BAKER, Albert

Albert Baker, a farmer of Finzel, Garrett county, died late Thursday night at the Miner's Hospital, following an operation for appendicitis, aged 42. He is survived by his wife, one son, William, four brothers, John, Meyersdale, and Solomon, Daniel and Harvey, Finzel, and two sisters, Miss Lydia Baker, Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, Finzel. Burial will be in Greenville cemetery.
Cumberland Evening Times, Friday, July 6, 1917
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

Posted September 8, 2017

BAKER, Albert Eugene

Albert "Al" Eugene Baker, 61, of Cross Hill, S.C., died Jan. 15, 1996, at Self Memorial Hospital in Greenwood, S.C. Baker was born in Greenville Township, Somerset County. He was the son of James and Loretta Crowe Baker. He was preceded in death by three sisters: Eliza, Minnie and Josephine; and three brothers: Frank, Floyd and Paul. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Jean Lynch Baker, five sons: Albert, Jr., and Eric, both of S.C.; Douglas of Washington D.C.; and Michael and Mark, both of Fla.; two daughters: Michelle Johnson and Sharon Daniels, both of Fla.; six sisters: Katherine, Delaware; Elva Watkins, Mable Warne, Loretta and Gracie, all of Frostburg, Md.; Ruth Holt, Meyersdale; and Dorothy Llewellyn, Fla.; a brother, Arthur Baker, Somerset; and five grandchildren. Baker was a U.S. Army veteran, having served during the Vietnam War and retired after 22 years of service. He was also a manager of Long John Silvers Restaurant in Greenwood. A funeral service was in full military rites and was conducted in Cross Hill.
The Republic, Meyersdale, February 1, 1996
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 5, 2011

BAKER, Albert M.

Meyersdale, March 11 ~ Albert M. Baker, 68, a miner, died Wednesday at his home at Wellersburg. His wife, Mrs. Georgianna Beal Baker, one son, Daniel, three daughters, Mrs. Russell Emerick, of Wellersburg, daughters, Mrs. Frank Snyder of Mount Savage and Miss Rose at home; three brothers, Joseph E. Baker and Henry E. Baker of Meyersdale and Manuel Baker of Mount Pleasant, and one sister, Mrs. Ellen Baer, of Gormania, W. Va., survive. The funeral service will be held at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon at the Wellersburg Evangelical Church. Interment will be in Cooks Cemetery.  
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, March 11, 1937 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Allen E.

Frostburg - Allen E. Baker, 56, of 34 West College Avenue, died this morning in Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, where he had been a patient two weeks. Born in Garrett County, he had resided here 13 years and been superintendent of streets since 1951. He held membership in the Church of the Nazarene. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth (McKenzie) Baker; a daughter, Mrs. Freida Mason, Norfolk, Va.; two stepsons, Frank Carey, Binghampton, N. Y.; Melvin Carey, Detroit; five brothers, Arch and Noah Baker, Frostburg; Henry Baker, Westminster; Cecil Baker, Salisbury, Pa.; and Edward Baker, Finzel; two sisters, Mrs. Ludwig Neilson, Frostburg, and Mrs. Francis Winebrenner, of U.S. Route 40, and two grandchildren. The family will receive friends at the Durst Funeral Home after 7 p.m. today and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow.
The Cumberland Evening Times, October 3, 1958
[parents are Philip and Annie (Miller) Baker]
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 5, 2010

BAKER, Arthur
Arthur Baker, aged 73 years, died at home at 173 East Union Street last Saturday morning.  Mr. Baker was born in Gloucestershire, England.  He had been a resident of Frostburg continuously for 47 years. At the age of 22 years Mr. Baker took charge as superintendent of the Savage Mountain Fire-Brick Works. He set to work with a will and by perseverance and business foresight of rare quality, a superior brick was soon turned out. During the time that he was in charge of the works, not a single brick was ever returned, and no complaint as to its size and quality has ever been made. Mr. Baker was a member of the Frostburg Lodge, No. 470 B.P.O.E. and held the off ice of Tiler for 12 years. He was a member of the local lodge of Royal Arceanum. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Effie B. Thomas,  Mrs. Edward L. Betz, of this place and Mrs. Frank Munn of Hagerstown; six grandchildren, and one brother, Louis Baker of Mt. Savage. Mr. Baker was one of the oldest and best citizens of Frostburg. The following account of his work [at] the Savage Mountain Fire Brick Company’s plant appeared in the [missing publication] February 14, 1907;

"Thursday, February 14, 1907, Arthur Baker, of this place, rounded out his fortieth year as superintendent of the Savage Mountain Brick Works. At a critical period in his early life a quiet unassuming young man, about 22 years of age appeared on the scene, took charge as superintendent, and was not long in convincing Mr. Gorsuch, president of the company, that he understood the business. This was not all, Mr. Baker had a fair knowledge of machinery, which has been of great value to the company. Upon numerous occasions he has made repairs and kept the wheels turning without the loss of a single brick.  All the machinery installed during these forty years has been done under his personal direction. From time to time he has introduced labor-saving devices. The old style wheel-barrow with one wheel carrying 48 brick, was a load for the strongest man. This was done away with and a two-wheelbarrow substituted, arranged by him to be so easily balanced, so that a boy of 15 years can haul 100 bricks without extra physical exertion. In 1887 he invented a new style of press, which in point of strength and endurance, is a great improvement over the old ones. He constructed these presses with his own hands, and they are to the present day giving satisfaction. Up to a few years ago the clay which is brought from the mines in wagons had to be shoveled into the yard. One man and sometimes two were required for this work. For a long time Mr. Baker had in mind a plan for dumping these great wagon loads which was put aside from time to time but finally taken up the solution. A hoisting machine was figured out and then placed into position. There is something about this yard which is of note. During the last 40 years not a single brick has been returned and no complaint as to size or quality has ever been made. This is something to be proud of, for it shows the care and attention Mr. Baker has manifested in discharge if his duties. Those who have served under Mr. Baker, and who know him best will testify that while at all times he has been firm and positive with his men, he has ever been considerate and sympathetic, and has manifested an interest in their welfare. One of the hardest tasks for him to perform is to discharge an employee, and the provocation must be great which forces him to do so."

The funeral was held Monday afternoon from his home on East Union Street.  The services were conducted by Rev. J. N. Beall and Rev. P. G. Saffiran after which the local Order of Elks took charge. Interment was made in Allegany Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Duncan E Shaffer, D. J. Betz, Howard Hitchens, James H. Fuller, Lawrence L Willison, John A. Caldwell, George W. Craig, of this place and Emory G. Buckingham of Baltimore.
Frostburg Mining Journal; Saturday 12 August 1916
(Courtesy of Pat Thomas)
Posted September 15, 2012

BAKER, Arthur

07 Aug 1916 The funeral of Arthur Baker was held by the BPOE of Frostburg and burial was in Allegany Cemetery.  His wife and sister, Miss[sic, Mrs.] Elvira Frazier of New Castle PA attended.
Evening Times (Cumberland, Md.) 7 August 1916
transcribed by Charles Often
Posted June 14, 2011 

BAKER, Bessie Clark

FROSTBURG — Mrs. Bessie C. Baker, 80, of 124 Frost Avenue, died yesterday at Miners Hospital where she was admitted Wednesday. Born in Garrett County, she was a daughter of the late Emmanuel and Nancy (Tucker) Clark and the last surviving member of her immediate family. She is survived by her husband, Arch Baker; a daughter, Mrs. Venona Wolford, and a son, Arch Baker, Jr., here; two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home, where friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow.
The Cumberland News, April 11, 1964
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 5, 2010

BAKER, Mrs. Bessie Harriman

Frostburg, Md., June 6 — Mrs. Bessie Harriman Baker, 25, teacher at the Bittinger School in Garrett county, died this morning at Miners' Hospital following an appendix operation. Mrs. Baker had been a public school teacher in Garrett county for seven years. She was a member of Mount Zion Baptist Church, this city. Besides her husband, Noah Baker, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harriman, Eckhart. She was a sister of John and Anna Harriman of Eckhart, and Mrs. William Niner and James Harriman of Detroit.
The Cumberland Evening Times, June 6, 1933
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 5, 2011

BAKER, Mrs. Bessie Harriman

Frostburg, June 9 - Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Harriman Baker, wife of Noah Baker, who died at Miners Hospital Tuesday morning following an operation, were held from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harriman, Eckhart, yesterday afternoon. Rev. W. D. Reese, pastor of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, was in charge. The pallbearers were Thomas Elias, John Grim, James Elias, William Grim, Francis Winebrenner, and Ludwig Neilson. Interment was in the family plot at Eckhart Cemetery. Mrs. Baker was well known and held in high esteem in this community. She was a graduate of Beall High School and the Frostburg State Normal School and had taught school in Garrett County for the past six years. She was an active member of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. The funeral services were largely attended.
The Cumberland Evening Times, June 9, 1933
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 5, 2011

BAKER, Christian

Christian Baker, 37 years old, died at 4 o'clock this morning at the home of his cousin, William Smith, near Wellersburg, PA, where he had made his home during the past three years. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Bessie S. Hardt, of Meyersdale; two brothers, Calvin Baker, of Scottdale, and Frank Baker, of Hudson, PA and a sister, Mrs. Ida Blubaugh, of Burton, Kansas. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning from his late home with burial in Cook's cemetery, near Wellerburg.
Cumberland Evening Times January 24, 1927
(Courtesy of Pat Thompson)
Posted July 30, 2009


BAKER, Christian
Christian Baker, 87 years old, died at 4 o'clock this morning at the home of his cousin, William Smith, near Wellersburg, Pa., where he had made his home during the past three years. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Bessie S. Hardt, of Meyersdale: two brothers, Calvin Baker, of Scottdale, and Frank Baker, of Hudson, Pa., and a sister, Mrs. Ida Blubaugh, of Burton, Kansas. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning from his late home with burial in Cook's cemetery, near Wellersburg.
Cumberland Evening Times, January 24, 1927
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted November 10, 2012

BAKER, Mrs. Christiana Hauser

Dead of the Day
An Aged German Woman Found Dead in Bed
Mrs. Christiana Baker, widow of the late J George Baker, was found dead in bed at the residence of her son, Joseph Baker, 2 miles out the Baltimore Pike, yesterday morning.  She resided near the German Lutheran Church and was on a visit to her son.  Coroner Ogle and Dr J M Spear, health officer who drove out to examine the remains found the death was due to natural causes and deemed an inquest unnecessary.  The deceased was a native of Germany and came to this country in 1855.  Mrs Baker is survived by the following children: Messrs Joseph, John and Henry, Mrs Christopher Kelly, Cumberland and Mrs kettle of Pittsburgh.  The remains were brought to her home and will be buried Tuesday morning at 9  o ’clock from SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Monday, October 1, 1900 - pg 3, col 3
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted January 16, 2016

BAKER, Mrs. Christiana Hauser

Funeral of Mrs. Baker.
Tile funeral of Mrs. Christina[sic] Baker took place this morning from St. Peter and Paul’s church, Rev. Father Matthews officiating.  The bearers were Frank Rupert, Alfred Lehman, C. Zimmerman, Frank and Henry Lindner and John Stegmaier.  Interment was made in the cemetery connected with the church.
NB: On some records the last name is spelled Becker
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md.,
Tuesday, October 2, 1900 - pg 4, col 2

Find A Grave Memorial# 119331471
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted January 16, 2016

BAKER, Cleon

Cleon Barnes, 33 years old, who conducted a gas and oil station on the Bedford Road, died yesterday at his home. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edith Cubbage Barnes and three children, Virginia, Leo (could be Lee), William Ernest and Betty Jean Barnes. His father, Edward Barnes, three brothers, Lester Barnes, of Cumberland; Curtis, of Spokane, Washington, and Luther Barnes, of Akron, Ohio, and three sisters, Mrs. Bertha Brant, of Cumberland, Mrs. Laura Willison, of Hazen, PA, and Miss Ethel Barnes, of Denver, CO, also survive. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Zion Lutheran Church, Bedford Road, with Rev. J. Y. Fincher, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Zion Cemetery.
Cumberland Evening Times Cumberland, Maryland January 31, 1927
(Courtesy of Pat Thompson)
Posted July 30, 2009


BAKER, Daniel

Daniel Baker, aged 81 years, died at his home near Grantsville, Monday, after an illness of several weeks due to the infirmities of advanced years. Mr. Baker was born in the Maple Grove section of Garrett county where he resided his entire lifetime. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Baker and was married to Miss Lydia Kamp many years ago. He was a life-long member of the Church of the Brethren and served many years as an officer in the church. He is survived by his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Nancy Miller, of Accident; Mrs. Effle Jane Mason, Cumberland, and Mrs. Florence Bittinger, of Huntingdon, Pa.; also by five sons, Lewis of Waterloo, Iowa; Harvey, Hillsboro, Md.; Urvan, Grantsville; Albert, Swanton; and Jonas, Martinsburg, Pa.; also 26 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted in the Maple Grove Church, Thursday afternoon, May 12, with Rev. J. E. Walls in charge.
The Cumberland Sunday Times, May 15, 1932
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 29, 2011

BAKER, Daniel

Daniel Baker, lifelong resident of Elk Lick Township, near Springs, died in the Somerset County Home on Monday, May 23. He had been ill for a year or more; and has been in the home for about six months. His wife, the former Delilah Enfield preceded him in death a number of years ago. Mr. Baker was born in Elk Lick Township on January 17, 1877, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Baker, and was 72 years, 4 months and 6 days in age at his passing. He is survived by two sons, Earl W. Baker, Grantsville, Route 1, and Calvin Baker, Detroit, Mich.; by one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Otto, Springs; two brothers, Solomon Baker, Lincoln, Mich., and Albert Baker, St. Michaels; one sister, Miss Maggie Baker, Somerset and two grandsons. He was a member of the Mennonite Church of Springs. Funeral services were conducted at the Thomas Funeral Home on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., with the Rev. Ressley Tressler officiating. Interment in the IOOF Cemetery in charge of Mortician Stanley M. Thomas.  
Meyersdale Republican, May 26, 1949 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)


BAKER, Mrs. Delores Ann Martin

HAGERSTOWN — Delores Ann Baker, 69, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, April 23, 2011, at the home of her daughter in Boyds, surrounded by loved ones and friends. Dee, as she was affectionately known to many, was a resident of Montgomery County for 26 years and most recently resided in Hagerstown. Born on July 19, 1941, in Keyser, W.Va., she was the daughter of Averil (Jackson) Martin and the late Herbert Martin. She was a loving daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend. Her life was a tribute to God and a shining example to all of us. Mrs. Baker was employed as a senior receptionist for NBCOT. She was also a member of the Gaithersburg Church of the Nazarene. She is survived by her husband, William B. Baker; her daughters, Dee Ann Jarrett and husband Ed, of Boiling Springs, S.C., and Krista Ann Dorsey and husband Keith, of Boyds; grandchildren, Chloe Ann Jarrett, Alex Sivert, Donnie Sivert, Savannah Sivert and Lexi Dorsey; and sisters Linda Reichert and husband John, of LaVale, Sharon Devore and husband Dale, of Grantsville, and Darlene Proietti, of Piedmont, W.Va. Friends will be received at the Hafer Chapel of the Hills, 1302 National Highway, LaVale, on Wednesday, April 27th from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted in the funeral home on Thursday, April 28, at 11 a.m. with Pastor Brian Shafer officiating. Interment will be in Sunset Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations may be made, in her memory, to Gaithersburg Church of the Nazarene, 8921 Warfield Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20882.
Cumberland Times-News, April 24, 2011
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted May 1, 2011

BAKER, Donald

Donald (Tush) Baker, 47, formerly of Woodland, died August 8 in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he resided. He was a son of Charles and Eloise (Hawkins) Baker, Midland. Also surviving are his widow and a son at home; three children by a former marriage, Michael and Charles Baker, and Donna Baker, all of South Carolina; three brothers, William Baker, Norfolk, Va,; Victor and Stephen Baker, Midland, and a sister, Mrs. Nancy Martens, Frostburg. A service was hold in Cincinnati Friday, with interment in Gales of Heaven Cemetery.  
The Cumberland Evening Times, August 15, 1972 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)


BAKER, Mrs. Edith M.

MT. SAVAGE — Mrs. Edith M. Baker, 77, of RD 1, died yesterday at Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, where she had been admitted Thursday. A native of Garrett County, she was a daughter of the late Richard and Mary J. (Nedrow) Housel, and was the widow of George Baker. She was a member of Mt. Savage United Methodist Church. Surviving are four sons, William and Bernard Baker, Wilmington, Del.; Richard Baker, Salisbury, Pa., and Ralph Baker, Wellersburg, Pa.; four daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Whitehead, Morantown: Mrs. Mary Baer, Finzel; Mrs. Isabelle Lynch, Eckhart, and Mrs. Goldie Sturtz, with whom she resided; two sisters, Mrs. Viola Durr, Eckhart, and Mrs. Eva Brown, Somerset, Pa.; 20 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home. Services will be held Thursday at 1 p. m. in the funeral home with Rev. Edward E. Heydt, pastor of Mt. Savage United Metodist Church. Interment will be in Johnson Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, January 30, 1973
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Edward G.

FROSTBURG - Edward G. Baker, 75, RD 2, died yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital, Cumberland, where he had been admitted Monday. He had been in failing health for three months. Born near Finzel, he was a son of the late Phillip and Annie (Miller) Baker. Mr. Baker was a retired employe of Big Savage Refractory and a member of Frostburg Lodge 348, LOO Moose, and of the Emmanuel United Methodist Church. Surviving are his widow, Thelma (Wagner) Baker; three sons, Carl Baker, Finzel; Edward Baker, Heath, Ohio, and Everett Baker, Cumberland; four daughters, Mrs. Owen Arnold, RD 3, Meyersdale; Mrs. Michael Fissell, Oxon Hill, Md.; Mrs. Harold Crowe, RD 2, Frostburg, and Mrs. Bernard Wilhelm, Bedford, Ohio; three brothers, Arch Baker, Frostburg, and Noah and Cecil Baker, both of RD 1, Salisbury, Pa.; two sisters, Mrs. Ludwig Neilson, Frostburg, and Mrs. Francis Winebrenner, Star Route, Frostburg; 26 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A service will be conducted there tomorrow at 1:30 p.m Rev. Paul H. Lovejoy will officiate and interment will be in the Johnson Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Blaine Baker, Everett L. Baker, Dale Baker, Ronald Fissell, Dennis Crowe and Donald Crowe. Moose Lodge 348 will hold a memorial service at the funeral home today at 7:30 p.m.
The Cumberland News, May 10, 1972
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 5, 2010

BAKER, Elizabeth Adams

DAWSON NEWS - Rev. S.D. Dawson was called to Cumberland Tuesday to preach the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, wife of Levi Baker, who died very suddenly Sunday Oct. 14, at 2 p.m., aged 70 years. Mrs. Baker, whose maiden name was Adams, spent most of her life in this immediate vicinity and was a member of the United Brethren church, loved and respected by all who knew her. Truly a mother in Israel has fallen. She leaves to mourn her departure, besides an aged husband, five sons, E.B. Baker, of McCoole, Md., J.R. Baker, of New Creek district, I.D. Baker, of Montrose, W. Va., and R.E. and A.B. Baker, of Ridgeley; and 3 daughters, Mrs. Susan Huff, Mrs. Essie Miller and Mrs. Clara Miller, all of Ridgeley. The funeral took place from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Clara Miller with whom she had been living for the past year. Interment in Rose Hill cemetery. The pallbearers were George and Charles Tasker, Russell, William, Henry and Howard Kight and Will and Leonard Adams, all nephews of the deceased.
Keyser Tribune, October 20, 1911
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 24, 2010

BAKER, Elizabeth Adams

Mrs Elizabeth Baker, wife of Levi Baker, died suddenly Sat afternoon at Ridgeley, opposite Cumberland, aged 70 years. Besides her husband, she is survived by five sons, R E and A S Baker, well known railroad men of Ridgeley, C B Baker, McCoole Md, J R Baker, Keyser, J D Baker, Montrose W Va and three daughters, Mrs Eva Miller Ridgeley, at whose home Mrs Baker Died; Susie Huff and Mrs Clara Miller.
Keyser Tribune, October 27, 1911
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 24, 2010

BAKER, Mrs. Elizabeth G. McKenzie

FROSTBURG — Mrs. Elizabeth G. Baker, 76, formerly of West College Avenue, died yesterday at Norfolk (Va.) Hospital. She had been in failing health the past year. Born in Garrett County, she was a daughter of the late John and Sarah (Christner) McKenzie and was the widow of Allen E. Baker. She was a member of the Church of the Nazarene. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Hugh Mason, Virginia Beach, Va.; a son, Mervin Carey, Detroit, Mich.; a sister, Mrs. Lela Robinson, Eckhart; a brother, Jacob McKenzie, Frostburg; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received from 7 until 9 p. m. today and from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p. m. tomorrow.
The Cumberland News, January 3, 1969
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted Juy 18, 2009


BAKER, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas

Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Baker, age 87 years, died 28 Feb 1933 Tuesday afternoon at her home. Oldest member of the English Baptist Church. From Dowlais, Wales. Coming to this country as a small child, landing in Philadelphia, then Mt Savage and for the past 50 years in Frostburg. Interment Allegany Cemetery.
about 28 February 1933
(Courtesy of Pat Thomas)
Posted June 14, 2011 

BAKER, Mrs. Ellen Minerva Martz

Mrs. Ellen Minerva Baker of Fairhope died Sunday, May 31, at her home. She was 77. Born in Glencoe April 5, 1876, she was a daughter of the late Levi and Julia Moser Martz. Her husband, William Baker, preceded her in death. Surviving are these children: James Carman Baker, Cumberland, Md.; Norman Baker, Mrs. Marian May and Mrs. Maude Burkett, all of Hyndman; Mrs. Julia Ott and Mrs. Mabel Barry, both of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Alice Baker, Fairhope; and Mrs. Nettie Struble, at home. She also leaves four sisters: Mrs. Elizabeth Lenhart, Mrs. Emma Fike and Mrs. Linda Hay of Meyersdale, and Mrs. Maude Simstren of Chisholm, Minn.; 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Baker was a member of the Reformed Church. Funeral services, Thursday, June 4. at 2:30 p.m. at Comps church, the Rev. F. D. Oberkircher and the Rev. Charles Raley officiating. Interment in Comps cemetery. Arrangements by Zeigler's Funeral Home, Hyndman.
The Bedford Gazette, Bedford, June 2, 1953
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 11,

BAKER, Mrs. Elsie Hoenshell

Mrs. Elsie H. Baker, 61, of Meyersdale, died Thursday at the home of a son, Ray F. Baker, near Meyersdale. She was a native Greenville township in Someret county. Surviving are three sons, two daughters, and 13 grandchildren.
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, August 31, 1953
[Elsie's maiden name was Hoenshell]
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Mrs Esther Raupaugh

Mrs Esther Baker, 81, of 217 Maryland avenue died yesterday at her home following a lingering illness.  She was a native of Glencoe, Pa., and a daughter of the late Charles and Julia (Shumaker)    Raupach. Mrs Baker had resided with a daughter Mrs Herbert J. Myers, Washington, for the past six years until she returned here last June 9.  Her daughter is the only survivor.  She was the widow of    James Baker who died in 1936.    Mrs baker was a member of St Mark's United Church of Christ for more than     50 years, an honorary member of the Daughters of America, No. 100. and     member of Daughters of Malta, No. 111.  The body is at the Hafer Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today and tomorrow. Services will be conducted Sunday at    2 p.m. at the funeral home with Rev Carl H. Clapp, pastor of St. Mark's Church officiating.        
September 12, 1958
(Courtesy of Andrew Petenbrink)
Posted September 8, 2017

BAKER, Mrs. Ethel Doris Miller
Ethel Doris Baker, 95, of Meyersdale, died Sunday, December 21, 2003, at Beverly Healthcare, Meyersdale. She was born May 21, 1908, in Grantsville, Md., a daughter of the late William H. Miller and Myrtle (Peters) Miller. She was preceded in death by husband, Robert F. Baker. She is survived by brother, Wayne "Moon" Miller and sister, Eleanor Meager, both of Meyersdale. She is also survived by stepdaughter, Lou Ann Testa, of Meyersdale and a number of nieces and nephews. She was a retired employee of Meyersdale Manufacturing Company. At the request of the family there will be no viewing or service. Interment will be in the Grantsville Cemetery. Arrangements were in charge of M. Ray Leckemby Funeral Home.
New Republic, December 25, 2003
(Courtesy of Lois Brode Walls)   
Posted November 30, 2013

BAKER, Mrs. Evelyn G. Johnson

Mrs. Evelyn G. Baker, 72, of 40 Third Avenue, Ridgeley, died Tuesday in Memorial Hospital. Born in Hendricks, W.Va., she was a daughter of the late Reason J. and Sarah V. (Propst) Johnson. Her husband, Robert C. Baker, died in 1956. Mrs. Baker was a member of the Holy Cross United Methodist Church in Millerdale and was a retired employee of the Mineral County Board of Education. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Joy Turner, Wollaston, Mass.; Mrs. Kay Smith, Scarborough, Me.; two sons, Dennis Baker, RD2, Ridgeley; Robert B. Baker, RD2, Keyser; one sister, Mrs. Pluma Furlow, Cresaptown; one brother, J. Milton Johnson, Cumberland; ten grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Friends will be received at the George Funeral Home. Services will be conducted in Holy Cross United Methodist Church by the Rev. Gary W. Trail. Interment will be in Fort Ashby Cemetery.
The Cumberland (Md.) News, June 19, 1980
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2017

BAKER, Mrs. Fannie Casebeer

SOMERSET, Jan. 10 — Mrs. Fannie Casebeer Baker, 83, died Friday at her home at Geiger, near here. She leaves her husband, Abraham, a son, a daughter, three grandchildren, one brother and two sisters.
January 10, 1938, The Daily Courier, Connellsville, Pennsylvania
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Mrs. Fannie V. Logsdon
Mrs. Fannie V. Baker, 86, Patterson Creek, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Baldwin, Javis. Mrs. Baker was born at Patterson Creek, a daughter of the late George W. and Margaret (Alkire) Logsdon. She was the widow of William H. Baker and was a member of St. Paul's United Methodist Church and the WSCS. Also surviving are two other daughters, Mrs. Audra Wilburn, Martinsburg, and Mrs. Ethel Haycock, Cresaptown; a sister, Mrs. Ida Lechliter, Parsons; a brother, George W. Logsdon, Patterson Creek; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The body is at the Rotruck Funeral Home, Keyser. Services will be conducted there Saturday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Gregory Lewis. Burial will be in Fort Ashby Cemetery.
The Cumberland News, November 15, 1973
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 22, 2015

BAKER, Floyd Raymond

Floyd Raymond Baker, 68, of Lexington, Kentucky, died at his residence Feb. 6, 1988. He was born at Meyersdale RD 3, a son of the lath James and Loretta Crowe Baker. He is survived by his wife Dorothy Nelson Baker, a son Michael Robert Baker, Lexington, Kentucky; four daughters, Madaline Montgomery, Versailles, Kentucky; Linda Wall and Nancy Miller, both of Lexington, Kentucky and Mary Skala, Nicholasville, Kentucky; two brothers, Arthur Baker, Meyersdale and Albert Baker, Cross Hill, SC; eight sisters, Katherine Baker, Wilmington, DA; Loretta Grade and Elva Watkins, both of Frostburg, MD; Ruth Holt, Meyersdale; Dorothy Llwelyn, Union Bridge, MD; Minnie Zearfoss, Listie; Mable Warne, Meyersdale; Josephine Miller, Fallstown, MD; and eight grandchildren. He was a retired electrician for the Physical Plant at UK; member of Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Church, American Legion Post No. 8, 40 & 8, veteran of WW II, U.S. Army. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the W. R. Milward Mortuary, Lexington, Kentucky, conducted by Msgr. Leonard R. Nienaber. Burial, Blue Grass Memorial Gardens. Casketbearers were Jim Gabbard, Don Smith, Dave Lenter, Stan Holbrook, Dennis Hetzel and Valdeze Floyd. Honorary bearers were American Legion Post No. 8.
The Republic, Meyersdale, February 18, 1988
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 5, 2011

BAKER, Frank George

Funeral services for Frank George Baker, former engineer for the Western Maryland Railway, who died Sunday at his home, 629 Columbia avenue, were held at 9 o'clock this morning at SS Peter and Paul Catholic church where a requiem mass was celebrated. The pallbearers were C. E. Burkey, Joseph M. Bissett, John W. Shepherd, Felix R. Brady, William H. Twigg, and Atha J. Myers. Burial was in St. Luke's cemetery.Mr. Baker, who, since the Western Maryland strike was employed by the American Cellulose and Chemical Company, Ltd., was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Engineers, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and SS Peter and Paul Beneficial Society.  
The Cumberland Evening Times, February 16, 1926  
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Frank W.

BAKER Meyersdale, Pa., Nov. 28.—Services will be conducted tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. from St. Mark's Evangelical and Reformed Church at Pocahontas, for Frank W. Baker, 45, who died Sunday afternoon at his home in Pocahontas after an illness of two years with sillcosis. The Rev. J. E. Gindelsberger will officiate and interment will be in the Greenville Cemetery. Mr. Baker, who had been employed in a clay mine near here was the third person to die in recent years of sillcosis. The son of the late Solomon and Arvilla (Berkebile) Baker, he was born at Greenville Township. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Martha (Keefer) Baker, and three children, Betty Louise, Grace and Samuel, all at home, and the following brothers and sisters, Jesse Baker, this place; Harvey, George, Clarence and John, all of Greenville Township; Mrs. William Keefer, Meyersdale; Miss May Baker, Greenville Township, and Mrs. Samuel Mathias, Somerset.    
The Cumberland Evening Times, November 28, 1944 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)


BAKER, Gary L.

Gary L. Baker, 57, of Fairhope, died Monday, April 10, 1995, at Conemaugh Memorial Hospital, Johnstown. He was born June 26, 1937, in Cumberland, Md., a son of the late George A. Baker and Laura S. (Shaffer) Baker Simon. He is survived by his wife, Bernice M. (Miller) Baker; a son, Jeffrey L. Coughenour (husband of the former Lesa Twigg) of Fairhope; two daughters, Barbara J. (wife of Bruce Gallagher) of Somerset, and Sandra D. Baker of Middletown; a brother, Joseph J. Simon Jr. of Hyndman; and four grandchildren. Mr. Baker was employed as postmaster at the Fairhope Post Office and had previously been owner and operator of Baker's Tavern in Fairhope. He attended Fairhope Community Church and was a member of Hyndman Lodge 589, Free and Accepted Masons. Funeral services: 2 p.m. Thursday at the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home, Hyndman, with the Rev. Daniel E. Leister officiating. Burial in Mount Lebanon Cemetery near Glencoe. Memorial contributions may be made to the Regional Trauma Center, in care of Conemaugh Health Foundation, 1086 Franklin St., Johnstown, Pa. 15905-4398. The Bedford County Inquirer, April 21, 1995
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 15, 2010

BAKER, Gilbert C.

FROSTBURG — Gilbert C. Baker, 54, of 28 Meshach Frost Village, died yesterday at Miners Hospital where he had been admitted Thursday. Born in Finzel, he was a son of Mrs. Edith (Housel) Baker RD 1, Mt. Savage, and the late George Baker. He was a member of Zihlman Methodist Church. Besides his mother, he is survived by his widow, Thelma (Winebrenner) Baker; three sons, Ralph Baker, here; John Baker, Wilmington, Del., and Robert Baker, at home; a daughter, Barbara Baker, at home; four sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Whitehead, Morgantown; Mrs. Samuel Baer, Finzel; Mrs. George Lynch, Eckhart and Mrs. Goldie Sturtz, Mt. Savage; four brothers, William and Bernard Baker, Wilmington; Richard Baker, Salisbury, Md., and Ralph Baker, Wellersburg, Pa., and two grandchildren. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 7 until 9 p. m. and tomorrow from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p. m. Services will be conducted Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. in the funeral home by Rev. Edward E. Kite. Interment will be in the Johnson Cemetery. Pallbearers will be George Whitehead, Robert Sturtr, Samuel Baer, Robert Lee Sturtz, Peter Snyder and James Jeffries.  
The Cumberland Evening Times, January 5, 1970  
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Mrs. Gladys

Services for Mrs. Gladys Baker, 54, wife of Raymond M. Baker Sr., 29 Virginia Avenue, who died Sunday at Memorial Hospital, will be conducted tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at Holy Cross Episcopal Church. Rev. William J. Cox, vicar, will officiate and burial will be in Hyndman Cemetery. The body is at the Scarpelli Funeral Home where the family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
Tuesday 26 November 1957; The Cumberland (MD) News
Posted September 19, 2020

BAKER, Hannah Eldora (infant)

In Keyser, on 19th inst, HANNAH ELDORA, infant daughter of Henry W and Jennie E Baker, aged two years, six months and eleven days.
On the breeze of a May morning while the dows of heaven were on the grass and nature bloomed with freshness and beauty, the angel messenger summoned this little sufferer upward, and unpinioning its wings, the weary child and pilgrim to the celestial city, obeyed His call, and took her flight from earth to paradise. Another sad, sad Providential dispensation has visited the nursery of fond parents, and taken the only surviving darling. May they be able to say through their tears, "The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Funeral sermon will be preached this Sat morning at the residence by Rev W M Woodworth, and the body taken to Mr Pierce's private burying ground on Patersons Creek for buryal (?sic).

Sat, May 20, 1876, West Virginia Tribune, Keyser WV. VOL 6, NO 51
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 16, 2010

BAKER, Mrs. Harriet

Mrs. Harriet Baker, aged mother of Hon. Stark L. Baker, of Beverly, died Sun. morning. Funeral services Mon. afternoon at 3:00. Elkins Inter Mt of 27th
Keyser Tribune, May 31, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 17, 2010

BAKER, Mrs Harriet

Ex Senators B. J. Baker and L. J. Forman, of Petersburg, were here Tues. on their way home. They had been to Beverly attending the funeral of Mrs. Harriet Baker, who died last Sun. She was an aunt of Mr. Baker and Mr. Forman's wife. Robert Baker brought them down in an auto and remained here until they returned.
Keyser Tribune, May 31, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 17, 2010

BAKER, Harry Carr

Winchester Va
Harry Carr Baker, 45 years old, a prominent farmer and Presbyterian church man, died near here Saturday after a several days illness of acute rheumatism.  He leaves a widow, formerly  Miss Edmonia Stine, four children, four brothers, all of this section and one sister, Mrs. Ernest Fellers, of Washington.
Keyser Tribune, February 14, 1913
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted August 20, 2010

BAKER, Harvey Ellsworth

Harvey Ellsworth Baker, 71, of Allegany Grove, died suddenly at his home at 1:30 p.m. yesterday as the result of a heart attack. Mr. Baker, who was a farmer in his earlier years, was stricken about 8 a.m. yesterday. Mr. Baker was a native of Somerset Co., Pa., and the son of  John B. and Julia Teas Baker. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Margaret Everline Baker; one daughter, Mrs. Dora J. Dunn, Baltimore; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Brickley, Akron, Ohio, and one nephew, Ray E. Witt, at home.
Published in the Cumberland News, Friday, August 6, 1943
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted April 8, 2017

BAKER, Harvey Ellsworth

Services for Harvey E. Baker, 71, of Allegany Grove, who died Thursday, were conducted yesterday at the home by the Rev. Dr. Hixon T. Bowersox, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Interment was in St. Luke’s Cemetery. Pallbearers were Paul R. Goldsworthy, Eugene L. Reinhart, Richard J. Loar, Richard Young, Harold S. Everline, and Clayton J. Bane.
Published in the Cumberland Sunday Times, August 8, 1943
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted April 8, 2017

BAKER, Harvey F.

SALISBURY ~ Harvey F. Baker, 71, of R. D. 1, died at Meyersdale Community Hospital. Born in Greenville Township, he was a son of the late Solomon and Alwilda (Miner) Baker. He is survived by his widow, Louella (Miller) Baker; four sons, Robert S. Baker, Meyersdale, R. D. 3; Harold S. Baker, Frostburg; Floyd S. Baker, Frostburg; Floyd R., and Carl E. Baker, Akron, Ohio; two daughters, Mrs. Eva Burkhart, Southgate, Mich., and Mrs. Mary R. McKenzie, Clarksburg, Md.; three brothers, George Baker, Meyersdale; Clarence Baker, R. D. 1; and Elmer Baker, Wiley Ford, W. Va.; four sisters, Mrs. Sarah Baer, R. D. 1; Miss Mae Baker, Mt. Savage; Mrs. Martha Meyers, Meyersdale and Mrs. Edna Mathias, Somerset, and 17 grandchildren. 
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, January 31, 1969
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Mrs. Helen D. McKenzie

Mrs. Everett H. Baker – Mrs. Helen D. Baker, 46, of RD 4, Mexico Farms, died yesterday in the Sacred Heart Hospital Hospice Unit.  A native of Frostburg, she was a daughter of the late Edna (Smith) McKenzie, Frostburg, and the late Leonard McKenzie.  She was a member of Davis Memorial United Methodist Church.  Surviving are her husband, Everett J. Baker; two sons, Robert Caton, Finzel; Noah Baker, at home; three brothers, Eugene McKenzie, Millerville; Francis McKenzie, Finzel; Irvin McKenzie, Lonaconing; five sisters, Mrs. Mary McKenzie, Cresaptown; Mrs. Edna McCurry, College Park; Mrs. Anna Mae Brode, Eckhart; Mrs. Alice Albright, Finzel and Mrs. Mildred Garlock, St. Clair Shores, Mich.  Friends will be received at Scarpelli Funeral Home.  Services will be conducted at the funeral home with the Rev. William Bice officiating.  Interment will be in Rest Lawn Memorial Park. 
Cumberland Evening Times  October 19, 1981
(Courtesy of Ray Leidinger/transcribed by Michael McKenzie)
Posted October 15, 2015

BAKER, Henry E.

MEYERSDALE, Pa. ~ Henry E. Baker, 71, who died Wednesday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Lashley, Mt. Savage, Md., will be buried Sunday in Union Cemetery following services at 3 p. m. at the Price Funeral Home here. Rev. Howard Hilner, pastor of Meyersdale Lutheran Church, will officiate. Mr. Baker was born in Somerset county, a son of the late John and Lydia (Shumaker) Baker. He and his wife, Mrs. Elsie (Hoenshell) Baker, were former caretakers of the Cardinal Club at Paw Paw, W. Va: Besides his daughter and widow, he is survived by three sons, Earl Baker, Aliquippa; Ray F. Baker, Route 3, Meyersdale, and Technical Sgt. Glenn L. Baker, USAF, Mitchell Field, N. Y.; another daughter, Mrs. Wilbert Boyer, Glencoe; a brother, Joseph E. Baker, Route 3, Meyersdale, and nine grandchildren.
The Cumberland Evening Times, October 13, 1950 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Henry M.

FROSTBURG ~ Henry M. Baker, 65, formerly of here, died yesterday in Carroll County Hospital, Westminster, where he was admitted last Friday. A native of Garrett County, he was a son of the late Phillip and Annie (Miller) Baker. He was preceded in death by his wife, Eliza (Baker) Baker. Surviving are five sons, James and Hubert Baker, both of Frostburg, Robert Baker, Philadelphia, Francis Baker, Hyattsville, and Millard Baker, Sykesville; a daughter, Mrs. Patricia Gray, Frostburg; eight grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Ludwig Neilson Frostburg, and Mrs. Francis Winebrenner, Star Route, and four brothers, Arch Baker, Frostburg; Edward G. Baker, Frostburg; and Noah E. Baker, RD 1 Salisbury; and Noah E. and Cecil Baker, both of RD 1, Salisbury Pa. The body is at the Durst Funeral Home where the family will receive friends tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.     
The Cumberland Evening Times, July 14, 1964
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Herbert William

FORT ASHBY, W.Va. - Herbert William Baker, 80, died Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1992 at Potomac Valley Hospital, Keyser. Born April 6, 1911 in Alaska, now Fort Ashby, he was the son of the late Charles E. and Lena Pearl (Alkire) Baker. Mr. Baker was retired from the spinning department of the Celanese Fibers Corporation. He was a Methodist by faith. Surviving are his wife, Ruth E. (Chase) Baker; three nephews, whom he and his wife reared, Robert Chase Jr., Kenneth Chase, and Dale Chase; two brothers-in-law, Paul Chase and Robert Chase Sr., both of Ridgeley; two sisters-in-law, Marion Simmons, Fort Ashby, and Edith Chase, Furnace Acres; and several other nephews and nieces. Friends will be received at the Fort Ashby Funeral Home. Services will be conducted there by the Rev. Harley Baldwin. Interment will be in the Fort Ashby Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Jim Troutman, Bob Barnes, Barry Barnes, Scott Barnes, Shawn Barnes, and Dick Deremer. 
The Cumberland (Md.) Times-News, January 9, 1992
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2017

BAKER, Howard

Howard Baker, 84, of RD 4, city, a retired farmer, died this morning at Allegany County Infirmary where he had been a patient 18 months. Born at Patterson's Creek, he resided with a son, Albert H. Baker. Also surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Delcie Seeders, Green Spring; a brother, William Baker, Patterson's Creek; three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The body is at the Kight Funeral Home.
The Cumberland (Md.) Evening Times, November 9, 1953
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2017


BAKER, Mrs. Ilda Myrtle Lewis

OAKLAND - Mrs. Ilda Myrtle Baker, 78, of RD 3, Deer Park, died Saturday at Cuppett-Weeks Nursing Home where she had been a patient two months. A native of Swallow Falls, she was a daughter of the late Freeman and Sarah (Lewis) Lewis. She was a member of Oak Park Church of the Brethren. Surviving are her husband, Benjamin Harrison Baker; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Custer, Oakland; a brother, Walter Lewis, Swallow Falls; seven grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. The body is at the John O. Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. A service will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Oak Park Church with Rev. Paul Crumley, pastor, officiating. Interment will be in Garrett County Memorial Gardens. The body will be taken to the church at 1 p.m. tomorrow.
Source: The Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Maryland; June 4, 1973; page 16.
(Courtesy of Wendy Mammoliti)
Posted March 24, 2011

BAKER, Mrs. Irene Anna Finzel
Irene Anna Baker, 87, of Rest Assured Living Center, formerly of Finzel, died Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2002, at Sacred Heart Hospital, Cumberland.  Born May 3, 1914, in Finzel, she was a daughter of the late Howard and Alberta (Bolden) Finzel. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Clyde E. Baker, in 1983; one brother, Bernard Finzel; one sister, Pearl Eisler; one grandson; and one great-granddaughter.  She was retired from the housekeeping department at Frostburg State University. She had also worked at Jack and Ginny's Restaurant, Frostburg.  She was a lifelong member of Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Pocahontas, Pa., and a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Auxiliary and the Women of the Loyal Order of the Moose, both of Frostburg.  Surviving are three daughters, Yvonne Coughenour, Meyersdale, Pa., Carolyn Crowe, Frostburg, and LuAnn Smith, Mineral Ridge, Ohio; two sons, Robert E. Baker, Meyersdale, and Larry Baker, Rootstown, Ohio; two brothers, Stanley Finzel and Donald Finzel; four sisters, Dorothy Lotz, Rhoda Byrd, Leotta Christner, and Patricia Mikesell; 13 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren.  Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home, Frostburg, today, Thursday, Jan. 31, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The Frostburg Eagles Auxiliary will hold a memorial service at the funeral home today at 7 p.m. followed by a prayer vigil by the Rev. Father Albert J. Anselmi at 8:30 p.m.  A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Pocahontas, on Friday at 10:30 a.m., with the Rev. Father Anselmi as celebrant.  Interment will be in Finzel Cemetery.  Memorial contributions may be made to Saint Mary's Catholic Church, P.O. Box 31, West Salisbury, PA 15561.
abt. Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2002; Durst Funeral Home obituary
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted January 10, 2014


BAKER, Irvin

GRANTSVILLE - Irvin Baker, 92, Grantsville, died yesterday at the Cuppett-Weeks Nursing Home, Oakland. A native of Grantsville. He was a son of the late Daniel and Lydia (Kemp) Baker. His wife, Mrs. Lucinda (Beachy) Baker, preceded him in death. Mr. Baker was a member of the Maple Grove Church of the Brethren, here. Surviving are one son, Allen Baker, here; one brother, Albert Baker, Accident; one sister, Mrs. Effie Mason, Bowling Green; four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The body is at the Newman Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted at the Maple Grove Church of the Brethren tomorrow at 2 p.m. Rev. Preston Miller will officiate and interment will be in Grantsville Cemetery. The body will be taken to the church at 1 p.m. tomorrow. The family has requested that expressions of sympathy take the form of contributions to the Maple Grove Church of the Brethren building fund.
The Cumberland News, March 14, 1973
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 29, 2011

BAKER, Irvin S.

MEYERSDALE ~ Irvin S. Baker, 90, of Garrett, died Saturday at Meyersdale Community Hospital. Born at Somerset, he was a son of the late Zachariah and Elizabeth (Berkey) Baker. His wife, Emma (Hoyman) Baker, preceded him in death. Surviving are a son, Ralph Baker, Pennsville, N.J.; two daughters, Mrs. Christina Brocht, Garrett, and Mrs. Elsie Olsen, Bedford; eight grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. A private service will be conducted at the Price Funeral Home by Rev. David Menchoffer. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. There will be no public viewing at the funeral home.     
The Cumberland Evening Times, December 22, 1975  
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, James Allen, Sr.

James Allen Baker, 29, of Montclair Manor Apartments, Wheaton, died Saturday at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, where he had been a patient three weeks. Born in Cumberland March 26, 1940, he was a son of William E. and Wanda (Whiteman) Baker, 29 Moran Avenue. Surviving in addition to his parents, are his widow, Mrs. Hazel (Barrett) Baker; a son, James A. Baker Jr., at home; a brother, William E. Baker, Pitisburgh; three sisters, Mrs. Doris M. Niland, Rockville; Mrs. Marian E. Corrick, Olney, and Mrs. Barbara A. Beach, Delaware. The body will be returned to the Scarpelli Funeral Home. The family requests that flowers be omitted.
The Cumberland News, Monday, November 17, 1969
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 7, 2021

BAKER, James Eldridge
James Eldridge Baker, 91, of RD 1, Ridgeley, died yesterday at Hampshire County Memorial Hospital, Romney. Born March 23, 1879 in Fort Ashby, he was the son of the late Edward and Virginia (Berry) Baker. He was a retired employee of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, Fort Ashby. His wife, Mamie Eversole Baker, preceded him in death. Surviving are one brother, Charles Baker, Fort Ashby; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Logsdon, Patterson's Creek, and one nephew, Herbert W. Baker, RD 1, Ridgeley. The body is at the Scarpelli Funeral Home.
The Cumberland News, November 4, 1970
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 22, 2015


BAKER, James Milton

James Milton Baker, 69, former Baltimore and Ohio trainman, died at 6 p. m. yesterday at his home, 212 Maryland avenue. A son of the late David and Lucy (Shoemaker) Baker, formerly of Fairhope, Pa., he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ursula (sic: Esther) R. Baker, and two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Hopcraft, this city, and Mrs. Lydia Lowery, Fairhope. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 1 p. m. at the home with interment in Greenmount Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, July 16, 1936
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted May 12, 2012

BAKER, James W.
James W. Baker, 74, Swanton, died Sunday, Dec. 19, 1999, at the Dennett Road Manor Nursing Home, Oakland.  Born May 22, 1925, in Swanton, he was a son of the late Albert and Effie A. (Mason) Baker. He was also preceded in death by one sister, Clara Fisk.  He was a member of the Swanton Otterbein United Methodist Church. He worked as a heavy equipment operator for the Timken Co., Canton, Ohio. During World War II he was stationed in Guam with the U.S. Army Air Corps.  Survivors include his wife, Luella V. (Friend) Baker; one son, Robert H. Baker, Canton; two sisters, Florence Hamill, Deer Park, and Gladys Syler, Niangua, Mo.; one brother, Daniel W. Baker, St. Petersburg, Fla.; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.  Friends were received at the Stewart Funeral Home, Oakland. A service was conducted at the Otterbein United Methodist Church on Wednesday, Dec. 22, with the Rev. Meredith Ball officiating. Interment was in the Rose Hill Cemetery, Swanton.  The family requests that memorials take the form of contributions to the Swanton Otterbein United Methodist Church, P.O. Box, Swanton, MD 21561, or Hospice of Garrett County, Inc., P.O. Box 271, Oakland, MD 21550.
abt. Sunday, Dec. 19, 1999; MD Death Notices and Obituaries
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted December 10, 2013

BAKER, Mrs. Jean Almalee Rice

Mrs. Jean Almalee Baker, 55, of 717 Hilltop Drive, died today in Memorial Hospital. Born in Cumberland, she was a daughter of the late Alonzo G. and Mertie (Beall) Rice. She was a member of Central United Methodist church, The DelMarVa Submarine Veterans Auxiliary, associate member of Club 43 and Sacred Heart Hospital Alumnae. A graduate of Fort Hill High School, class of 1944. and of Sacred Heart Hospital School of Nursing, class of 1947, she was employed as a registered nurse at Pittsburgh Plate Glass Industries. Surviving are her husband, Raymond M. Baker Jr.; one daughter, Mrs. Kathy L. Cline of Cumberland; two sons, Michael Wayne Baker of Washington and Edward B. Baker of Clearbrook, Va.; one brother, Earl Rice of Laurel; and six grandchildren. Friends will be received at the George Funeral Home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Cumberland Evening Times, Thursday, May 21, 1981
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted May 29, 2021


BAKER, John B.

John B. Baker, 82 years of age, formerly of Wellersburg, Pa., died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. C. Pfeiffer, Meyersdale, Pa., early Sunday morning. He is survived by the following children; Mrs. Pfeiffer, Mrs. G. W. Brickley, Akron, O.; and Harvey B. Baker, LaVale. The funeral will take place from the church at Wellersburg at one p. m., tomorrow with interment in Cook cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, February 16, 1925 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)


BAKER, John E.

Oakland - John E. Baker, 76, died yesterday in Garrett County Memorial Hospital where he was a patient the past 10 days. Born in Preston Co., W. Va., he was a son of the late John and Catherine Perry Baker. Twice married, he was preceded in death by his first wife, Rachel (Tasker) Baker. Surviving are his second wife, Dorothy (McRobie) Baker, and 20 children, including nine sons, Leslie and Verf Baker, Oakland; Woodrow Baker, Perry, N. Y.; John Baker, Jr., Toledo, Ohio; Darrell Baker, Freeport, Illinois; Ronald Baker, Springfield, Ohio; and Roger Lee, Richard and Douglas Baker, all at home; 11 daughters, Mrs. Bruce Wasson, Cumberland; Mrs. Harold Shaffer, Tunnelton, W. Va.; Mrs. Ruth Wascolonnis, Sugar Run, Pa.; Mrs. William Geist, Baltimore; Mrs. William Boehm, Nora, Illinois; Mrs. Melvin Sines, Deer Park; and Norma Jean, Barbara Ann, Linda, Janet and Pattricia, all at home; two brothers, Lloyd Baker, Oakland and Shirley (?)Baker, Morgantown; one sister, Mrs. Cora Tasker, Indian Rocks, Pa.; and 38 grandchildren. The body is at the Leighton-Durst Funeral Home where the family will receive friends from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. A service will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. at the Church of the Nazarene, 8th Street, Rev. Robert C. Roberts, pastor, will officiate and interment will be in Oakland Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, July 6, 1963
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 11, 2009

BAKER, Mrs. John F.

Mrs. John F. Baker, an aged woman of the neighborhood of New Creek who died Tuesday, was buried Wednesday at the McDonald burying grounds, near her home, following funeral services by Rev Roberts, of The Christian Church.  The deceased was a faithful Christian worker and highly respected. She is survived by the husband, who is an old man, and ten children, all at home.
Keyser Tribune, February 14, 1913
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted August 20, 2010

BAKER, Capt. John H.?

Sept 16 - Capt John (? H) Baker, a prominent citizen of Winchester, died today from acute indigestion, aged 74 years. He was born and lived and died in the same house. He was a leading Oreman? and musician. His widow, three sons and two daughters survive him.
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 15 , 2010


BAKER, John W.

John W Baker, one of our energetic and popular young contractors and builders, met with a accident last Tues afternoon. He was on a scaffold at the building which he and his father, Contractor H. W. Baker are erecting for R. G. Richardson, seeing about some work, when the scaffold gave way, throwing him to the ground, a distance of at least thirty feet. He fell on his back and after striking the ground was unable to move, although retaining consciousness. His father came near going down with the scaffold also. He was on it and fell, it gave way, but was able to grab hold of a window, which he got into just in time to save himself. As soon as Mr. Baker and the hands could get to Johnny they picked him up and finding that he was badly hurt, took him to the Hoffman Hospital. An examination showed that his back was broken and that he was paralyzed from the shoulders down. He lingered till about six o'clock Thursday evening, Aug 3, 1905, when he peacefully passed away. He was conscious almost to the last. The deceased was 27 years of age and was the only son of Mr and Mrs Henry W Baker. He spent all his life in Keyser and enjoyed the esteem and respect of every one. He was a model young man, a devoted husband, son and brother, a sincere friend and honorable and upright young man in every respect. His sad death is a shock to his loved ones and many friends. He was not a member of any church, but has been deeply concerned for some time about his spiritual condition and doubtless made his peace and election sure before passing to the great beyond. He was a Past chancellor of Olive Branch Lodge, No 25 K of P, and was an honored member of the order at the time of his death being the Master of the Work. About two years ago, he united in marriage with Miss Gertrude Taylor, of Purgitsville, who survives him, together with father and mother and two sisters, Mrs. Harry L Welch, and Miss Elsie Baker. The funeral will take place Sunday at two o'clock pm, and will be in charge of the Knights of Pythias. Interment will take place in Queen's Point Cemetery.
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 15 , 2010

BAKER, Jonathan
Alaska -
Mr. Jonathan Baker, of this place died Saturday morning after a long illness. Rev. Simmons preached his funeral to a large congregation. Sunday morning his remains were laid to rest in the Frankfort cemetery.

Published in the Cumberland Alleganian, Thursday, February 4, 1904
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 19, 2017


BAKER, Jonathan W.

FROSTBURG ~ Jonathan W. Baker, 55, died yesterday at his home, 99 Washington Street. He had been in ill health for some time. Born at Midland, he was a son of Mrs. Mary (Broderick) Baker, Midland, and the late Thomas F. Baker. Mr. Baker was a member of the Frostburg Elks Lodge. Surviving, besides his mother, are his widow, Julia (Kroll) Baker, and a brother, Thomas Baker, Midland. The body is at the Eichhorn Funeral Home, Lonaconing, where the rosary will be recited tomorrow at 8 p.m. Members of the Frostburg Elks wiil conduct a service at the funeral home tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. Funeral prayers will be recited Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Midland, by Rev. John Sleeman, pastor. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery, here.      
The Cumberland Evening Times, March 30, 1961 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Mrs. Julia

Mrs. Julia Baker, aged 83 years, widow of Jesse Baker, died at the home of her son-in-law, R.C. Grace, Daniels Mills, yesterday afternoon. Funeral services will be held from the house tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. Burial will be at Frankfort, W.Va. John C. Wolford, undertaker, has charge of the funeral.
Published in The Cumberland (Md.) Evening Times, Tuesday, May 28, 1918
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted April 19, 2017

BAKER, Mrs. Julia Kroll

FROSTBURG - Mrs. Julia E. Baker, 83, of 99 Washington Steet, died Wednesday at Frostburg Community Hospital. Born in Frostburg on May 26, 1903, she was the daughter of the late Conrad and Ellen (Ort) Kroll. Her husband, Johnathan Baker, died in 1961. Mrs. Baker was owner-operator of Kroll's Grocery for 68 years until retirement in 1983. She was a member of Salem United Church of Christ. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Leannah Beal, Frostburg; one brother, William H. Kroll, Frostburg, and a number of nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Durst Funeral Home Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be conducted there Saturday at 1 p.m. by the Rev. George L. Wehler. Interment will be in Frostburg Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be James Beal Jr., Robert White, William Frye, Bob Ferguson, Arch Ferguson and David Knepp.
The Cumberland Evening Times, November 7, 1986
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted April 14, 2012


Loretta A. Crowe Baker
(Courtesy of Byron Schulten)

BAKER, Mrs. Loretta A. Crowe

Mrs. Loretta A. (Etta) Baker, 86, Frostburg, Md., formerly of Meyersdale RD 3, died April 6 at Sacred Heart Hospital, Cumberland, Md. A native of Finzel, she was a daughter of the late Floyd and Margaret (McKenzie) Crowe. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Baker. Mrs. Baker was a member of St. Michael's Catholic Church and the Sodality. Surviving are eight daughters, Loretta Gracie, Frostburg; Elva Watkins, Eckhart, Md.; Minnie Zearfoss, Listie; Katherine Baker, Elsmere, Del.; Dorothy Llewelyn, New Windsor; Ruth Holt and Mabel Warne, both of Meyersdale RD 3; Josephine Miller, Baltimore, Md.; three sons, Arthur Baker, Ranson, W. Va.; Floyd Baker, Lexington, Ky.; Albert Baker, Clinton, S.C.; a brother, Wilbur Crowe, Midland, Md.; 54 grandchildren; 86 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Michael's Church. Interment in Beal Cemetery, Pocahontas. Pallbearers were James H. Baker, William Baker, Timothy Holt, Keith Warne, Greg Miller and Michael Baker.
Meyersdale Republic, April 14, 1977
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 5, 2011

BAKER, Mrs. Mamie Elizabeth Eversole

Mrs. Mamie Elizabeth Baker, 82, of RD 1, Ridgeley, died yesterday at Romney Memorial Hospital, where she had been a patient several weeks. Born in Great Cacapon, W.Va., and a resident of Fort Ashby, she was a daughter of the late Alexander B. and Mary (Compton) Eversole, and was a member of the Fort Ashby Trinity United Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, James E. Baker, a sister, Mrs. Melissa Weitmier, and several nieces and nephews. The body is at the Silcox-Merritt Funeral Residence. Services will be conducted Sunday by Rev. Paul Suter and interment will be in the Fort Ashby Cemetery.
The Cumberland (Md.) Evening Times, May 1, 1970
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2017


BAKER, Mrs. Margaret Christine Everline

Mrs. Margaret Christine Baker, 73, a former resident, died yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. William C. Dunn, Baltimore. Born in Somerset Co., Pa., Mrs. Baker had resided here before moving to Baltimore 11 years ago. Surviving besides her daughter are two sisters, Mrs. Emma Bode, Frostburg, and Mrs. Lillian Edwards, Seattle; and three brothers, Daniel Everline, Missouri; Edgar Everline, Oregon; and George Everline, Hagerstown. The body will be at the Stein Funeral home here after 10 a.m. tomorrow, and services will be conducted there at 11 a.m. Friday. Rev. Dr. Hixson T. Bowersox, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will officiate, and interment will be in St. Luke's Cemetery.
The Cumberland Evening Times, January 12, 1955
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)


BAKER, Mrs. Marguerite Adams

Marguerite A. Baker, 91, of Frostburg passed away on Thursday, July 24, 2014 at Western Maryland Region Medical Center. Born, September 13, 1922 in Carlos, MD. She is the daughter of the late George and Mae Adams. She is preceded in death by her parents, a sister, Blanche Muir and brother-in-law Irwin Muir, and a brother James Gary Adams. Mrs. Baker was a lifelong member of the Carlos United Methodist Church, where she taught Sunday school. She was a customer service representative for Columbia Gas in Frostburg and Cumberland. Surviving is her husband of 49 years, Junior Arch Baker; sister-in-law, Rosalie E. Adams; niece, Lynn M. Clark and husband Steven M. Clark; four nephews, Alan G. Adams and wife Linda, Daniel I. Muir and wife Janet, David A. Muir, George W. Wolford and one great nephew, Charles William Clark.
Durst Funeral Home Obituary, posted July 25, 2014
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted June 3, 2016

BAKER, Mrs. Marie E. Grosskinsky

Marie E. Baker, 74, Salisbury RD 1, died May 20, 1981, at Meyersdale Community Hospital. She was born Dec. 13, 1906, in Pittsburgh, daughter of the late Barney and Matilda (Hanft) Grosskinsky. She is survived by her husband, Clarence A. Baker and two children: Mrs. Helen L. Bowman, Meyersdale RD 3; and Blaine C. Baker, Somerset RD 3; also five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. She was a retired employee of Meyersdale Mfg. Co. with 22 years service. She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church of the Cove (Md.) and was a member of the Greenville Ladies Aid and Homemakers. Funeral services were held at the Greenville Lutheran Church with the Rev. David E. Fetter officiating. Interment, Greenville Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were in charge of Thomas Funeral Home, Salisbury.
The Republic, May 23 (or 28), 1981
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted May 1, 2021

BAKER, Pvt. Marshall S.

Private Marshall S. Baker, Company C Three Hundred and Eleventh Machine Gun Battalion, was killed in battle near Montfancon, France, Sept. 30, according to word just received by the parents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Baker of Finzel, Garrett county. He was 23 years old, going to France July 4 from Camp Meade. He is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: Corporal C. O. Baker. Headquarters Company, Three Hundred and Thirteenth Infantry, France; Daniel, Lester, Charles and Walter Baker,  and Misses Elyde and Lydia Baker, at home,and Mrs. Henry G. Klink, Finzel.
Cumberland Evening Times,  November 7, 1918
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)  
Posted June 7, 2014

BAKER, Mrs. Mary Alice

Funeral Of Mrs. James H. Baker
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Alice Baker, aged 55, wife of James Henry Baker, who died Wednesday of complications, were held Friday afternoon from her home on Front street, Westernport, with interment in the cemetery at Bloomington, Md. The services were conducted by Rev. C. K Welch, pastor of the United Brethren Church.  The pallbearers were John Lynch, "Banty" Nichols, D. S. Boal, Sheridan Evens, Walter Smith and Talla Hanna.  Among those who attended were Mrs. Grace Doemer, Carnegie, Pa.; Mrs. Walter Iman, Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, Elk Garden.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., Monday, September 21, 1930 - pg 9, col 3
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted October 22, 2011


BAKER, Mrs. Mary C. Broderick

"Oldest Midland Resident Dies-
MIDLAND-Mrs. Mary C. Baker, 97, died yesterday at her home, here. She was this community's oldest citizen. Born in Vale Summit, she was a daughter of the late William F. and Isabella (Thompson) Broderick. Her husband, Thomas F. Baker, preceded her in death. Mrs. Baker was a member of the St. Joseph's Catholic Church and the Sodality. She belonged to the senior citizens and housemakers clubs, here. Surviving are a son, Thomas Baker, and a sister, Miss Katherine Broderick, both of here. Friends will be received today from 7 to 9 p.m. At the Eichhorn Funeral Home, Lonaconing. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated tomorrow at 11 a.m. in St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Interment will be in St. Michael's Cemetery, Frostburg. The Rosary will be recited today at 7:30 p.m. in the funeral home."

"Evening Times" Cumberland, Maryland, Mon 24 Mar 1980
(Courtesy of Shawn McGreevy)
Posted December 26, 2009


BAKER, Mrs. Mildred Mae Plummer

Mrs. Mildred Mae Baker, 66, of Bowman's Addition, died Monday at Sacred Heart Hospital. A native of Blaine, W.Va., she was a daughter of the late Clyde 0. and Nettie Winebrenner Plummer. Her husband, Ervin W. Baker, preceded her in death. Mrs. Baker was a member of Bethel Church of the Nazarene. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Wilma Jean Wolpert, Pittsburgh; two brothers, Louis Plummer and James Plummer, both of this city, and one grandchild. Friends will be received at the Scarpelli Funeral Home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A service will be conducted there tomorrow at 1 p.m. with Rev. David F. Gayhoff officiating. The body will be taken to Little Orleans United Methodist Church for a brief service. Interment will follow in Little Orleans Cemetery. Pallbearers will be David, James C., Roger B., Edward R. and Ronald Plummer and William Brown.
The Cumberland News, March 9, 1977
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted September 15, 2012


BAKER, Moury O.

Services for Moury 0. Baker, 44, of LaVale, who died Friday from injuries suffered in a highway accident on U. S. 219 near Boynton, Pa., will be conducted today at 1:30 p.m. at the Hafer Funeral Home. Interment will be in the Allegany Cemetery. Mr. Baker was born in Bluefield, W. Va., a son of the late Charles and Maude Baker. He worked as a general repairman and was a member of Sioux Tribe 201, Improved Order of Red Men. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Thelma (Hutzel) Baker; a son, Dukie Baker, Bluefield; a step-son, Allen Stroud, Somerset, Pa.; three step-daughters, Miss Gloria Stroud, Somerset; Miss Shirley Ann Stroud, Des Moines, Iowa; and Miss Jody Stroud, Cumberland; two brothers, Herbert R. Baker, Fort Pierce, Fla., and Douglas Baker, Bluefield; four sisters, Mrs. Loraine Garris, Portsmouth, Va.; Mrs. Rozelle Lawson, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mrs. Viola Thomas and Elizabeth Baker, both of Bluefield.     
The Cumberland News, October 24, 1966 
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)


BAKER, Mrs. Myrtle Miller

ROCKWOOD, Jan. 9 - Mrs. Myrtle Miller Baker, 64, died Tuesday at the home of her son, Robert, in Black township. The daughter of the late Jacob H. and Annie Miller and the widow of Adam Baker, she leaves these children: Mrs. Dora Humbert, Black township; Mrs. Mabel Weimer, Boswell; and Mrs. Florence Hayman, Mrs. Viola Weimer and Mrs. Violet Banner, of Rockwood. There are 24 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren; one brother, Frank J. of Somerset township, and one sister, Mrs. Pearle Carsett of Cleveland, Ohio.
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, January 9, 1948
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 6, 2009


BAKER, Mrs. Naomi Kitzmiller

HARTMONSVILLE -  Mrs. Naomi Baker, wife of Wm. Baker, died Sun, April 14, 1912, aged 74 years. She was the daughter of the late Lewis and Lourania Kitzmiller, and is survived by two brother, Geo and Welton, two sisters, Harriet and Mrs. Lizzie Clark, her husband, Wm Baker, and three children, James, Albert, and Miss Ettie. She was a member of the German Brethren Church. Interment in Blake Chapel cemetery. F. C. Rollman was undertaker.
Keyser Tribune, April 19, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 17, 2010


BAKER, Mrs. Nellie Blanche Davis

Oakland - Mrs. Nellie Blanche Baker, 88, of 27 East Water Street, died Saturday at Garrett County Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient three weeks. Born in Keyser, W.Va.., she was a daughter of the late John C. and Elizabeth Davis, and was the widow of Jonathan W. Baker. She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church, Red House. Surviving are a stepson, I. N. Bliss Baker, here; two daughters, Mrs. Hester Foley and Mrs. Ann DeBerry, here; three sisters, Mrs. Susan Broome, Mrs. Elizabeth Pyles, Keyser; Mrs. Grace Zinn, Morgantown; 14 grandchildren; three great- grandchildren; 11 step grandchildren and six step great-great grandchildren. The body is at the John O. Durst Funeral Home where friends will be received from 2 until 4 and 7 until 9 p.m. A service will be conducted there tomorrow at 2 p.m. Rev. Vaughn Taylor will officiate and interment will be in Gortner Cemetery.
Cumberland Evening Times, January 20, 1969
(Courtesy of Dave Gracie)
Posted July 17, 2009

BAKER, Nora Emerick

Nora E. "Dudie" Baker, 88, of Wellersburg, died Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1989, at Sacred Heart Hospital in Cumberland. She was born March 9, 1901, in Comps, daughter of the late Lorenza W. and Anna M. (Kennell) Emerick. She was preceded in death by her husband, Daniel M. Baker, on June 22, 1981. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Blanche Harper, of Monroeville, and by 16 nieces and nephews. Funeral services: 2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29, at the Harvey H. Zeigler Funeral Home with the Rev. Leroy Logsdon and the Rev. Daniel Leister officiating. Burial in Sunset Memorial Park, Cumberland.
The Bedford County Inquirer, October 6, 1989
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 21, 2010

BAKER, Mrs. Norma Mae Nies

Mrs. Norma Mae Baker, 42, of Hillsdale, Md., a former resident of Cumberland, died yesterday at Prince George Hospital, Cheverly. Born in Cumberland, she was a daughter of the late Louis and Bernice (Lang) Nies. Surviving are her husband Roy Baker; two daughters, Mrs. Yvonne Rose, Cumberland, and Miss Joyce Baker, at home; a brother, Louis Nies, this city and a sister, Miss Dorothy Nies, also of this city, The body is at the Scarpelli Funeral Home where friends will be received today from 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow for 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
abt. 5 May 1969; no publication noted
(Courtesy of Connie Beachy/Ruth Sprowls ~transcribed by Genie)
Posted May 1, 2021

Name: Paul William Baker, 77, of Springs, PA
Parents: Earl and Rosella (Ash) Baker, and his legal guardian, Edwin E. Yoder
DOB: February 4, 1927, in Springs, PA
DOD: Monday, March 29, 2004, at Meadowview Nursing Center, Berlin, PA
Predeceased by: parents
Survived by: legal guardian; brothers and sisters, Anna Mae Gracie and husband Thomas, Frostburg, MD; Clark D. Baker and wife Bernice (Opel), Oakland, MD; Bernard C. Baker and wife Wanda (Braninger), Canton, OH; Ronald J. Baker and wife Jane (Reed), Yuma, AZ; Joan L. Opel and husband Park, Accident, MD, Clifford E. Baker and wife Anna Mae (Kramer), Canton, OH; Kay L. Atwell and husband Dr. Grant E. Atwell, Meyersdale, PA
Burial: April 1, 2004, Springs Cemetery
Source: Newman Funeral Homes, Garrett Co., MD and Somerset Co., PA
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2014

BAKER, Ralph

Ralph Baker, aged 16 years, son of John Baker, died yesterday morning at the Tuberculosis Hospital. The body was removed to the Stein morgue and later taken to the home of his uncle, Edward Baker, 226 Baltimore avenue. The funeral will take place Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock with burial in Greenmont[sic] Cemetery.
Friday, 27 November 1914; The Evening Times (Cumberland, MD)
Posted August 31, 2019

BAKER, Robert B.

SHORT GAP, W.Va. - Robert B. Baker, 55, died Saturday at Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, Md. Born Sept. 28, 1930 in Ridgeley, he was the son of the late Robert C. Baker and Evelyn G. (Johnson) Baker. Mr. Baker served in the Army during the Korean War. He was retired from PPG Industries, Inc., and was a member of Graceland Baptist Church. Survivors include his widow, the former Nellie M. Decker; two stepsons, William W. Collins, Davenport, Fla.; Gerald L. Frantz, here; one stepdaughter, Judith Ann Schartiger, Cumberland; one brother, Dennis F. Baker, here; two sisters, Mrs. Joy Turner, Newville, Pa.; Mrs. Kay Smith, Walnut, Calif.; four step-grandchildren and three step-great-grandchildren. Friends will be received at the George-Upchurch Funeral Home, Cumberland, where services will be conducted Tuesday by the Rev. Oscar Ohler. Interment will be in Fort Ashby Cemetery.
Published in The Cumberland (Md.) News, November 18, 1985
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2017

BAKER, Robert Calvin

Robert Calvin Baker, 55, husband of Mrs. Evelyn (Johnson) Baker, 40 East Third Street, Ridgeley, died yesterday morning at Sacred Heart Hospital where he was admitted Sunday. He had been in ill health three years. A native of Hendricks, he was a son of the late Robert J. and Sarah V. (Carr) Baker. He was a member of Evangelical United Brethren Church, Ridgeley, and had resided there for the past 30 years. Mr. Baker was employed as maintenance man at the Fort Cumberland Hotel the past seven years, and served in the Navy from 1918 until 1921. Besides his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. William J. Turner, Hagerstown, and Miss Evelyn K. Baker, at home; three sons, Robert B. and James W. Baker, both of Hagerstown, and Dennis F. Baker, at home; four sisters, Mrs. Nancy  Stevens, Orange, Calif.; Mrs. John Phillips, Parsons; Mrs. Lee Moore, of Davis; and Mrs. Dewey Helmick, Parkersburg; a half-brother, Major Ray G. Baker, stationed with the Air Force in Japan, and four grandchildren. The body is at the residence. A funeral service will be held in Evangelical United Brethren Church. Rev. L.G. Bridgers, pastor, will officiate, and burial will be in Fort Ashby Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Frank Miller, Roy Ritchie, John F. Wagoner, Charles Coffman, Paul Lockard, and Edgar Turner. 
The Cumberland (Md.) News, April 17, 1956
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2017

BAKER, Mrs. Rosella Brode 

FROSTBURG - Mrs. Rosella (Brode) Baker, 64, of 8779 High View Avenue, Pasadena, Md., died Friday at South Baltimore General Hospital after a lingering illness. She was a daughter of the late John Charles and Ann (Story) Brode. Surviving are her husband, Irvin E. Baker; a daughter, Mrs. Blanche N. MacNeal, Baltimore; a son, Ivan E. Baker, also of Baltimore; three brothers, Howard Brode of Lonnconing; John and Hilary Brode of Eckhart; three sisters, Mrs. William Wright, Mrs. John Wright, and Mrs. William Page, all of Eckhart. Hafer-Sowers Funeral Home. Interment, Eckhart Methodist Cemetery.
The Cumberland Sunday Times, June 24, 1973
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)

BAKER, Mrs. Ruth E Reich

Ruth E. Baker, 81, of Patriot Manor, Somerset, formerly of Meyersdale, died Feb. 24, 1995, in Somerset Hospital. Born April 26, 1913, in Berkley's Mills, a daughter of the late Mahlon and Lulu (Niemiller) Reich. Preceded in death by one sister, Catherine Seigner; and one brother, Robert Reich. Survived by her husband, William A. Baker, Patriot Manor; one son, Donald M. (Denese) Baker, Aurora, Ohio, one grandson, David, three step-grandchildren, Shelly, Shawn and Sarah, sisters, Josephine Smith and Geraldine Pagen, both of Meyersdale, Helen Wills of York, and Mary Yommer, Jennerstown, one brother, Jack Reich, San Antonio, Texas. No visitation. Memorial service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 5, in the Somerset congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Kingdom Hall. Mr. Carl H. Carlson, speaker. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given to the Somerset congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Kingdom Hall Building Fund. Arrangements in charge of Robert H. Halverson Funeral Home.
Daily American, February 25, 1995
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 5, 2011

BAKER, Mrs. Ruth Estella Chase

FORT ASHBY, W.Va. — Ruth Estella Baker, 88, of Fort Ashby, died Sunday, July 14, 1996 at Hampshire Memorial Hospital. Born May 18, 1908 in Ridgeley, she was the daughter of the late John C. and Flora B. (Albright) Chase. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Herbert W. Baker in 1992; one brother, Paul Chase; and two nephews, Robert Chase and Kenneth Chase. Mrs. Baker had worked in the Textiles Department at the Celanese Corp. Survivors include one sister, Marion Simmons, Fort Ashby; one brother, Robert J. Chase, Ridgeley; and several nieces and nephews, including Dale Chase, Fort Ashby. Friends will be received at the Upchurch Funeral Home, Fort Ashby, where services will be held Wednesday with the Rev. Harley Baldwin officiating. Interment will be in Fort Ashby Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Doug Wolford, Scott Bradfield, Bob Barnes, Donnie Lloyd, Jim Schnibbe and Greg Pyles.
Published in The Cumberland (Md.) Times-News, July 16, 1996
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 18, 2017


BAKER, Miss Sarah

Miss Sarah Baker of Brockett, died last night after a short illness. The cause of her death is given as heart failure. She was a daughter of Mr. Isaac Baker and was 65 years old. Her sister, Mrs. H. G. Huff, with whom she lived is the last survivor of nine children.
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 15 , 2010

BAKER, Solomon

Meyersdale, Pa., March 23 — Funeral services for Solomon Baker, 64, whose death occurred Saturday night at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baer of Greenville township, were held yesterday afternoon in the Greenville Lutheran Church. Interment was in the church cemetery. Surviving are these children: Effie, Salisbury; Frank, George, Clarence, John, Elmer, Mrs. Jacob Baer, and Mary, all of Greenville Township; Mrs. William Keefer and Miss Edna Baker, Meyersdale. He was a brother of George Baker, Finzel, Md.; Daniel, Harvey, and James Baker, Greenville Township; Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, Maryland; and Miss Lydia Baker, Pittsburgh.
The Cumberland Evening Times, March 23, 1932
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted August 6, 2010

BAKER, Mrs. Susan Martz   

Mrs. George H. Shumaker of South Eighth street, Connellsville, received word Sunday afternoon of the death of an aunt, Mrs. Susan Baker, formerly of Scottdale, at the home of a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers, of Chicago. Mrs. Baker, nearing her 80th year, was the widow of Calvin Baker, who died seven years ago. Born at Glencoe, Somerset county, she was a daughter of the late Jonathan and Rachel Martz and had spent most of her life at Scottdale. Two years ago she went to Chicago to reside. She was a member of the Evangelical Church of Scottdale. Besides her daughter, Mrs. Myers, she is survived by a son, Clement Baker, of Waynesburg, Ohio, and two brothers, Herman Martz of Scottdale and Solomon Martz of Glencoe. She was an aunt of Henry S. Martz of Connellsville. The funeral service will be held Wednesday afternoon at Scottdale. Burial will be in Mount Pleasant cemetery.
The Daily Courier, Connellsville, December 4, 1939
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 12, 2009

BAKER, Mrs. Susan Kay Seggie
FROSTBURG - Susan Kay Baker, 42, of 16630 Mosby Drive, Williamsport, formerly of Frostburg, died Friday, May 22, 1992, at her home. She had resided in Williamsport since 1987. Born November 27, 1949 in Frostburg, she was the daughter of Harry Seggie, Mesa, Ariz., and the late Jeannine (Schriner) Seggie McKee. Mrs. Baker was a 1967 graduate of Beall High School and a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Hagerstown. She resided in Newark, Del. for 18 years and was active in politics, Girl Scouting, and civic organizations. Besides her father and step-mother, Louise Seggie, survivors include her husband, John G. Baker; two daughters, Cindy Baker-Lyons, Hagerstown, and Jennifer Baker, at home; three brothers, George Seggie, of Mesa; Leroy McKee and Sonny McKee, both of Baltimore. Friends will be received Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sowers Funeral Home. A Christian Wake service will be held there Monday at 8:30 p.m. Mass of the Christian Burial will be said Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Michael's Catholic Church by Monsignor John L. Reinsfelder. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.
abt. Friday, May 22, 1992; Cumberland Times-News obituary
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted July 19, 2012


DAVIS NEWS - W. C. Baker died at the hospital Saturday of gangrene, several operations having been made in an effort to save his life. He worked for the lumber co at Laneville, where his great toe was mashed in an accident. Gangrene set in and he came to the hospital October 7. The toe was amputated but the gangrene spread and then part of the foot was taken off and later the leg below the knee. The deceased's home was at Williamsport Pa, where he has a new wife. The remains were shipped to the above place Tuesday. He was a member of the Odd Fellows.
News of 24th Keyser Tribune, November 1, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 28, 2010

Name: Wanda ELizabeth (Horton) Baker, 81, of Cumberland, MD 
Parents: Ervin Horton and Lillian (Pelican) Catina; step-father, Peter Catina
 DOB: October 25, 1921, in Frostburg, MD 
DOD: Thursday, August 28, 2003, at Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, MD
 Spouse: Leo Ray Baker 
Predeceased by: parents; step-father; husband 
Survived by: daughters, Diann See and husband Forrest, Shrewsbury, PA; Teena Ketterman and husband Mike, Clearville, PA; Bonnie Crider and husband Gary, Short Gap, WV; sons, Richard Baker and wife Ellen, Cumberland, MD; Jim Baker, PA; 
Burial:  September 1, 2003, Restlawn Memorial Gardens
Source: Upchurch Funeral Home, Cumberland, MD
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted March 15, 2014

BAKER, Mrs. Will

Mrs. Will Baker died at 4:30 o'clock today, Thurs. The funeral will be at the home tomorrow afternoon by Rev Oliver, after which she will be buried in the cemetery at Frankfort. Another good Christian woman has gone, and leaves a husband and three children, mother and father, three brothers and two sisters.
Keyser Tribune, May 17, 1912
(Courtesy of Patti McDonald)
Posted July 17, 2010

BAKER, William

Yesterday afternoon, William Baker died at his home about three miles from this city, in the 38th year of his age.  The remains were brought to this city and taken to the home of his mother, Mrs Jacob(sic) Baker on the Baltimore Pike.  He died of a complication of diseases and was buried this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the house.  The interment was in SS Peter and Paul's cemetery.
Cumberland Evening Times; Cumberland, Allegany Co, Md., July 31, 1894 - pg 1, col 6
NB: the family name was also spelled Becker in early records.
Find A Grave Memorial# 102210879
(Courtesy of Pat Dailey)
Posted January 21, 2016

BAKER, William Arthur

William Arthur Baker, 86, of Patriot Manor, died Feb. 11, 1996, in Somerset Hospital. Born Sept. 17, 1909, in Greenville Township, Somerset County, son of the late James and Loretta (Crowe) Baker. Preceded in death by his wife, Ruth (Reich) Baker, Feb. 24, 1995. Also preceded in death by the following brothers and sisters: Eliza Baker, Minnie Zearfoss, Josephine Miller, and Frank, Floyd, Albert and Paul Baker. Survived by one son, Donald Baker of Aurora, Ohio; one grandson, David Baker, Solon, Ohio, and these sisters: Katherine Baker of Delaware; Elva Watkins, Mabel Warne, and Loretta Gracie, all of Frostburg, Md.; Dorothy Llewellyn of Florida, and Ruth Holt of Meyersdale. Member of Somerset congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. No visitation, Memorial service will be conducted in the Somerset Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at a date to be announced. Interment in the Hays Cemetery under the direction of Robert H. Halverson Funeral Home.
Daily American, February 13, 1996
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted February 5, 2011

BAKER, William E.

William E. Baker, 67, of Route 1, Aurora, died Friday, June 15, 2007, at the Garrett County Memorial Hospital, Oakland, Md. Born on Oct 14, 1939, in Freeport, he was the son of the late William F. and Maxine S. (Shaffer) Baker. He was a retired coal miner having worked for the Island Creek Coal Company's North Branch Mine where he was the section fire boss and was a member of Local 1444, U.M.W.A., Bayard. For many years he taught mine safety at Garrett Community College, McHenry, Md., and the Educational Center, Kingwood. He was a graduate of the Aurora High School and was a U.S. Army veteran. He was a former member and past chief of the Aurora Volunteer Fire Department and was a former member of the Union Ambulance Co., Aurora. He played guitar for the Playin' Country Band. He is survived by his wife, Ellen B. (Martin) Baker; three daughters, Barbara Schrock, Aurora, Brenda Roy, Keyser and Carole Pennington, Parsons; three sons, Kenneth Baker and Hayward Baker, both of Aurora and Spc4 David Baker, USA, Schofield, Hawaii; two sisters, Deloris Graham, Albright and Connie Nicklow, Aurora; one brother, Hayward Baker, Bethel Park, Ohio; and 16 grandchildren. Family and friends and will be received at the Stewart Funeral Home, 32 S. Second St, Oakland, Md., from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., Monday, June 18. Services will be held at the funeral home at 7 p.m. on Monday with the Rev. Scott Rush officiating. Cremation will follow the service.
Unidentified Newspaper, about Friday, June 15, 2007
(Courtesy of Mary Teets)
Posted November 14, 2010

BAKER, William H.
PATTERSON CREEK - William H. Baker, 81, died yesterday at his home at Patterson Creek after an illness of three years. A retired Baltimore and Ohio Railroad employee, he had resided here for 56 years. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees and St. Paul's Methodist Church here. A native of Fort Ashby, he was the son of the late Jonathan and Julia (Rice) Baker. His first wife, Mrs. Susan (Malone) Baker, died a number of years ago. He is survived by his present wife, Mrs. Fannie (Logsdon) Baker, two daughters, Mrs. Auda Wilburn of Martinsburg, and Mrs. Ethel Haycock, Pinto; a foster daughter, Mrs. Mary Baldwin, Patterson Creek; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The body is at the residence and will be taken to Trinity Methodist Church, Fort Ashby, Sunday at noon. Services will be held in the church at 2 p. m. with Rev. Alonzo Harman and Rev. Wilbur Elliott officiating. Burial will be in Fort Ashby Cemetery.

The Cumberland Evening Times, Thursday, November 6, 1958
(Courtesy of Sheryl Kelso)
Posted September 3, 2015

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