. Blocher was the youngest son of the late Wesley and Ellen Stanton Blocher and the last one of his family, while here. He and his brother, the late U.O. Blocher, owned and operated a large lumber business. His wife died about 15 years ago. He then took up his work as pharmacy and practiced in Baltimore the past years. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Lawton, Romney, W. Va., and Mrs. Coleman Booker, Richmond, Va.; and four sons, John V. and William Blocher, Grantsville; James Blocher, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Joseph Blocher, Baltimore; and a number of grandchildren. Pallbearers were Harvey Gortner, Byron Bender, J.C. Miller, Dewey Yommer, Wilbert McKenzie, H.L. Pettitt, all from Grantsville. Others attending the service from Grantsville were Mrs. H.L. Pettitt, Mrs. Byron Bender, Mrs. Maude Bevans Klock, Mrs. Eva Bevans Beechy, and O.J. Glotfelty.
The Cumberland News, Wednesday, December 13, 1950
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted December 8. 2018
Walter Blocher, 57, former resident of this city and Frostburg, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at the home of his niece, Mrs James Wilson, of Hagerstown, with whom he resided. He was disabled by a back injury suffered in a mining accident about 20 years ago while employed by the Sunnyside Mine Company on Mt. Savage Road. Born near Little Savage Mountain, Mr. Blocher was a son of the late Isaac and Sophia (Anderson) Blocher, He moved to Frostburg about 35 years ago and came to Cumberland in 1934 to reside with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. He went to Hagerstown with the couple about ten years ago. Mr. Blocher, a veteran of World War I, served in France with the Army. He was a member, of Morris Frock Post No. 42, American Legion, Hagerstown. Surviving, in addition to his niece, are four brothers, William, Weslie and Charles Blocher, all of Frostburg, and Webster Blocher, of Akron, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Minnick, of Frostburg, and Mrs. Bertha Knepp, of Eckhart, and a number of nephews and other nieces. The body was brought here last night to the Hafer Funeral Home. It will be taken to the Hafer Funeral Home in Frostburg this afternoon.
The Cumberland Evening Times, November 13, 1946
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, William M.
FROSTBURG, May 31 — William M. Blocher, 60, Janitor at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, died this afternoon at his home, 173 West Main Street, after a lingering illness. He was a retired Kelly-Springfield Tire Company employe. Born in the Little Savage Mountain section, Mr. Blocher had resided here most of his life. He was a son of the late Isaac and Sophia Blocher and belonged to the Brotherhood of St. Paul's Church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Harriet (Harden) Blocher; six children, Mrs. Kenneth Close, Mrs. Ann Hahn, Mrs. Richard Christopher and Harold W., William M. and Granville Blocher, all of Frostburg; two sisters, Mrs. Philip Knepp, Eckhart, and Mrs. Anna Minnick, Frostburg; two brothers, Charles and Wesley Blocher, also of Frostburg, and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the home with Rev. Justus H. Leismann, pastor, officiating. Interment will be in the family burial lot in Johnson Cemetery.
The Cumberland Sunday Times, June 1, 1947
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
BLOCHER, William S.
William S. Blocher, 55, was dead on arrival March 10, 1983 at Frostburg Community Hospital. He was born in Cumberland, Maryland and was a son of the late V. Llewellyn Blocher and Margaret (McLaughlin) Blocher. He was employed at the Harbison-Walker Refractories and was a veteran of World War II. He was a member of St. Ann's Catholic Church; Local 14404 Ironworkers of America and Grantsville American Legion Post 214. He is survived by his widow Mrs. Patsy (Miller) Blocher; one son Ronald Blocher, Grantsville; a daughter, Miss Patricia Blocher, at home; two brothers James Blocher, Sun City, Ariz.; Joseph Blocher, Rockville, Maryland; two sisters, Mrs. Rita Booker, Hopewell, Va.; Mrs. Margaret Lawton, Rockville; and two grandsons. Friends were received at the Newman Funeral Home in Grantsville. A mass of Christian burial was celebrated at St. Ann's Catholic Church by Father Aidan Lucko. Interment was in the Grantsville Cemetery, where military honors were accorded by Grantsville Cemetery Legion Post 214. The family suggests that memorials take the form of contributions to the American Heart Association.
The Republic, Meyersdale, March 17, 1983
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 11, 2011
Thomas Blocker, 95, Jeannette's oldest resident, died at the home of his grandson, Clarence Domer, at Overbrook.
April 14, 1952, Daily Courier, Connellsville, Pennsylvania
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted June 3, 2015
BLOOM, Albert J.
CORRIGANVILLE -- Albert J. Bloom, 87, a resident of St. Vincent dePaul Nursing Home, formerly of Corriganville, died Thursday, Nov. 8, 2001, at Sacred Heart Hospital. Born on July 11, 1914, in Cumberland, he was the son of the late Jesse C. and Bertha (Emerick) Bloom. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Margaret K. Bloom; sister, Hilda Kroll; and brothers, Harold and Claire Bloom. Mr. Bloom was retired from the Rolling Mill Railroad. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family. Surviving are many special nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Hafer Chapel of the Hills Mortuary, 1302 National Hwy., LaVale, on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2001, from 2 to 4 p.m. Funeral and committal services will follow at 4 p.m. in the funeral home chapel, with Pastor William Boyer officiating. Interment will be in Rest Lawn Memorial Gardens, LaVale.
Cumberland Times-News; Thursday, November 8, 2001
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLOOM, Daniel
Daniel Bloom, aged about 70 years, formerly of Cash Valley, this county, died yesterday afternoon at the Western Md. Hospital to which institution he was taken several days ago for an operation.
-Cumb News of 30th
Keyser Tribune, May 3, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 17, 2010
BLOOM, Frederick Newton
CUMBERLAND - Frederick Newton Bloom, 70, of Route 8, Box 38, Cumberland, died Tuesday, Nov. 23, 1993, at Memorial Hospital shortly after arrival. Born Dec. 9, 1922, in Hyndman, Pa., he was the son of the late Jasper Newton Bloom and Florence Gertrude (Nee) Bloom. Mr. Bloom retired from the Kelly-Springfield Tire and Rubber Company as a beaterman vulcanizer with 38 years of service. He was of the Protestant faith. He was the past post commander and life member of the Fort Cumberland Post #13 American Legion; the past district commander of the Allegany-Garrett County American Legion; a 12-year member of the Department Executive Committee with the Children and Youth Commission; a Grand Chemnot of Voiture #164/40/8, having served four terms as Chef De Gare; and a volunteer at the Cumberland Veterans Clinic. He was a member of the Queen's Post Memorial Post #6775 VFW, McCoole Elks Lodge #2481, the Cumberland and Oakland Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #245 and the Cumberland Moose Lodge #271. Mr. Bloom was an Army veteran of World War II, having served with the 77th Infantry Division in the Pacific Theater of Operation. He took part in five major landings — Guam, Ieshima, Aka Shima, Okinawa and Leyte — and was then on to Sapiro Hokkaido, Japan. Surviving are his wife, Bessie V. (Wise) Bloom; one son, Lawrence S. Bloom, Wiley Ford; two daughter, Cheryl Darlene Nery, Westminster; and Karen Diane Graham, and husband Jeffrey, Cumberland; one grandson, Jeffrey Graham Jr., and wife Wrentha; and four granddaughters, Diana Nery, Charity Nery, Crissy Nery and Sheri Graham. Friends will be received at the Merritt-Adams Funeral Home Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted Friday at 1 p.m. at the funeral home by the Rev. Fred Iser. Interment will be in the Sunset Memorial Park. The combined veterans color guard will accord graveside rites. Pallbearers will be William Conn, Ton DeArchangelis, Walter Durbin, Harold Fields, John Shipley and Curtis Steele, all past post commanders of Fort Cumberland Post 13. Jeffrey Graham Jr., a grandson, and Larry Bloom, a son, will also serve as pallbearers.
Thursday, November 18, 1993, Cumberland Times-News
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 10, 2018
Name: Lois L. Bloom, 90, of Cumberland, MD
Date of death: Friday, November 7, 2014, at Frostburg Village Nursing Home.
Date of birth: January 23, 1924, in Barton, MD
Parents: Edward Henry Jackson and Mary Elizabeth (Michaels) Jackson.
Spouse: Charles Calvin Bloom
Predeceased by: parents; husband; sister: Averil Martin.
Survived by: sisters: Eleanor Moore, Frostburg, MD; and Phyllis Davis, Cumberland, MD; and brother: Estel E. Jackson, Lonaconing, MD.
Burial: Hyndman Cemetery.
(granddaughter of Clara Louise Crowe Jackson)
about Friday, November 7, 2014; Adams Family Funeral Home obituary
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted November 22, 2014)
BLOOM, Lovell Loy
SLANESVILLE, W.Va. - Lovell Loy Bloom, 77, of Huntington Park, Calif., died Tuesday at St. Francis Hospital, Lynwood, Calif. He was born here May 29, 1909, son of the late Dent Thomas Bloom and Edith (Offutt) Bloom. Mr. Bloom was unmarried. He was a retired machinist with the Kolb Company in Huntington Park. Surviving are five brothers, Clyde Bloom, Canton, Ohio; Gail Bloom, Augusta; Dennis Bloom, Panama City, Fla.; Orville Bloom, Winchester, Va.; Thomas Xen Bloom, Paw Paw; one sister, Mrs. Alta Snyder, Romney, and a number of nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends Friday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the McKee Funeral Home, Augusta. Services will be conducted Saturday at 3 p.m. in the funeral home chapel by the Rev. Kenneth Dolan. Interment will be in the Salem Cemetery at Points.
Cumberland Times-News, Thursday, September 18, 1986
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted June 10, 2021
Frank Bloomer, 77, of 309 Greenlow Road, Baltimore, died Saturday at St. Agnes Hospital where he had been a patient one month. Surviving are his widow, Emma (Porter) Bloomer, formerly of Eckhart, and a son, William Bloomer, Baltimore. The body is at the Witzkey Funeral Home, Baltimore, where services will be conducted tomorrow at 11 a.m. Burial will be in Louson Park Cemetery, there. The Cumberland News, July 19, 1965
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted October 16, 2012
BLOUGH, Mrs. Anna Miller
Mrs. Anna Miller Blough, 79, Geiger, died Monday morning in her home. She was the daughter of Joseph and Barbara (Smith) Miller and was born March 24, 1879 in Somerset Township. Preceding her in death were one daughter, one son and two brothers. Her survivors include her husband, Ira Blough: three children: Lawrence M., Hooversville: Mrs. John Hottle, Friedens, RD 1; J. Willard. Friedend; eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. There are three brothers and two sisters: Fred S. Miller, Claremont, Calif.; Cleve C. Miller and Mrs. Charles Grady, both of Waterloo, Iowa; Webster Miller, Somerset, and Mrs. Ruth Bauman, Somerset, RD 5. Friends will be received after 12 noon today, Tuesday, in the Hauger Funeral home where services will be Thursday, 2 p.m. The Rev. Russell Conves will be in charge and interment will be in the Husband cemetery.
Somerset Daily American, December 2, 1958
Transcribed by Vernon A. Miller, December 3, 2010
Posted June 14, 2011
BLOUGH, Bernard Leo
LAVALE — Bernard Leo "Bud" Blough, 86, of LaVale, died on Friday, March 1, 2002, at his residence. Born on Dec. 6, 1915, in Cumberland, he was the son of the late Leo Joseph and Mary Hortense (Loible) Blough. He was also preceded in death by one sister, Frances Blough; and one brother, John Blough. Mr. Blough was a retired Office Manager for the Kelly-Springfield Tire Co., and was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran of World War II. He attended LaSalle and was a 1935 graduate of Allegany High School. He was a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, former member of the Knights of Columbus, Cumberland Council No. 586, and volunteered at Sacred Heart Hospital for 14 years. Surviving are his wife, Wilford F. "Billee" (Yarnall) Blough; one daughter, B. Beth Lohnas and husband Richard, Cumberland; three sons, B. Brooke Blough and wife George Ann, Hedgesville, W.Va., Brian F. Blough and wife Kathy, Annapolis, and W. Bradford Blough and wife Anne, Ijamsville; one sister, Angela Smith, Orlando, Fla.; 10 grandchildren, Kerry O’Neill and husband Frank, Hedgesville, W.Va., Megan Hardesty and husband Joe, New Windsor, Kyle Blough, Westminster, Paige Lohnas, Cumberland, Kimberly Lohnas, a student at Towson State University, Adam Blough, a student at Towson State University, Brad Blough, a student at East Carolina University, and Jessica Blough, Annapolis, Jason Blough, a student at East Carolina University, and Kristen Blough, Ijamsville.; a step-granddaughter, Trisha Easton, Baltimore; and a great-granddaughter, Shaylyn O’Neill. Friends will be received at the Scarpelli Funeral Home, P.A., 108 Virginia Ave., Cumberland, on Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mass of a Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church on Tuesday at 12 noon with Monsignor Thomas R. Bevan as celebrant. He will be entombed in the mausoleum at Rose Hill Cemetery. At Mr. Blough’s request, his body will be cremated. The family requests that contributions be made to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church or the Western Maryland Health Systems Hospice Home Care, c/o Linda Valentine, 900 Seton Drive, Cumberland, MD 21502.
Sunday, March 03, 2002, Cumberland Times-News
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLOUGH, Miss Evelyn M.
MISS Blough Crash Victim Dies of Hurts
The first fatal grade crossing crash in Somerset county in several years early Friday claimed the life of Miss Evelyn M. Blough, 28, of Somerset R. D. Miss Blough, injured when her car crashed into a stationary train on the Listie road about midnight, died at 9 a.m. in Somerset Community hospital. Coroner F. E. Sass said that a fractured skull was the cause of death. After conducting a preliminary investigation he announced that no inquest would be conducted, since there were no witnesses to the crash. Officer N. K. Angeloni of the Somerset motor police detail, who also investigated the accident, said Miss Blough had worked at the Steinkirchner store near Cupp’s Crossing until about 11 p.m. then started alone for her home in Listie. She apparently failed to see the stationary train which blocked the crossing until too late to avoid the collision.
20 Auto Victims
Members of the train crew who heard the crash ran to the scene and found the car wedged so securely into the train that it was necessary to back the train to release the car and its badly injured occupant. An ambulance was summoned to bring Miss Blough to the hospital, where she died five hours after admission. Her death brought to 20 the number of traffic fatalities in Somerset county in 1939.
Miss Blough, who had been employed for several years in Somerset stores, was a daughter of Ira and Anna (Miller) Blough of Somerset township. She leaves her parents and these brothers and sisters: Willard Blough, Somerset R.D. 5; Lawrence Blough, Hooversville, and Mrs. John Hottle, of Somerset R.D. 5. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30, Sunday afternoon in the Blough home by the Rev. W. H. Nowag of Johnstown. Interment will be in the Listie cemetery.
Somerset Daily American, November 18, 1939
Transcribed by Vernon A. Miller, December 3, 2010
Posted June 14, 2011
Ira Blough of Somerset RD 5, died October 22, in the Somerset Community hospital at the age of 79. He was the son of the late James and Joanne (Winters) Blough and was born June 25, 1881, in Somerset township. Surviving are three children: Lawrence M., Hooversville; Mrs. John Hottle and J. Willard Blough, both of Friedens RD 1: eight grandchildren. His wife, the former Anna M. Miller, died Dec. 1, 1958. Mr. Blough, a retired farmer, was a member of the Listie Brethren church. Funeral services will be conducted today, Monday, 2 p.m., in the Hauger funeral home. His pastor, the Rev. Russell Konves will officiate. Interment will be in the Husband cemetery.
Somerset Daily American, October 24, 1960
Transcribed by Vernon A. Miller, November 22, 2010
Posted June 14, 2011
BLOUGH, Mrs. Mary H.
A requiem mass for Mrs. Mary H. Blough, 68, wife of Leo J. Blough, 531 Columbia Avenue, who died Sunday at Allegany County Infirmary, was celebrated this morning in SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church by Rev. Alphonse, O.F.M. Cap. Burial was in the parish cemetery. Pallbearers were Norman Geatz, Alfred Jacopi, John and Franklin Loibel and Charles and Leo Bergman.
Wednesday, 13 June 1951; Evening Times (Cumberland, MD)
Posted June 26, 2010
BLOUGH, Robert J.
The body of a young man who was fatally injured yesterday while using a mowing machine on the ski slopes at the Seven Springs skiing resort in Somerset County was not found until 12:30 a.m. today. Police in Somerset County said Robert J. Blough, 19, RD 2, Rockwood, left the resort at 8 a.m. to ascend the ski slopes to start mowing the grass in preparation for the coming season. When he failed to return at the end of the work day, a search was started last night by police and volunteer firemen. About 12:30 a.m. he was found beneath the mowing tractor which had overturned on him. Death was attributed to suffocation, broken neck, and head and chest injuries. The time of death was set at 9:30 a.m., only an hour and a half after he started to work yesterday. Mr. Blough is survived by his wife, the former Bonnie Marie Barron, and one child.
The Cumberland Evening Times, October 14, 1969
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLOUGH, William K.
CRESAPTOWN — William K. "Doc" Blough, 85, of Cresaptown, passed away on Monday, June 14, 2010, at Frostburg Village Nursing Home. Born Aug. 17, 1924, in Wellersburg, Pa., he was the son of William Garnald Blough and Maude (Robertson) Adams. He was also preceded in death by one sister, June Harsh and two infant brothers. Mr. Blough was the owner/operator of Doc’s Auto Mart. He served in the Air Force during World War II. Doc was a member of the American Legion, Cresaptown Eagles 2883, Knights of Columbus 586 and St. Ambrose Catholic Church. He enjoyed Nascar, playing cards and being with his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Surviving are his wife, of 62 years, Ellen "Susie" Rase Blough; one daughter, Catherine Fryer and husband Stephen, of Wiley Ford; one son, Richard Blough and wife Jakki, of Arkansas; grandchildren, Christopher Hendrickson and wife Gloria, Brian Hendrickson, Todd Blough and wife Beth, Dr. Casey Fryer and wife Karyn, Nicholas Fryer and wife Amanda, Kati Gandolfi and husband Mark, and Danielle Blough; great-grandchildren, Hailey, Courtney, Austin, Emily, Aiden, Piper, Maddie and Ellie. The family would like to give a special thanks to John Troutman, Robert Rase, Ernie Stouffer and their families. And extra special thank you to the staff at Frostburg Village Nursing Home for their help and being so caring. Friends will be received at the Scarpelli Funeral Home, P.A., Cresaptown, on Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. A Christian Wake will be conducted at the funeral home at 8 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated in St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Cresaptown, on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. with Father John Lesnick as celebrant. Interment will be in Restlawn Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers will be Christopher Hendrickson, Brian Hendrickson, Todd Blough, Casey Fryer, Nick Fryer and Mark Gandolfi.
Cumberland Times-News, June 15, 2010
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 9, 2013
BLOUSER, Solomon
A bad wreck occurred late Sat night in the B&O Yards here. Fast freight east bound No 98 was standing just west of the Keyser station awaiting the signal to go ahead, when No 96, also fast freight, ran into her, wrecking the caboose and several cars in the forward train, and badly damaging the engine on the rear train A west bound freight, passing as the collision occurred, had many cars sideswiped by another thrown across the tracks by the wreck. The trainmen escaped, but a man named Blouser of Baltimore, Ohio, in charge of cattle, who was asleep in the caboose, was severely injured. the flagman on the forward train had only gone back a short distance when the following freight came down the track at a high rate of speed. The engineer applied the brakes but his air gave little service and the impact of the collision was tremendous. Mr. Blouser was taken to Hoffman Hospital where medical aid was rendered. His son reached Keyser Sunday evening. Mr. Solomon Blouser died Tuesday night, never having regained consciousness. He was 60 years old. His brother, another son, and two daughters reached here a few hours after his death. They took the body back with them on 55 Wednesday.
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 15 , 2010
BLUBAUGH, Charles M.
CONFLUENCE, Apr. 28 — Charles M. Blubaugh, 58, of Berlin R. D. 8, died Friday at his home. He was born at Ursina, November 11, 1888, a son of Norman and Bertha Altfather Blubaugh. Unmarried, he served in the First World War with Company H, 16th Infantry, and was in the Meuse-Argonne. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. Surviving brothers and sisters are Austin F., Roy A., Harry M., Franklin R., and Homer G. Blubaugh, and Mrs. Walter Nicholson of Berlin, and Mrs. Russell Auman of Somerset.
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, April 28, 1947
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLUBAUGH, Mrs. Elizabeth Legeer
Funeral of Mrs. Blubaugh
Frostburg, Md., Sept. 24 ~ The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Blubaugh, age 69 years, who died at her home in Vale Summit yesterday will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Vale Summit M. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Gates, pastor of Eckhart M. E. Church will conduct services. Surviving is her husband, Jacob Blubaugh and six children, Miss Sadie and Frank Blubaugh, Mrs. William C. Scott, Vale Summit, Jacob Blubaugh, Jr., Fairmont, W. Va.; Mrs. John Sleeman, Cleveland, Ohio; and Mrs. John Fatkin, Loartown; three brothers, Michael and John Legeer, Garrett county and George Legeer, Cumberland.
Published Wednesday, September 24, 1930 in THE CUMBERLAND EVENING TIMES, Cumberland, Maryland on page 11, col. 5.
(Courtesy of Charles Riend)
Posted December 18 2015
Jacob Blubaugh – Gilmore – Jacob Blubaugh, 56, died yesterday at Miners Hospital, Frostburg, where he had been a patient two weeks. He had been in failing health seven weeks. A native of Gilmore, he was the son of the late James and Eleanor (Thrasher) Blubaugh. His wife was the late Sarah (Fazenbaker) Blubaugh. He was a member of the Lonaconing Assembly of God Church. Surviving are nine children, Miss Delores Blubaugh, at home; Irvin, John, Raymond and William Blubaugh, all of Gilmore; Mrs. Rose Beeman, Baltimore; Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, Pontiac, Mich.; and Mrs. Mary McKenzie and Mrs. Naomi Wilson, both of Lonaconing; six brothers, John and Frank Blubaugh, both of Gilmore; James Blubaugh, Lonaconing; William and Chester Blubaugh, both of Cresaptown. And Harry Blubaugh, Frostburg, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary parks, Frostburg, and Mrs. Nettie Fazenbaker, Lonaconing. The body is at the residence. Services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. at the Lonaconing Assembly of God Church. Rev. Everett Hunt, pastor, will officiate and the choir will sing. Interment will be in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lonaconing.
Cumberland Evening Times Wednesday, November 29, 1950
(Courtesy of Ray Leidinger/transcribed by Michael McKenzie)
Posted November 10, 2015
BLUBAUGH, Jacob Irving
Frostburg, May 7 — Jacob Irving Blubaugh, 77, Loartown, died yesterday afternoon at his home, after a lingering illness. He operated a grocery store at Loartown for 48 years. A son of the late Andrew and Sarah Blubaugh, he is survived by two sons, Jacob A., Riversville, Pa. and Franklin B., Vale Summit; three daughters, Mrs. John. J. Sleeman, Cleveland, O.; Mrs. John Fatkin, Loartown, and Miss Sadie Blubaugh, at home. He was a brother of Charles A. Blubaugh, Cumberland, and had seventeen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. He was a member of the Vale Summit Methodist church.
The Cumberland Evening Times, May 7, 1941
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLUBAUGH — R. Lee, aged 63, Wright's Crossing, died Tuesday, September 9th. The body will remain at the home, where friends and relatives will be received and funeral services held Friday 2:30 P. M. Rev. Edgar W. Beckett, pastor First Methodist Church, will officiate assisted by Rev. J. L. Stewart, of the Assembly of God church, Cumberland. Interment In Allegany Cemetery. Arrangements by Hafer Funeral Service.
Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Thursday, September 11, 1941 - pg 21, col 1
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted April 10, 2015
SOMERSET, June 16 — Mr. and Mrs. Austin F. Blubaugh of Berlin, R. D. 3, have been notified by the War Department that their son, Corporal Ralph, was drowned in Germany.
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, June 16, 1945
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLUBAUGH, Robert Lee
Frostburg, Sept. 13.—Funeral services for Robert Lee Blubaugh, Wright's Crossing, who died Tuesday from a self-inflicted bullet wound, were held yesterday afternoon with Rev. Edgar W. Beckett, pastor of First Methodist Church,officiating. Rev. J. L. Stewart of the Assembly of God Church, Cumberland,assisted. Interment was in Allegany cemetery.The pallbearers were Robert Kergan,Henry Lloyd, William Ware, Sr., James Taylor, Sr., Eugene Layman and John Broadbeck;, and flower bearers, Charles Kanauff, Clyde Neat, Walter Walker and Albert Plummer
Cumberland Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Sunday, September 14, 1909 - pg 9, col 2
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted April 10, 2015
Name: Rose Blubaugh, lovingly known as “Grandma Rosie”, 76, of Vale Summit, MD
Parents: George W. and Edna (Duckworth) Skidmore
DOB: January 2, 1928
DOD: Monday, November 22, 2004, at her home
Spouse: John Francis Blubaugh
Predeceased by: parents; husband; son, William J. Blubaugh; sisters, Maryland Booth and Olive Scott; brothers, William Skidmore and George Skidmore
Survived by: son, John Blubaugh and wife Diane, Vale Summit; daughters, Kay Bennett and husband Richard, LaVale, MD; Rosemary Arnold and husband Jesse, Ft. Ashby, WV; Kathleen Blubaugh, Grantsville, MD; Julie McKenzie,and husband Steven, Frostburg, MD; brother, Thomas Skidmore and wife Alice, Frostburg; sister, Betty Pearson, Eckhart, MD
Burial: November 26, 2004, Vale Summit Cemetery
Source: Sowers Funeral Home, Frostburg, MD
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 2, 2014
BLUBAUGH, Mrs. Sarah Jane
FROSTBURG — Services for Mrs. Sarah Jane Blubaugh, 76, of 108 Bowery Street, who died Friday in St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore,will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p. m. in the Assembly of God Church. The Rev. E. M. Nukill will officiate and interment will be in Frostburg Memorial Park. The body is at the Hafer Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The body will be taken to the church at noon tomorrow. Pallbearers will be: Robert Sloan, Conrad Sloan, Miles Geary, Donald Geary, Robert Presnell and Robert Shuskey.
Cumberland Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Sunday, October 28, 1962 - pg 22, col 4
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted April 10, 2015
BLUE, Mrs. Bunyan
The remains of Mrs. Bunyan Blue, who died several ? ago in Staunton, were brought to this place last week with her son, William Blue, and reinterred in the Blue cemetery near Wire Bridge.
Keyser Tribune, September 19, 1913
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted October 6, 2010
BLUE, William
HAMPSHIRE NEWS. Review (Romney) of 5th - William Blue, a brother of J D Blue, of this place and Assessor E H blue, was instantly killed Thurs morning last while in the act of setting up a sawmill near his home near Frenchburg. With several others he was working near the bottom of a cliff over which logs were being run, when one jumped the chute striking Mr Blue in the head and killing him instantly. Ed Blue, who was helping at the mill, was a little distance in front of his brother and felt the wind of the log as it shot past him but by the time he turned around his brother had been struck. The decease is survived by three sisters and two brothers – Misses Sallie, Mary and Rebecca Blue, and John D and E H Blue. He was endowed with sterling qualities, was loyal, faithful and industrious, and will be sadly missed in his home as well as by a large circle of friends.
Keyser Tribune, February 14, 1913
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted August 20, 2010
Harry Ford Bluebaugh died suddenly at about 11:30 on Sunday evening, July 3, at his home in Coal Run. Mr. Bluebaugh attended the baseball game in Salisbury during the afternoon and spent the evening at home with guests. After his guests departed, he felt hungry, ate a few sandwiches, and sat down in a chair and passed away, from a heart attack. He was born in Coal Run on October 15, 1886, son of Lydia (Shuck) and Raphael Bluebaugh and was aged 62 years, 8 months and 18 days at his passing. He was a member of the Meyersdale Moose Lodge and of the United Mine Workers of America. He worked as a miner practically all his life. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ruth (Miller) Bluebaugh; three sons, Earl of Coal Run, James and Jack, at home; four daughters, Mrs. Beatrice Fisher, West Salisbury, Mrs. Maxine Ohler, Stoystown, Mrs. Virginia Maust, Route 3, Meyersdale, and Miss Eleanor Bluebaugh, at home; one brother, Ralph Bluebaugh, Connellsville; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Shultz, Meyersdale, Mrs. Adeline Lohr, Garrett and Mrs. Iva Ward, Harmony; and by 16 grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted at the St. Paul Reformed Church with the pastor, the Rev. George K. Ely officiating, at 2:30 p.m. today, Thursday. Interment in the church cemetery in charge of Salisbury mortician, Stanley M. Thomas.
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
BLYE, Cpl. Stanley A., Jr.
Piedmont, W. Va.. - Reburial rites for Cpl. Stanley A. "Sonny" Blye, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Blye, Sr., 41, East Hampshire Street, who was killed April 6 in Korea, were conducted yesterday afternoon at First Presbyterian Church by Rev. Raymond M. Campbell, pastor. Kelly-Masfield Post No. 52, American Legion, accorded full military honors at the grave in Philos Cemetery, Westernport. Pallbearers were Kenneth Wilson, James Barbarito, Frank Neff, Wilbur Myers, Philip and John Kelly, Forrest Biggs and Richard Beeman.
Monday, October 1, 1951; Cumberland (MD) Evening Times
Posted February 24, 2018
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